Diocesan Council Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held Friday, 30 October 2012 at 10:30am
at the Diocesan Office, GreenIsland, Dunedin.
ActionPresent: / The Right Rev’d Dr Kelvin Wright (Chair), Mr Wynston Cooper, Rev’d Stu Crosson, Mrs Anne Gover, Rev’d Judy Johnson, Mr Murray Jones, Rev’d Eric Kyte, Mrs Margaret McLanaghan,Rev’d Michael Wallace and Mr Max Whitaker
In Attendance: / Rev’d Alec Clark, Rev’d Jan Clark, Mrs Liz Duggan, Rev’d John Franklin,Mr Keith Gover, Jennifer & Mrs B L Miller
Apologies: / Rev’d Richard Aitken and Mr Benjamin Brock-Smith
Prayers: / The Bishop opened the Council with Prayer
Previous Minutes: / The previous minutes of the Council meeting held 28September 2012 having been circulated, were confirmedas amended
Matters Arising: / Re the Hermeneutics Hui, possible candidates are: Jenny Campbell, Helen Wilderspin, Trevor James, Chris Holmes, Mal Falloon & Hugh Bowron – the Bishop to write to these and ask for expressions of interest. The Diocesan Manager to circulate Statute 1 to the Council / Bishop
Diocesan Manager
Correspondence: / Nil not covered elsewhere
Strategic Direction / The Bishop has received some feedback from Southland re the strategic plans which is mixed, Bishop to visit for a couple of days next week.
Other Archdeaconries’ have been discussing the strategic plans and have also put forward a number of perceptive questions as the situation continues to be debated and considered.
Feedbackfrom Parishes and Individuals re strategic plan – Bishop to send a reminder that people are invited to give feedback - Archdeacons to be asked to collate and return to the Bishop and Diocesan Council
Working Group: Eric Kyte, Liz Duggan, Keith Gover, Murray Jones & the Bishop to look at common trends, patterns and concerns coming from the feedback. / Bishop & Archdeacons
Working Group
General: / Issues From Synod
Out of Synod, the Council to follow up on:
- Size of Synod (motion 5) – issue to be deferred until the diocesan strategic changes are further developed
- Marriage (motion 9)- Hui date set as Saturday, 25 May – the Bishop to invite parishes to discuss issues of marriage and human sexuality, Michael Wallace and Alec Clark to ask Michael Hughes for any currently circulating information,to gather this and put together for parishes to discuss
- Conflicts of interest (motion 13) – James Harding to provide some further feedback to Diocesan Council
The Council agreed all casual mileage in the diocese be at 39 cents
Insurance Board and Regulations
Nothing further to report – still waiting for a response from AIB
Terms of Reference
Requested for the November meeting
Committee Appointments
Re Membership of Committees:
Tim Vial and Rosena Scott-Fife have accepted the invitation to join this group and Viv Galletly and Tim Hurd have resigned
Chris Rodger’s resignation has been accepted
Felicia Wade’s resignation has been accepted and she has been replaced bySteve Metzger
Ms Andrea Derbidge(not Anthea)
Max Whitaker has accepted appointment to the Pension Committee and the Bishop is to approach Andrew Metcalfe
Keith Gover to follow up on the way representatives are appointed to the Southland Social Justice Group
James Harding is also on this Board
Structural Engineering Assessment Results
After a month of prayer, discussion and agreement with the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board, the Council agreed that re IEP results for diocesan parish buildings:
- If the result is 14.99% or below –the building is to be closed to use until advice is received by Diocesan Council that it is safe to use
- If the result is between 15% and the Current Building Code, discussion re alternatives is to begin with diocesan commissioners
- If the result is the current building code or above, additional strengthening is voluntary
The Bishop to communicate to parishes / Bishop
Michael Wallace & Alec Clark
Next meeting: / The next meeting of the Diocesan Council will be Tuesday, 27November, 10:30am at the Diocesan Office.
Minutes confirmed ...... …....Chairperson