Transportation and Public Works Committee
Meeting Minutes1
December 8, 1999
Wednesday, December 8, 1999
MEMBERS: / PRESENT:W. Kinsella, Chair / W. Kinsella
J. Taylor, Vice-Chair / J. Taylor*
B. Anderson / B. Anderson
A. Bolstad / A. Bolstad
Councillor R. Noce*
Councillor D. Thiele*
S. Thompson, Office of the City Clerk
*Attended part of the meeting.
Councillor W. Kinsella called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Councillor J. Taylor was absent.
Councillor R. Noce was in attendance.
R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department, answered the Committee's questions.
MOVED B. Anderson:
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee Agenda for the December 8, 1999 meeting be adopted
a)with the addition of the following:
G.1.k. CExpropriation of Land Located at 7527 - 99 Street from Hye-Kyu Sohn.
b)with the deletion of the following:
G.1.h. CExpropriation of Property at 11855 - 184 Street from Stankay Holdings Ltd.
G.1.i. CExpropriation of Land at 12310 - 184 Street from Leo Pernisch and Angus McDonald.
G.1.j. CExpropriation of Property at 11530 - 184 Street from Gazez Investments Ltd. and Waclaw Michal Szlichcinski (or his estate).
FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella.
ABSENT:J. Taylor.
MOVED B. Anderson:
That the Minutes of the November 23, 1999 Transportation and Public Works Committee Meeting be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella.
ABSENT:J. Taylor.
Councillor D. Thiele entered the meeting.
MOVED A. Bolstad:
That items D.2.a., G.1.a., G.1.b. C, and G.2.a. be exempted for debate; and
D.3.a.Update on the Premier's Task Force on Infrastructure
That the revised due date of Feb. 8, 2000 be approved. / Transportation and StreetsDue: Feb. 8, 2000
G.1.c.CPurchase of Surplus Rail Right of Way Commencing from 96 Street through to 118 Avenue from C.N. Properties Inc.
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the purchase of the surplus rail right of way, between 96 Street and 118 Avenue from C.N. Properties Inc. for $1,136,160.00, be approved.
G.1.d.CExpropriation of Property North of 50 Street and East of Manning Drive from Clareview Estates Inc. or such other Party under Agreement for Sale.
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the Administration be authorized to take all steps required by the Expropriation Act in furtherance of the expropriation of an interest in fee simple together with all rights, titles and interests of 3.22 hectares (7.956 acres) more or less being a Portion of Plan 9221245, Lot S, containing 14.75 hectares (36.45 acres) more or less excepting thereout: Plan 9320390 – subdivision 1.22 hectares (3.01 acres) more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals, registered in the name of Clareview Estates Inc. under Certificate of Title Number 932 282 683 + 12, or such other party under agreement for sale, together with all right, title and interest in and to the aforesaid land of all persons, including the registered interests of Northwestern Utilities Limited as to a Public Utility Board Order, Guaranty Properties Limited as to an interest in land, The Board of Public Utility Commissioners Order No. 15348 as to a pipe line and MICC Properties Inc. as to a mortgage.
G.1.e.CExpropriation of Property Located at 101 Street and Ellerslie Road from Don and Ruth Younie.
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the Administration be authorized to take all steps required by the Expropriation Act in furtherance of the expropriation of an interest in fee simple together with all rights, titles and interests in Lot 1, Plan 792-2326 containing 0.528 hectares (1.30 acres), more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals and registered in the name Don and Ruth Younie under Certificate of Title Number 912-115-701 together with all right, titles and interest in and to the aforesaid land of all persons, including the registered interests of Harriet Bertha Younie mortgage, CIBC Mortgage Corporation mortgage, CIBC Mortgage Corporation caveat, CIBC Mortgage Corporation assignment of lease, CIBC Mortgage Corporation mortgage amending agreement, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce agreement charging land and interest of Ellerslie Plant and Garden Center (if any).
G.1.f.CExpropriation of Property at 9930 Ellerslie Road from Sherri Martens, Timothy Paul Martens, Ursula Schmidt, and Valter Schmidt.
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the Administration be authorized to take all steps required by the Expropriation Act in furtherance of the expropriation of an interest in fee simple together with all rights, titles and interests in a Portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 982-3947 containing 1.061 hectares (2.63 acres), more or less, as outlined on the attached plan print excepting thereout all mines and minerals and registered in the name of Sherri Martens and Timonthy Paul Martens as to an undivided 1/2 interest, and Ursula Schmidt and Valter Schmidt as to an undivided 1/2 interest under Certificate of Title Number 982-270-008 together with all right, titles and interest in and to the aforesaid land of all persons, including the registered interests of a CIBC Mortgage.
G.1.g.CExpropriation of Property at 10012 Ellerslie Road from Classic Landscapes Limited.
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the Administration be authorized to take all steps required by the Expropriation Act in furtherance of the expropriation of an interest in fee simple together with all rights, titles and interests in Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 982-3947 containing 5.98 hectares (14.78 acres), more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals and registered in the name of Classic Landscapes Limited under Certificate of Title Number 982-237-249, together with all right, titles and interest in and to the aforesaid land of all persons, including the registered interests of Toronto Dominion Bank mortgage, T.D. Bank caveats.
G.1.k.CExpropriation of Land Located at 7527 - 99 Street from Hye-Kyu Sohn.
1.That the City of Edmonton hereby approves the expropriation of an interest in fee simple in the following land:
Plan 2239X
Block 1
Lots 1 and 2
Excepting Thereout All Mines and Minerals
standing in the name of Hye-Kyu Sohn, of Edmonton, Alberta, as the registered owner in the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District under Certificate of Title No. 922 225 284, together with all the rights, titles and interests in and to the aforesaid land of all persons, including the registered interest under an Encroachment Agreement in writing dated July 30, 1992.
2.That the City of Edmonton hereby authorizes the appropriate officials of the City of Edmonton to sign and seal the Certificate of Approval and to carry out all necessary acts required by the Expropriation Act in order to complete the expropriation of the said land.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella.
ABSENT:J. Taylor.
Councillor J. Taylor entered the meeting.
MOVED B. Anderson:
1.That the following item be made debatable to allow action motions to be made in response to the content of the report:
D.2.a.Status Update of St. Michael's Cemetery (R. Noce).
2.That the Committee hear from the following delegation:
D.2.a.Status Update of St. Michael's Cemetery (R. Noce).
Ed Hladunewich, St. Michael's Cemetery.
FOR THE MOTION:B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
D.1.a."District Energy" (D. Thiele).
EPCOR is involved in planning towards a concept of "District Energy" with the re-construction of the Rossdale generating plant. I would like to know:1.How many buildings are owned by the City of Edmonton in the downtown area, river valley and Strathcona area? Please provide a list of these buildings.
2.What other facilities (eg. The Winspear Centre, the Citadel, the LRT tunnel system, swimming pools, etc.) could be included on this list?
3.What is the remaining life of the heating and cooling systems for the buildings and facilities listed above?
4.Is there an opportunity within the City's Environmental Strategic Plan and/or Energy Conservation Program to consider district heating and cooling as a possible solution to reduce energy consumption and green-house gas production associated with the heating and cooling of City and private facilities? / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: Feb. 8, 2000
D.1.a. cont'd.
Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: Feb. 8, 2000
D.2.a.Status Update of St. Michael's Cemetery (R. Noce).
E. Hladunewich, St. Michael's Cemetery, made a presentation and answered the Committee's questions.
R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department; and W.D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee's questions.
MOVED A. Bolstad:
That the November 22, 1999 Transportation and Streets Department report be received for information. / Transportation & StreetsCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
G.1.b.CLand Sale to Centerfund (Northwood) Corporation.
R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department, and R. Daviss, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee's questions.
MOVED J. Taylor:
That the Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That City Council approve the sale of portions of surplus roadway located at 97 Street and 137 Avenue to Centerfund (Northwood) Corporation as outlined on the attached plan print for $1,516,098.00, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions as outlined in Attachment 1 (of the November 18, 1999 Asset Management and Public Works Department report).
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
G.1.a.Capital Region Sewage Commission Meeting Between the Capital Region Sewage Commission and Edmonton's Transportation and Public Works Committee.
W.D. Burn, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee's questions.
K. Sawatzky, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee's questions.
MOVED J. Taylor:
1.That the verbal report be received for information.2.That the Asset Management and Public Works Department come back to this Committee on January 25, 2000 with a report on how the City can take the next steps in working with the Capital Region Sewage Commission. / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Due: Jan. 25, 2000
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
G.2.a.Change Order Transportation and Streets Contract No. 9912 (Tender No. 879249) Groat Road Multi-Use Facility.
R. Millican, General Manager, and G. Boston, Transportation and Streets Department, answered the Committee's questions.
MOVED J. Taylor:
1.That the awarding of Tender No. 879249 to K-Rite Construction Ltd., in the amount of $957,031.82 (including GST) for the Groat Road Multi-Use Facility, be ratified.2.That Tender No. 879249 for the Groat Road Multi-use Facility be extended by $300,000.00, plus GST in the amount of $21,000.00, for a total value of $321,000.00. The revised contract value will be $1,278,031.82 (including GST). / Transportation & Streets
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
MOVED A. Bolstad:
That a report be prepared by the Administration summarizing the City's efforts relative to recovering costs from the consultants on this project and the steps being taken to avoid repeating this situation in the future. / Transportation & StreetsDue: June 13, 2000
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, A. Bolstad, W. Kinsella, J. Taylor.
Councillor W. Kinsella asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.
(Sec. 100. B.L. 9999, as amended)
The meeting adjourned at 2:23 p.m.
Transportation and Public Works Committee
Meeting Minutes1
December 8, 1999