Training Manual
St. Louis Baseball


Delaware North Companies

S p o r t s e r v i c e

St. Louis Baseball

Busch Stadium

Our Service Promise

“Creating special experiences one guest at a time.”

Welcome to Sportservice 4

Parking 4

Individual Games 4

Season Passes 4

About the Ballpark 5

How to Achieve a Guest Service Focus 7

Secret Shoppers 7

Guestpath Universal Service Standards 9

Telephone Courtesy 10

Guestpath Service Recovery 10

L.A.S.T. 11

Using the Log: 11

Guestpath phrases to use when. . . . . . 12

Stadium Admission Requirements 12

Report Times 12

General Work Rules 13

Preparing Yourself and the Concession Stand 14

The appearance standards for Sportservice at Busch Stadium 14

Game Day Procedures 15

Rain Delays/Rain Outs 16

Patriotism 16

Working Together 16

Work Standards and Performance 16

Safety First - It's Everyone's Responsibility 16

Injuries 17

Food Safety and Sanitation 17

Crisis Management Response Plan 18

Compliance with Liquor Laws 19

Terminal (Micro) Instructions 21

Over Ring Report 28

Over Ring Report Example 28

Money Procedures at Individual Terminals 29

Summary of Event Activities 29

Guest Sales 30

Counterfeit Bills 31

The New $100 Bill 32

General Money Procedures for Stand Cashiers 32

Bank Issuance 32

Bank Verification and Security 33

Currency and Coin 33

Busch Bucks 34

Cardinal Dollar Coupons 34

Sportservice Gift Coupons 35

Designated Driver Coupons 35

Cardinal Care Scratch-Off Coupons 35

Credit Cards 35

Credit Card Transactions: 35

Manual Credit Card Slip 36

Voids 36

Checks 36

U.S. Travelers Checks 37

Presidential Coins 37

Cash drops 37

Coupon Examples 38

Coupon Examples Continued 39

Cash Pick-up Example 40

currency Strap (Bundling) Procedures 41

Currency Strap Examples 41

Change Form Example 42

Starting Bank Amounts 43

Main Cash Slip Example 44

Terminal Cash Slip 45

Stand Log Form - Front 46

Stand Log Form - Back 47

St. Louis Sportservice, LLC Alcohol Service Rules 48

Sportservice, LLC Alcohol Policy and Acknowledgement 49

Associate Handling Customer Credit Card Information 50

Welcome to Sportservice

The company was founded by three brothers, Charles, Marvin and Louis Jacobs in 1915. Marvin started the concession business by selling popcorn to guests in the Academy Theatre's gallery in Buffalo, New York during the winter months. However, because there was no air conditioning, theatres generally closed during the summer. To keep their Associates working year-round, the three brothers looked for summer business outdoors which eventually led to baseball. In 1919, the brothers expanded to a ballpark in Baltimore, and later entered into a contract with the team in Buffalo. They began building their relationships with baseball by working cooperatively with teams.

Today, Jeremy M. Jacobs, son of Louis Jacobs, is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Delaware North Corporation, the parent company of Sportservice -- a position he has held since 1968.

The company has grown from humble beginnings to a global market leader with $1.6 billion in revenues and is one of the largest privately held companies in the U.S. Today, with an outstanding reputation as a world-class company in the food service and hospitality, Delaware North Companies (DNC) is a diversified international holding company headquartered in Buffalo, New York. DNC employs more than 40,000 people throughout the world. St. Louis Sportservice has been providing food and beverage service at Busch Stadium since 1966. Sportservice is proud of its accomplishments and its leadership position among concessionaires. For over seventy-five years, Sportservice has been serving major league stadiums with concessions. In addition, it operates fine dining and catering throughout Busch Stadium. Lastly, Sportservice is responsible for all retail operations both inside and outside of Busch Stadium.

Sportservice has provided service at the St. Louis Baseball Cardinal World Series in 1967, 1982, 1987, 2004 and 2006. We were also excited to be a part of the 2009 All-Star game that was played here at Busch Stadium in July of 2009. From parties to special catered events -- even weddings -- we take great pride in our service and commitment to our guests of Busch Stadium in Saint Louis. Welcome to Busch Stadium! Your time at the stadium will be most productive for you and your organization if you follow the guidelines described below.

Our Commitment to our Guests

§ Our Guests are the most important people in our business.

§ Our Guests are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.

§ Our Guests are not an interruption of our work. Our Guests are the purpose for our work.

§ Our Guests are not just money in the cash drawer. They deserve to be treated with respect.

§ Our Guests deserve the most courteous attention we can give them.

§ Our Associates and volunteers are the key to our success. They provide outstanding guest service that sets Sportservice apart from all the others.

Most important, our guests are "sports fans" who want quick, friendly service, so they can return to enjoy the event and their memorable experience.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who performs it. Autograph your work with excellence. Thank you for joining our team. We hope you have an enjoyable and lucrative experience with us.


The Cardinals and Central Parking System have worked together to provide closer, more cost-effective parking for our Associates. Parking for Associates is available at the Starr Parking Lot, located on the west side of 7th Street between Cerre and Poplar Streets. Two payment options are available:

Individual Games

Discounted parking passes may be purchased at training on a game-by-game basis for the discounted rate of 7.00 per event. This rate is available for all 2011 season baseball games, including weekday afternoon games. To receive the discount, Associates must purchase coupon tickets from the 405 Sportservice lobby area.

Season Passes

Season Passes are available for $567.00. This pass will be honored for all 2011 regular season games including weekday afternoon games. Season passes may be purchased by completing a request form and sending the request form with a check to Central Parking Systems. Season passes may also be purchased in person from the Central Parking office at 720 Olive St., Suite 1650 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

About the Ballpark


Our concession stands boast a wide variety of foods to suit everyone's tastes:

Burgers, Pizza, Nachos, BBQ Pork & Beef, Chicken, Turkey Legs, Soda, Water, Hot Dogs, Bratwurst, Pretzels, Burritos, Fries, Ice Cream, Pretzels, Beer

Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)

Bank of America ATM’s are located at the following sections:

Level l-Behind Section 597 or -Behind Section 145

Level 3 -Redbird Club (cannot access without club ticket) Level 4 -Behind Section 334 or -Behind Section 356

Back Stop Bar

Located behind home plate (Section 150) on level one.

Bank of America Club

Located on the 3rd base side on level 3. Accommodates 2 to 250 people. All inclusive in the ticket price.

Bud Light Bar

Located behind section 597 in the outfield.


Located behind section 153 on level one.

Cardinal Club Lounge

Entrance is located at Gate 2. This club is for ticket holders only and is an all inclusive club.

Casino Queen Black Jack Bar

This bar is located on level 2 in left field.

Coca-Cola Rooftop Deck

Located in Ford Plaza in centerfield. Accommodates 2 to 66 people and is an all inclusive area.

Community Relations

Guests wishing to inquire about donations for charities players appearances, Cardinals Care, etc. should call our Community Relations Department at (314) 345-9887.

Concessions Stands

Gashouse Grill - Located at Sections 132, 146, 150, 154, 233, & 450 Ballpark Favorites - Located at Sections 162, 169, & 437

Hardees’s - Located at Sections 135 & 458

El Birdos’ Cantina - Located at Section 148

El Birdos' Gourmet Nachos - Located at Section 141 Tipple Play Concessions - Located at Sections 152 & 270 Dizzys' Dinner - Located at Sections 139, 161, & 446 Left Field Pavilion - Located at Section 265

Left Field Porch Grill- Located at Section 271 Riverview Corner Concessions - Located at Section 432 Plaza Grill - Located at Section 501

Family Pavilion - Located at Section 507 Broadway BBQ - Located at Section 509

Please see our product guide to see where items are located.

First Aid

Level 1 - Behind section 147 or on Level 4 - Behind Section 351

Guest Relations

Level 1 Located behind section 148 or on Level 4 located behind section 340

Homer's Landing

Located in the U.S. Cellular Family Pavilion, near the right field bleachers. Accommodates 2 to 80 people and is an all inclusive area.

Kids' Crew Club

The Cardinals Crew Kids Club is for all fans 15 and under. Each year the club features a different player and members receive great benefits - Including tickets to a Cardinals game and an invitation to a private, member’s only autograph party at Busch Stadium.

Members interested in joining may visit the special Cardinals Crew area located in the U.S. Cellular Family Pavilion to purchase a membership and get their membership package. They also can order online at www.stlcardinals.comor call (314)345-9600.

Legends Club

Legends Club is located on level 2 by the Casino Queen Bar. This club is an all inclusive club.


Metrolink normally runs until midnight. If the Cardinals game goes past midnight, Metrolink will continue running until the downtown platform is cleared. For Metrolink and bus schedules call (314) 231-2345.

Musial Bridge

The Musial Bridge is located on the 3rd base side, between Cardinals Luxury Suites and World Championship Party Rooms. Accommodates 40 people.

Party Rooms

-Red bird Row Rooms: 201-219 (Right field Level 2) Accommodates 40 to 660 people.

-Cardinals Legend Rooms: 301-322 (Right field Level 3) Accommodates 30 to 50 people.

Red Bird Club

Is located on Level 3 behind home plate and seat sections for the club are 241-257. A ticket is needed for access.

Redbird Roost (Owners' Suite)

Is located on level two and accommodates 30 people with 20 outdoor seats. Many amenities included.

Tan Company Cabana

Corporate Sales Party Area located in Ford Plaza in centerfield.

Team Stores -Cardinals Team Store

The Official Cardinal Teams Store is located between gates 3 and 4, features the area's best selection of premium Cardinals merchandise, both in the store as well as from the Cardinals team store mail order catalog.

Cardinals Team Store East Satellite Location is located on the main concourse inside of Gate 1 and is open during all stadium events.


Busch Stadium is a smoke-free facility. Exit and re-entry turnstiles will be set up at gates 2, 4, and 1 to allow fans access in and out of the stadium if they wish to smoke.


Field Suites are numbers 1-30 and are located on the Field Level (Between level l and 2) Level two suites are numbers 31-63 and are located on Level 2.


Vendors sell a variety of food and drinks to fans in their seats. Products available are the standard sports fare of Peanuts, Hot Dogs and Beer, as well as Soda, Lemon Chill, Ice Cream and Bottled Water.

Will Call

Paid tickets may be picked up with a valid ID at any open ticket window. Complimentary tickets are left at the special services window located between gates 3 and 4. These windows open 2 hours before game time and close 2 hours after game time. Any tickets not picked up will be held at the late will call window.

Guest Care Commitment

Whether we work directly with guests or behind the scenes, we want all guests to enjoy the complete baseball experience. Treat guests as you would want to be treated when you are at a restaurant or sporting arena. Think of working at the ballpark as putting on a show. The fans are the audience. The only thing the fans should see and experience is the finished product and service. Part of guest service is answering questions from fans. Your knowledge of the ballpark can help us increase sales in other areas.

How to Achieve a Guest Service Focus

The fans are guests in our stadium. They are to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy at all times.

It is our responsibility to provide quality service.

Disabled guests may have special service needs. Please make every effort to meet those needs, or contact a supervisor for assistance.

When serving, keep these service tips in mind

§ Serve guests as soon as possible. If unable to serve them immediately, be sure to acknowledge them and let them know that service is coming.

§ Always address the guest with a confident, positive greeting. Make eye contact and give a friendly smile.

§ Be energetic, confident, and attentive, showing continued interest. Be familiar with all products being sold.

§ Always close each sale with a sincere, "Thank you, and enjoy the game."

§ The guest is the most important person in the establishment and must be served to satisfaction.

§ Listen carefully to what the individual asks for and accommodate the request whenever possible. The guest has the right to change his or her mind. Be understanding and maintain self control.

§ Know the locations of important areas of concern (examples: restrooms, phones, first aid, ATM, etc. Refer to the map at the beginning of this hand book for locations.) If you don't know the location, don't give incorrect information to a guest, direct them to Guest relations.

§ The key to successful service is to be well mannered, well-informed and keep the guest's needs first. Every volunteer is empowered to make the guests stay as enjoyable as possible. Courtesy Is Contagious!

Secret Shoppers

Secret Shoppers come to Busch Stadium to evaluate our Associates on GuestPath each season. Shoppers are looking to see if our Associates are practicing the Universal Service Standards, Operational Standards, and Service Recovery if necessary. A third party independent company will perform these shops. Two to three shops are performed each season. The results are listed below for the 2006 inaugural season of GuestPath, through last season.

2006 Season

§ May 17, 2006, St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 93.9%

§ July 13,2006, St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 94.8%

2007 Season

§ May 6, 2007, St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 93.6%

§ July 27,2007, St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 95%

§ September 14,2007, St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 92.2%

2008 Season

· May 14, 2008: St. Louis Baseball Sportservice received an overall score of 94.5%