Liberty University

School of Education

Doctorate oF eDUCATION

Research Consultant Form: Quantitative Research

When submitting your manuscript to a research consultant for review, please complete and submit the following form. This form should be no longer than 2-8 pages. Keep your descriptions brief. Use the appropriate checklist below to ensure that this form and all corresponding materials are submitted in the correct location for the review.

Contact Information

Role / Name / Email
Research Consultant
Checklist for Prospectus Submission
Ensure that the manuscript is formatted in accordance with the SOE Prospectus Template
Upload the manuscript to the EDUC 980 Blackboard SafeAssign submission location
Upload a manuscript that incorporates all EDUC 919 feedback to the Manuscript Library
Upload a completed Research Consultant Form to the Manuscript Library
Upload the EDUC 980 SafeAssign report to the Manuscript Library
Checklist for Proposal Submission
Ensure that the manuscript is formatted in accordance with the SOE Proposal Template
Upload the manuscript to the EDUC 989 Blackboard SafeAssign submission location
Upload a chair and committee approved manuscript to the Submission Proposal Library
Upload a completed Research Consultant Form to the Submission Proposal Library
Upload the EDUC 989 SafeAssign report to the Submission Proposal Library
Upload a completed, signed IRB application to the IRB Library
Upload a blank IRB evaluation form to the IRB Library (Be sure to evaluate your application using this form to ensure that it contains all needed information)
Checklist for Dissertation Submission
Ensure that the manuscript is formatted in accordance with the SOE Dissertation Template
Upload the manuscript to the EDUC 989 Blackboard SafeAssign submission location
Upload a chair and committee approved manuscript to the Submission Dissertation Library
Upload a completed Research Consultant Form to the Submission Dissertation Library
Upload the EDUC 989 SafeAssign report to the Submission Dissertation Library
Dissertation Title
Statement of the Problem
(1 – 3 sentences with literature support )
Theoretical Framework / Your theoretical framework should frame your study and you should be able to explain how your variables relate to it, and, thus, how you are testing the theory- remember quantitative research is about testing a theory. Filling in Creswell’s (2007) script may help:
The theory, who used it, and it applicability.
}  The theory I will use is_____ (theory name)
}  It was developed by ______(origin, source, developer of the theory), and it was used to study ____ (topic where one finds the theory applies).
Central hypothesis.
}  The theory indicates that_____ (identify propositions or hypotheses).
Adaption of the theory to study.
}  As applied to my study, this theory holds that I would expect my independent variable(s)______to influence or explain my dependent variables_____ because ______(provide rationale based on the logic of the theory).
Purpose Statement
(1 sentence)
(Template adapted from Creswell, 2003, 2007) / The purpose of this ______( true experimental? Causal comparative? Correlational? Pretest-postest control group?) study is to test the theory of ______that ______(compares? relates?) the ______(independent variable, variable of interest) to ______(dependent variable), controlling for ______(control variables) for ______(participants) at ______(the research site).
The independent variable(s)/ one of the variables of interest ______will be generally defined as ______(provide a general definition).
The dependent variable(s)/ other variable of interest will be generally defined as ______(provide a general definition), and the control and intervening variables(s), ______(identify the control and intervening variables) will be statistically controlled in this study.
Research Questions and Hypotheses
(2 -5 questions) / Research Question 1
Alternative hypotheses:
Null hypotheses:
Research Question 2
Alternative hypotheses:
Null hypotheses:
Variables and Instruments/ Measurement
(identify the type of variable and how it will be operationally defined/ measured) / Variable:
Measurement or Operational Definition:
The following information for each instrument should be included:
}  The instrument. Cite it.
}  The variable the instrument is being used to measure in the study
}  A description of the instrument, its content, and its origin
}  Information about the appropriateness of the instrument (also good selection criteria)
o  What support exists for the use with population selected for the study (e.g. adults, adolescents, etc.)?
o  What support exists for the use in the setting selected for the study (e.g. online)?
o  Does the instrument conceptualize the construct in the manner you conceptualize it?
}  Information about the measurement characteristics
o  Structure (subscale, instrument items, etc.)
o  Validity
§  3 most common
§  Content validity– do items measure the content that they were intended to measure?
§  Predictive or concurrent validity – do results correlate with other results?
§  Construct validity – do items measure constructs ?
o  Reliability
§  The most common are:
}  Internal consistency – are items’ responses consistent across constructs? (e.g. Cronbach alpha, want above .80)
}  Test – retest- are scores stable over time?
}  Report reliability statistics, including how reliability will be examined for your data. For example, it is common to report the internal reliability of the instrument for the data set using Cronbach’s alpha.
}  If applicable, scoring information for the composite and subscales needs to be included (e.g. range of possible score and interpretation of scores)
}  Permission information (e.g. publisher or author letter)
}  Tool used for administration (e.g. Survey monkey, etc)
If there is a case where an instrument is created for the purpose of the study, the procedures followed for development, reliability information, and validity information needs to be provided. The protocol used for developing the instrument should be informed by the research and procedures followed should be cited.
Participants / Brief description of sample:
Type of sampling:
Sampling procedures:
Sample size:
Setting/Site / Brief description:
Rationale for selection:
Research Design
(if using more than one design, identify the corresponding research question number) / Research Design:
Rationale for the design (use citations):
Threats to Validity and Plans for Control
Procedures (list)
Data Analysis
(identify an analysis for each null hypothesis) / Null hypothesis #:
Rationale for the analysis (use citations):
Findings (in relation to each null hypothesis)

Research Consultant Comments:

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