Clearing Permit Application Checklist
1 / There are two types of clearing permit: “Area” and “Purpose” permits:An Area Permit (form C1) can only be applied for on the following land tenure types:
Crown Lease; Mining Lease (M); or General Purpose Lease (G)
If the proposed clearing area falls on any other land tenure types (including all types of Petroleum tenure), then a Purpose Permit (form C2) should be applied for.
Correct type of Permit has been applied for?
2 / The Company Name on the application form must match the registered Company Name
3 / All fields on the Application Form must be completed
4 / The applicationform must be signed by a person who has the authority to apply for a clearing permit on behalf of the company. Please attach a letter of authority from the Company Director (unless previously provided).
5 / The correct application fee must be included with the application
(refer to Fees section of the application form).
6 / In most cases, Mining Act tenure or Petroleum tenure should be Live.
For consideration of clearing applications on pending tenure, the applicant must provide evidence that the tenure will soon be granted and that there is a legal right of access (eg. a letter of intention from a statutory authority to grant the title).
7 / The purpose of the proposed clearing must be compatible with the tenure type/s,
(for example: Mining cannot be conducted on an Exploration Licence).
8 / Are all Tenements/Leases in the name of the applicant? / NO go to step 8(a)
YES go to step 9
8(a) A Letter of Authority must be provided from Tenement/Lease Holder/s, authorising the applicant to apply for a clearing permit and conduct the proposed works on their tenement.
9 / A spatial file in ESRI shapefile format of the area proposed to clear should be provided. The shapefile must contain a polygon that represents the outer extent of the area in which the proposed clearing is to take place. If indicative locations of clearing within this outer boundary can be determined, they should be provided in a separate PDF or hard copy, but not as a shapefile
NB: If spatial information cannot be provided, a scaled map of the area proposed to clear must be provided, including latitude and longitudes (coordinates) of the outer boundary of the area within which the proposed clearing is to take place.
10 / The shapefile must be located wholly within the tenements listed on the application form. (The application form should list ONLY the tenements that are intersected by the shape-file.)
11 / Supporting documentation should be included with your application.
(Please refer toApply for a Clearing permitfor further details of the types of supporting information that should be provided with your application)
12 / The size, shape and location of the shapefile should be consistent with maps and descriptions of the proposed activity provided in the supporting documentation
13 / Either 13a: For Area permits
The size of the area applied to clear must be the SAME size as the shape-file
OR 13b: For PURPOSE Permits
The area applied to clear must be LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the size of the shape-file
Contact the Environment Division on (08) 9222 3570 if you require any assistance.
ENV-NVAB-092.docx / Mineral House 100 Plain Street East Perth Western Australia 6004Telephone +61 8 9222 3333 Facsimile +61 8 9222 3862
ABN 69 410 335 356