How to Start and Maintain a Playgroup

Each BMA playgroup is free to organize to best meet the needs of its members. Please use this as a guide and feel free to make changes along the way to better suit your group. Please contact me for guidance, because I’m here to help!

BMA Playgroup Chair: Nathalie Cabansag

(417) 766-7298

Choose a Playgroup Coordinator

The first step is to choose who would like to act as the playgroup coordinator. This person will be in charge of organizing and leading the group. They will be the first contact for new members, communicate between the group and the BMA board, encourage the playgroup’s development, and attend an annual meeting for all playgroup coordinators. Also, keep in mind that this doesn’t have to be a permanent position; it can change at the preference of the group.

Create a directory and organize a way to communicate

The playgroup coordinator should create a directory of your group’s members. Using a sharing site like Google Docs work very well so that members can edit their information at any time. You can decide how much information you’d like to share with each other, but the typical directory looks like this:

First Name / Last Name / Address / Phone / Spouse / Child Name / Child DOB
Nathalie / Cabansag / 1234 W St. KC / 417-766-7298 / Antonio / Audriana / 11/12/13

The first communication you will have with each other will most likely be done in email, and works well for sharing documents and organizing your first meetings. Another option is to create a private Facebook group. This will make sharing photos and articles easier, and let you get to know each other a little more intimately. There is a phone app, called GroupMe. It allows your group to have a real-time running dialogue where you can share photos, organize impromptu play dates, and chat. It also has a built-in calendar so the playdate host can create an event and track RSVPs.

As new members join your group, the playgroup coordinator will need to add them to all of your documents and communication outlets.

Start Meeting

Set up a day and time of the week that works for everyone. Typically playgroups meet one day per week for approximately 2 hours. Think of nap and preschool schedules when planning a time, and change the time as needed to accommodate most members.

The playgroup coordinator should start a spreadsheet of the next 2-3 months and ask each member to sign up to host. Google Docs works really well for this because each member has the ability to edit their entry as needed. Here is an example:

Date / Host / Location
Wednesday October 10th
Wednesday October 17th / Nathalie / Arno Park : corner of Ward Pkwy & Arno Rd
Wednesday October 24th

It is the Host’s responsibility to email/message the group and remind them of the upcoming play date and provide an address and directions if needed. If the host is sick or becomes unavailable, please message your group as soon as possible so other arrangements can be made.

Some members are apprehensive to host in their home due to space limitations, but it works best if every member partakes and hosts occasionally. Other options for playdates are:

Parks and splash parks (Loose Park, Franklin Park, etc.), Coffee shops, Library (Plaza library baby bounce and story time), Union Station (including the model train experience), Crown Center (including the children’s exhibit), Sea Life and Legoland, Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead, Kansas City Zoo, Gymboree and other children’s gyms, Seasonal events (apple orchards, pumpkin patches, Easter egg hunts, etc.), and indoor gyms (Sylvester Powell, Matt Ross, etc.).

Social Activities

Once you get to know each other you may decide to get together without the children. Most playgroups have Mom and Dad nights every month. This can be a happy hour, movie night, dinner, or activity. Getting the parents together will help strengthen your groups bond and provide some often much needed adult interaction!

Over time members will have additional children and it’s a good idea to decide as a group how you’d like to handle these special events, so that no one feels left out. Some playgroups decide to host a little baby shower as a group for the new family and some choose to do a meal train to supply a cooked meal.

Play Group Etiquette

It’s a good idea to discuss snacks and allergies with your group. Since little ones often “share” their snacks with others; please be mindful if someone can’t have dairy, peanuts, etc. Some playgroups choose to have the host mom supply snacks for everyone, and some choose to have each member bring something for themselves.

Some members run a successful in-home business selling supplements, skin care products, jewelry, homeware, etc. Please don’t bombard your fellow members with sales pitches. As a good rule of thumb; mention your profession once and offer information if someone asks for it.

If your child is sick with a fever/diarrhea/rash/vomiting, please consider skipping playgroup. Some illnesses are unavoidable and more than likely are not a problem; such as a runny nose in winter or allergy symptom in springs.

If you are hosting in your home, please let other members know if you have pets or smoke inside your home. Due to allergies this could be problematic for some members and they may choose to skip that play date.

Watch your group grow and thrive!

BMA playgroups usually grow fast once your listed on the roster and meeting regularly. If you find that your group is getting so large that you have trouble fitting into homes, the playgroup coordinator has the option to close the group to new members. You can always open your group again if you find that your attendance is low or some members have moved away. Please let me know if you think it’s time to close your group and I will update the roster.

Hopefully you will find some close friendships in your group. Since playgroups are large groups of socializing women, it does take some work to keep up the positive nature of the group. Therefore, care should be taken to include all members in all large functions. It’s normal to meet outside of playgroup with some of the women who you may have gotten close to. However if certain moms are always included/excluded, it can become a problem. If you have any issues, please let me know.