„A present for Santa Claus”

(On the radio there’s an old song: „I’mdreaming of a whiteChristmas”).

Santa Claus: Rubbish ! Howcanhesingsomethinglikethat ! I’mfedupwiththis snow, withthisfrost, withthisdarkness, withthese Northern Lights, withthiseverything. Oh how I hatewinter and allthisstuff.


‘I’vegotthewintertime, wintertimesadness. Winter, wintertime, wintertimesadness. I’vegotthewintertime, wintertimesadnessoooh. Ho, ho, ho…”

Elf: Hey, Santa what’sthematterwithyou? Come on, get a grip. It’sDecember, Youmust be already on duty !

Santa: On duty ! On duty! Always on duty ! On duty inwinter, because of Christmaspresents, on duty insummerbecause of touristshereinthe North Pole. I haven’thadholidays since… ever ! I need a rest, I needthesunshine, I needholidays !

Reindeer: But Santa, whataboutallthechildrenwhocan’twaityou! Howcanyou be so selfish ? So egoistic?

Santa: Me? Egoistic? Thesedayskidsdon’tbelieveinSanta Claus, theyonly believeinpresents. That’sall ! Nobodycares for me, nobodyloves me. I’m so lonely…

(Santa startscrying. In thebackground the song „Lonely, I’mMr. Lonely”).

Elf: (do renifera)I’mafraidthesituationisserious. He seems to sufferfromwinterdepression. He is a complete mess. He needs to recharge his batteriessomewhere,whereis hot and sunny. And we must help him.

Reindeer:Indeed, you areright we must help him. He ought to rest and I guessheshouldfind a soulmate atlast. Beeing a single is not good for himanymore. But whatshall we do?

Elf: I’vegot an idea ! Let’scall a travelagency and buy him a present: a two-week long packagetoursomewhereintheBahamaswill be a perfecttherapy.

Reindeer: Sounds great ! Contact a travelagency, and book a tripimmediately.

Elf (rozmawia przez telefon) Hello? Am I talkingto theDesert IslandTravelAgency? Great. I’dlike to book a trip to theBahamas as soon as possibile. Even for tomorrow. For how many people? For one person only. But I do hopehe will meeta nice lady there. Name? Santa Claus. Am I joking? Of course, I’m not! Well… yes, I am. His nameis… His nameis…It’s sir Nicolas Sinclaire ! American? No, I wouldn’tsaythat. His addressisinFinland. So let’ssayhe’sFinnish. Whendoesheleave? Tomorrow? Great ! Thankyou so much. Goodbye. And MerryChristmas !

Reindeer: Great ! Let’s tell himthe news.

(Reindeer, after a while…)

Reindeer: Dear Santa, we’vegot a present for you. Youareleaving on holidaystomorrow, totheBahamas. Hereyouaretheticket.

Santa Claus:Wow !I can’tbelieveit ! The first Christmaspresent for ME since EVER ! Thankyou so much ! I loveyouguys ! I’m so happy. Happy and excited. I can’twait. I have to pack my suitcase !

Thanks againguys ! Seeyouintwoweeks ! Or maybelater… Goodbye and ‘MerryChristmas’!

( The song „Sunshine reggae”inthebackground)

Elf: He’sgone. Lucky him… And whatshall we do now? What will we do withallthis mess …

Raindeer: Yeah… Kids, presents, Christmas… and thecommercials of Coca-Cola ?

Elf: How will we copewithouthim?

Reindeer: I’vegot a brillant idea ! YOU will replace Santa for thisChristmas.

Elf: Me? Santa Claus? Areyoucrazy? No one will believe I am Santa Claus.

Reindeer: Come on, dude. Relax. We allknowthatkids no longerbelievein Santa Claus. Theyonlybelieveinpresents.

Elf: Yeah, right. Ho, ho, ho …

(The Reindeer starts dressing the Elf upinthe red Santa’s out fit. TheybothbeginpackingtheChristmas toys for kids. The song „Jinglebells rock”inthebackground)