Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 31st May 2016.
Present Eric and Marcia Andrews Mike and Monica Bancroft Becky Barrett Ray Battye Sam Butler Peter Kettell Bridget and Paul Manley gyujtBob Preston Frances Revels Jennifer Senior Brian and Janet Stokes George and Lesley Taranowski Glenda and Tony Wood.
Apologies Stuart Cole Josie Dressler Angela Elliott Susan Kettell Donna Machin Mandy and David North Vickie Priestley Hilary Sheppard Helen and Mike Smith.
Minutes of last meeting Agreed to be a true record. Proposed P Kettell seconded Marcia Andrews.
Matters arising not on the agenda None.
Treasurer’s report Expenditure £45 Balance £2360.80p Full report with treasure or secretary. We are still awaiting the sponsor money for 2 tubs.
Sculpture Plenty of discussion re the financial help needed to pay for a permanent Tour de France sculpture took place .It was proposed that the WEG donate £250.00p to Robin Widdowson.The majority agreed. Proposed Eric Andrews seconded Sam Butler. Treasurer to sort out payment.
WMVC The date of the concert has been fixed for 7thOctober at Worrall Chapel. It was suggested that it is advertised at the gala and tickets be on sale. Details of who does what to be sorted out later.
Gala Paul discussed the finances of a new smaller WEG banner at the cost of £20.00p +vat This was put to the vote Proposed Paulseconded PeteKettell. All donations for raffle prizes can be left at the Post office or at Donna’s. Donna has asked that all donations are given by 18th June. All Ambers paperwork for the Gala was discussed and sheets handed round. Donna’s and Amber’s email to be circulated. No plants, preserves, booksetc this year. To concentrate on the Raffle ,Bran tub and plenty of publicity.
Working Party This is to be on Saturday 4th June between 10-12. The aim is to work on Lynder Hill. Tony suggested that we buy our own Lawn mower and he will research this. Publicity has been posted and put on face book.
Tubs Eric and Marcia have volunteered to water the 2 troughs on Lynder Hill. Paul has put the sponsor sign on the tub on Long Lane/Kirk Edge Road.
Entrance Signs Marcia has volunteered to plant and water the Long Lane sign and Bridget will plant the one on Haggstones Road. Peter Cordwell will continue watering it.
Facebook /Website These are up and running and Becky and Claire write on them but others can as well.
Parish Councillor No parish matters to report. Vickie is still awaiting a reply from AMEY re the date of Worrall Road being resurfaced.
Planning applications Nothing to report.
AOB There is to be an AMEY road show at the Cock Inn Oughtibridge on Tues 7th June from 3-6pm Vickie Priestley has been officially appointed our Parish rep. June 1st is the moving in date for the first new residents on Top Road. Ray will leaflet drop all the houses in the near future.
Date and time of next meeting provisionally 13th September 7 30pm at the Shoulder of Mutton.