Entity / Relationship Matrix SAMPLE – Course Enrollment

Major Steps in Data Modeling

  1. Identify the entities (see the Entity-Attribute Matrix SAMPLE).
  2. Create the ER Matrix.
  3. Draft 1st ERD.
  4. Normalize.
  5. Create final ERD.
  6. Update the Entity-Attribute Matrix.

Using the ER Matrix

  1. List each Entity both across and down.
  2. Determine whether a relationship exists between entities and define that relationship with a verb phrase. The entity with the greatest number of related entities is usually the center of the diagram
  3. Identify minimum (optional or mandatory) and maximum (only one or one or more).

Student / Course / Room / Instructor
Student / none / Enrolls in;
One or more / none / none
Course / Is taken by:
One or more / none / Held in:
one or more / Assigned to:
one or more
Room / none / Scheduled for:
one or more / none / none
Instructor / none / Teaches:
One or more / none / none

First Draft ERD—Not Normalized

Because Visio does not allow you to draw a single relationship line with M:M, you have to draw two lines showing both sides of the relationship. As you can see from this example, every entity has a M:M relationship with another entity.

Continue to normalize by creating associative entities for the many-to-many relationships. Create new entities necessary to help normalize and group the data.

For this example, the following rules were determined after the first Draft ERD was created.

  1. A course may exist without being offered. (It exists in the catalog.) Courses are scheduled for a term and given a section. It is the scheduled course that students enroll in, that are scheduled in rooms and assigned instructors.
  2. A student can exist without being enrolled in a course
  3. An instructor can exist without being assigned to teach a course
  4. A room can exist without being scheduled for a course

The Normalized ERD is on the next page

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