ANimals big and small




Our Animal Friends

Key Stage Targets (KS2)

Interpersonal Strand/Dimension

-  to establish and maintain relationships and routines in school and other familiar situations (I.D.a)

-  to converse about feelings, interests, preferences, ideas, experiences and plans (I.D.b)

Knowledge Strand/Dimension

-  to provide or find out, organize and present information on familiar topics (K.D.a)

Programme Outline

When we are not feeling well, we go to see the doctor. How about animals? Do they have a doctor to look after them? Michael and George have just found out that while a doctor looks after our health, a vet takes care of animals.

In the story, Michael and George have just adopted a puppy. They discover that it is not easy to take care of a puppy. The puppy has to have a routine that takes up a lot of their time and attention. Then, their puppy is too weak and thin, they decide to take their puppy to the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). They learn a lot of things about owning a dog there. For example, their dog:

-  must have a licence;

-  must be vaccinated against rabies#;

-  must have a microchip imprint (information about the dog); and

-  must wear a lead and a collar when they go out.

Michael and George are very interested in what the vet does. So the vet takes them

to meet some other cats, rabbits (also bunny rabbits) and hamsters. But why are these animals in the SPCA and not at home with their owners? What are their problems?

In this programme, you will also meet some horses, some sea lions and dolphins as well as some cows, goats and a barking deer. Would you like to meet the vets who take care of these animals, big and small?

In general, the programme introduces some animals seen in Hong Kong and different kinds of vets. It also aims at raising pupils’ awareness of animal welfare.

#Rabies is a serious disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die. Rabies is particularly common in dogs.

Communicative Functions

1.  Describe simple processes and situations

2.  Ask and describe what people do regularly and when they do it

3.  Ask for and give explanations

Pre-viewing Activities

1.  For motivation, show pupils pictures or posters about animals. Ask if they like animals and which ones they like most.

2.  Also ask whether pets are allowed in their buildings.

3.  Find out if anyone in the class has got a pet. If they have, ask them questions such as “What pet have you got?” For those who have not got a pet, ask questions such as “What pet would you like to have?”

4.  Invite a few pupils to talk about how they take care of their pets. Suggested questions:

-  “What does your pet eat?”

-  “Where does your pet sleep in?” (e.g. In a basket? In a box? In a bird’s cage?)

-  “How do you take care of it?” (e.g. Do you have to take your pet for a walk everyday? Do you play with your pet everyday? Do you have to give your pet a bath?)

5.  Introduce the outline of the programme. It would be helpful to introduce the words “vet” and the organization “SPCA”.

6.  The animals appearing in this programme include: dogs, cats, rabbits (and bunny rabbits), hamsters, horses, sea lions, sea dolphins, cows, goats and a barking deer.

7.  Help pupils think and predict. In the programme, pupils will see some cats, rabbits and hamsters in the SPCA. Why are the animals there and not at home with their owners? What are the problems? (Some animals are left in the streets and the SPCA collect them back from the streets. Some of them are there because their owners have no time to look after them or they have left Hong Kong.)

While-viewing Activities

Preparation: Ask pupils to pay attention to the questions beforehand.

Watch and listen carefully. (Copymaster 1)

A. Who take cares of animals?

Answer: The vet.

B. Which animals can you see in the programme?

Answers: All correct except No.5, Monkeys and No.10, A snake, these two did not appear in the programme.

C. Which sea animals can you see in the programme?

Answers: Sea lions and dolphins.

Post-viewing Activities

1. Distinguish which animals are big and which ones are small. Group them in the right circles. Answers: BIG ANIMALS: horses, dolphins, goats

SMALL ANIMALS: hamsters, rabbits, cats

2. What sea animals do you know? Your pupils should know at least sea lions and dolphins after watching the programmes. There are others such as fish or sharks that they may also know.

3. A Healthy Routine
This is to reinforce pupils’ use of words to describe the daily routine.

Answers: The puppy, Buddy says, “Michael and George take very good care of me. They take me out to walk, run and play outside everyday. I have a good diet. I eat regularly. I also drink water regularly. I have a healthy routine.

4. Optional Oral Discussion

In the programme, pupils can see some cats, rabbits and hamsters in the SPCA. Why are the animals there and not at home with their owners? What are the problems? Encourage them to give you suggestions.

Suggested answers in the programme:

l  Some animals are left in the streets. The owners don’t want them any more.

l  Their owners have no time to look after them.

l  Their owners have left Hong Kong

(Important message: Do not keep an animal when you do not have time to take care of it or your building does not allow you to keep animals.)

5. A small project

l  About an animal I like

Encourage pupils to go to the library and read a book about an animal they like. Later they can write about the animal. They can also reinforce what they have learned in “A Healthy Routine” and write about how to take care of the animal.

l  Class visit to the SPCA

If possible, organize a class visit to the SPCA to connect classroom learning with life wide learning. Help them find out information on:

1.  How does the SPCA help animals?

2.  How can you become a junior member of the SPCA?

3.  How can you help animals when you are a junior member of the SPCA?


Animals Big and Small

While-viewing Activities

Watch and listen carefully

A. Answer this question:

Who takes care of animals?

The ______.

B. Which animals can you see in the programme?

Please tick the right box.

1.  □ Horses

2.  □ Cats

3.  □ Dogs

4.  □ Hamsters

5.  □ Monkeys

6.  □ Rabbits

7.  □ Cows

8.  □ Goats

9.  □ A barking deer

10.  □ A snake

11.  □ Sea lions

12.  □ Dolphins

C. Which sea animals can you see in the programme?

Please circle the animals.

1. Sea lions 2. Sharks 3. Dolphins 4. Goats


Animals Big and Small

Post-viewing Activities

1.  Animals big and small

Group the animals in the appropriate circle:

horses, hamsters, dolphins, rabbits, goats, cows, cats

2.  What sea animals do you know?

Please write the names here:


3.  A Healthy Routine

Choose the right words to complete the following:

play walk drink healthy eat

The puppy, Buddy says, “Michael and George take very good care of me. They take me out to _____, run and ______outside everyday. I have a good diet. I ______regularly. I also ______water regularly. I have a healthy routine.

Animals Big and Small

Post-viewing Activities

A small project

1. About an animal I like

a. What animal do you like most?

b. Do you know how to take care of it?

c. Go to the library and read a book about the animal you like. Find out more about this animal and write about it.

Name of Animal:
About this animal
Things to do to take care of it

2. A class visit to the SPCA

Find out:

4.  How does the SPCA help animals?

5.  How can you become a junior member of the SPCA?

6.  How can you help animals when you are a junior member of the SPCA?