Mrs. Pillers’ Lesson Plans
Special Notes: Assess fluency in math and ELA this week
MONDAY 8/28/17
8:10-9:00 Morning Work/Attendance/Lunch Count/Bathroom/PBIS: restroom responsible, respectful9:00-9:30 WRITING/GRAMMAR
Shared: Read the big book “From Head to Toe.” Make a list of the movements animals did.
Students will draw a movement from the story and copy and complete the sentence “The ______can ______.”
9:30-10:25 P.E.
11:00-11:20 LUNCH
11:20-11:30 BATHROOM BREAK
11:30-12:30 READING BLOCK
Listening and Learning – K Domain 2, The Five Senses
Lesson 6: The Sense of Touch
Read and ask questions as I go along.
Higher Order Thinking: What are some ways your sense of touch helps you learn about the world? Discuss this with your knee partner.
Engagement strategy: knee partner discussion.
SKILLS: Assessment
PHONICS – Review short vowel sounds/words
**ASSESSMENT: Give word recognition to whole class.
Give Gwen’s Hen reading assessment to those who scored 18+ on the word recognition. Students will read the story and answer questions independently.
Those who finish Gwen’s Hen, or are waiting to say nonsense words, will do independent work at their desks.
Technology - Smartboard
12:35-1:05 RTI MATH
PBIS Lesson - restroom respectful, responsible
1:05-2:35 MATH LESSON
Zearn Lessons 6 & 7: Blast; Learning Lab; Math Chat; Student Notes; Exit Ticket
Engage NY Module 1, lessons 6 & 7, problem set
Both lessons represent put-together situations with number bonds. Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9, and generate expressions for each total.
Higher Order Questions:
Talk with your shoulder partner about the number bond you made for Problem 2, lesson 6. Discuss what other parts you see hiding in 8.
Engagement Strategies: Shoulder Partners
2:45-3:15 RTI READING
PBIS lesson
Mrs. Pillers’ Lesson Plans
Special Notes: Assess fluency in math & ELA
TUESDAY 8/29/17
8:10-9:00 Morning Work/Attendance/Lunch Count/Bathroom8:30-9:00 Title Math
9:00-9:30 Title Reading
9:00-10:30 MATH LESSON
Zearn Lesson 8: Blast; Learning Lab; Math Chat; Student Notes; Exit Ticket
Engage NY Module 1, lessons 8, problem set
Represent all the number pairs of 10 as number bonds from a given scenario, and generate expressions equal to 10.
Higher Order Question:
Talk with your knee partner about the patterns you see in the expressions.
Engagement Strategies: Think, Pair, Share
10:30-10:35 CLEAN UP
11:00-11:20 LUNCH
11:20-11:30 BATHROOM BREAK
11:30-12:30 READING BLOCK
Listening and Learning – K Domain 2: The Five Senses
Lesson 7: Ray Charles
Ask questions as I read the story.
Higher Order Questions/Engagement –Do you think Ray Charles would have been a musician if he hadn’t been blind? Use thumbs up or thumbs down to answer yes or no. Explain to your knee partner why you do or do not think so.
Engagement Strategies – thumbs up, thumbs down
Skills: Assessments
Phonics: – short vowels
Technology - Smartboard
12:30-1:05 RTI MATH
PBIS - Restroom Safe
Discuss descriptive words.
Students will write and finish the following sentences:
I am a ______. I can ______. I like ______.
We will work on capitalizing first word in a sentence and end marks as we do this.
1:45-2:45 ART
2:45-3:15 RTI READING
PBIS: Review Restroom Safe
Mrs. Pillers’ Lesson Plans
Special Notes:
8:10-9:00 Morning Work/Attendance/Lunch Count/Restroom/PBIS: Bus safe8:30-9:00 Title Math
9:00-9:30 Title Reading
9:00-10:30 Math Lesson
Eureka Math, Module 1, Lesson 9, Problem Set
Solve add to with result unknown and put together with result unknown math stories by drawing, writing equations, and making statements of the solution.
Zearn Lesson 9 – Student notes, exit ticket
Higher Order Question:
Use the picture you drew on your whiteboard, or think of a story, for us to act out for Math Stories Theatre. Share the picture with your knee partner and have your partner solve the problem.
Engagement Strategies: Think, Pair, Share, white boards
10:30-10:35 CLEANUP
11:00-11:20 LUNCH
11:20-11:30 BATHROOM BREAK
11:30-12:30 READING BLOCK
Listening and Learning – K Domain 2: The Five Senses
Lesson 8: Hellen Keller
I will read about Heller Keller and ask questions as I go along.
Higher Order Questions – Do you think the things described in this story are real, or fantasy? Discuss this with a shoulder partner and explain your thinking.
Engagement Strategies – Think, Pair, Share
Skills: Assessments
**Give word recognition test to whole class. Those not taking it will work independently at desks.
**Give word nonsense test to whole class.
Phonics –short vowels
Technology - Smartboard
12:30-1:05 RTI MATH
PBIS Lesson
1:05-1:30 WRITING
Interactive independent:
Students will write along with me and we will complete the following sentence together: I am a ______.
Students will then complete the following sentence independently: I can ______. I like ______.
1:45-2:35 MUSIC
2:45-3:15 RTI READING
PBIS lesson
Mrs. Pillers’ Lesson Plans
Special Notes: Finish assessing ELA
THURSDAY 8/31/17
8:10-9:00 Morning Work/Attendance/Lunch Count/Bathroom8:30-9:00 Title Math
9:00-9:30 Title Reading
9:00-10:30 Math Lesson: Module 1, Lesson 10
Solve put together with result unknown math stories by drawing and using 5-group cards.
Zearn Lesson 10 – Story Time; Tower of Power; Student Notes; Exit Ticket
Eureka – Problem Set
Higher Order Questions: –
Is my answer correct? Students will use sign language to answer yes or no. They will then work with a knee partner to discuss why it is correct or not and if not, how to correct it.
Engagement Strategies: Sign language, think pair share, whiteboards
10:30-10:35 CLEAN UP
11:00-11:20 LUNCH
11:20-11:30 BATHROOM BREAK
11:30-12:30 READING BLOCK
Listening and Learning – K Domain 2: Human Body
Lesson 1 - Everybody Has A Body
Ask questions as I read the story.
Higher Order Questions:DrWellbody showed us five of our body systems. Do you think one of those is more important than the others? If so, which one and why? Discuss this with your shoulder partner. I will then call on students to share what they thought.
Engagement Strategies – Think, Pair, Share
**Finish assessing ELA. Those not taking the assessment will work independently at their desks.
Phonics – short vowel sounds and words.
Technology - Smartboard
12:30-1:05 RTI MATH
PBIS lesson
Students will complete the following sentences independently:
I am a ______. I can ______. I like ______.
1:40-2:35 LIBRARY
2:45-3:15 RTI READING
PBIS lesson
Mrs. Pillers’ Lesson Plans
Special Notes:
FRIDAY 9/1/17
8:10-9:00 Morning Work/Attendance/Lunch Count/Bathroom8:35-9:25 P.E.
Revise and edit.
Free writing for those who are finished.
11:00-11:20 LUNCH
11:20-11:30 BATHROOM BREAK
11:30-12:30 READING BLOCK
Listening and Learning – K Domain 2: The Human Body
Lesson 2: The Body’s Framework
I will read the story and ask questions as I go along. We will discuss the skeletal system and how the skeleton and the ability to move one’s body, go hand in hand.
Higher Order Questions – Think of a question you can ask your neighbor about the read aloud that starts with the word where. For example, you could ask, “Where is your spine?” Turn to your neighbor and ask your where question. Listen to your knee partner’s response. Then your knee partner will ask a new wherequestion, and you will get a chance to answer. Using DOJO, I will call on students to share their questions with the class.
Engagement Strategies – Think, Pair, Share, DOJO
Phonics – short vowels
Skills: Asssessments
I will use any extra time to assess PFS, high frequency words and decoding while they work with a partner and grandmother on their HFW.
Technology - Smartboard
12:30-1:05 RTI MATH
PBIS lesson
1:05-2:35 MATH LESSON
Zearn Lesson 11
Eureka Math: Module 1, Lesson 11, Problem Set
Solve add to with change unknown math stories as a context for counting on by drawing, writing equations, and making statements of the solution.
Zearn – Story Time, Tower of Power, Student Notes, Exit Ticket
Higher Order Questions: – There are 8 children in the after-school cooking club. How many boys and how many girls do you think might be in the class? Draw a picture and write a number sentence on your white boards, explaining your thoughts. I will choose some of the work and use four corners to have students discuss why they think that particular work is right or wrong.
Engagement Strategies: Four corners, think pair share, whiteboards
2:35-2:45 BATHROOM
2:45-3:15 RTI READING
PBIS lesson
3:15-3:30 Prepare to Dismiss