UpdatedMarch 2018
NamePage No
Subject Leaders of Education (SLEs)……………………………..3
Local Leaders of Education (LLEs) ………………………………..5
National Leaders of Education (NLEs) …………………………….6
National Leaders of Governance (NLGs) ………………………….7
Lead Contacts …………………………………………………………8
Please note there is a charge for using system leaders which is paid to the system leader’s school. Costs are negotiated depending on the type and length of work required.
Subject Leaders of Education (SLEs)
SLEs are available to work with middle and senior leaders. Their work is brokered through Portsmouth Teaching School Alliance. Please see our website email as we also have additional SLEs to work with us at other times.
Specialism / Name / School Name / Academy / Key StageAttention Development / Sally Rogers / Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
Assessment against ELG / Maria Thorne
Anitha Venugopal / Corpus Christi Catholic
Arundel Court Primary / University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / EYFS & KS 1
Autism / Ashley Oliver-Catt
Sally Rogers / Cliffdale Academy
Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
Behaviour for learning / Sally Rogers
Maria Thorne
Anitha Venugopal
Ashley Oliver-Catt
Faye Watton-Lawrence
Pauline Turner
Helen Merel / Mary Rose Academy
Corpus Christi Catholic
Arundel Court Primary
Cliffdale Academy
Redwood Park
Manor Infant
Lyndhurst Junior / Solent Academies Trust
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Kings Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
1 & 2
1,2,3 & 4
3 & 4
Closing the Gap / Sarah Hilditch
Lucianne Johnson / Northern Parade Schools
Redwood Park / Kings Group Academies
Solent Academies Trust / 1 & 2
3 & 4
Coaching and mentoring / Sally Rogers
Jo Petch
Sarah Hilditch / Mary Rose Academy
Mary Rose Academy
Northern Parade Schools / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Kings Group Academies / 1,2,3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
1 & 2
CPD and training / Anitha Venugopal
June Hutchinson / Arundel Court Primary
Springfield School / University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
De Curci Trust / EYFS
3 & 4
Creative curriculum / Julia Firth
Sarah Hilditch
Rachel De La Rue / ALNS
Northern Parade Schools
Cottage Grove / Salterns Academy Trust
Kings Group Academies / 3 & 4
1 & 2
1 & 2
Curriculum planning / Gemma Comerford
Julia Firth
Jan Lathem
Jo Peach
Jessica Paul
Maria Thorne
Anitha Venugopal
Sarah Hilditch
Rachel De La Rue
Anitha Venugopal / Corpus Christi primary
College Park
Portsmouth TSA
Northern Parade Schools
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Arundel Court Primary
Northern Parade Schools
Cottage Grove
Arundel Court Primary / Salterns Academy Trust
Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / 2
3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
1 & 2
EYFS & 1
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
Developing community links / Annie Williams / Mary Rose School / Solent Academies Trust / 4&5
Developing middle leaders / Izzy Lewis
Anitha Venugopal / Arundel Court Primary / University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / 1 & 2
Differentiation / Mel Walton / Mary Rose School / Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
English and Literacy / Joe Were
Catherine Brooks
Helen Reeder
Sarah Hilditch
Jemma Clark
Sarah Hilditch
Laura Ormay
Jo Petch
Sue Roberts
Lucy Wilson-Woodham
Mary McKenzie / St Edmunds School
Northern Parade Jnr Schools
Medina Primary
Northern Parade Schools
College Park Infants
Northern Parade Schools
Highbury primary
Mary Rose Academy
Westover Primary
Court Lane Infant School
Craneswater Junior School / Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Hamwic Education Trust
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / 3&4
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
EYFS / Jemma Clark
Jan Lathem
Anitha Venugopal
Rachel De La Rue
Becky Hussey
Lisa Bolton
Helen Whiting / College Park
College Park
Arundel Court Primary
Cottage Grove
Cottage Grove
Mary Rose Academy
College Park / Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Kings Group Academies / EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
EYFS & 1
Joint practice development / Jo Petch / Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust / 1 & 2
KS2 (Upper) / Gemma Comerford
Sarah Hilditch / Corpus Christi primary
Northern Parade Schools / Kings Group Academies / 2
1 & 2
Learning environment / Maria Thorne
Anitha Venugopal / Corpus Christi Catholic
Arundel Court Primary / University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / EYFS, KS 1
Maths and numeracy / Barbara Rogers
Jessica Paul
Verity Tilley
Natalie Pullen
Anitha Venugopal
Kim Radlett
Fiona Peters / Solent Maths Hub
Northern Parade Junior School
Cottage Grove
Northern Parade Schools
Arundel Court Primary
Redwood Park
Flying Bull / Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Solent Academies Trust
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / 1, 2 & 3
1 & 2
1 & 2
EYFS & 1
1,2 & 3
1 & 2
MFL / June Hutchinson
Jo Peach
Marie Allen / Springfield School
Portsmouth TSA
Cottage Grove / De Curci Trust / 3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
1 & 2
NQT support / June Hutchinson / Springfield School / De Curci Trust / 3 & 4
Numicon / Jessica Paul
Gemma Comerford
Natalie Pullen / Northern Parade Junior School
Corpus Christi primary
Northern Parade Schools / Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies / 1 & 2
1 & 2
P level / Ashley Oliver-Catt
Jo Petch
Lisa Bolton / Cliffdale Primary
Mary Rose Academy
Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1 & 2
1 & 2
1 & 2
Parental engagement / Sarah Hilditch / Northern Parade Schools / Kings Group Academies / 1 & 2
Performing arts / Julia Firth / ALNS / Salterns Academy Trust / 3 & 4
PE and dance
PE and Dance cont. / Jemma Clark
Jan Lathem
Annie Williams
Marie Allen
Melanie Walton
Marie Allen
Lucianne Johnson / College Park
College Park
Mary Rose Academy
Cottage Grove
Mary Rose Academy
Cottage Grove
Redwood Park / Kings Group Academies
Kings Group Academies
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1
4 & 5
1 & 2
3 & 4
1,2 ,3 & 4
3 & 4
PECS and communication / Sally Rogers
Ashley Oliver Catt / Mary Rose Academy
Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
Phonics / Jemma Clark
Laura Ormay
Maria Thorne
Anitha Venugopal / College Park
Highbury primary
Corpus Christi Catholic
Arundel Court Primary / Kings Group Academies
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust / 1
1 & 2
Planning / Mel Walton / Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
Post-16 / Annie Williams / Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust / 4 & 5
Questioning / Mel Walton
Jan Lathem / Mary Rose Academy
College Park
Infants / Solent Academies Trust
Kings Group Academies / 1,2,3 & 4
Science / Laura Watford
Rachel De La Rue / Cottage Grove / 3 & 4
1 & 2
School improvement / Jo Peach / Portsmouth TSA / 1,2,3 & 4
Senior and middle leadership / Jo Peach
Jan Lathem / Portsmouth TSA
College Park
Infants / Kings Group Academies / 1,2,3 & 4
SEND / Ashley Oliver-Catt
Annie Williams
Jo Petch
Kim Radlett
Louise Isa-Grada
Lisa Bolton
Faye Watton-Lawrence
Lucianne Johnson
Pauline Turner
Helen Merel / Cliffdale Academy
Mary Rose Academy
Mary Rose Academy
Cliffdale Primary
Cliffdale Primary
Mary Rose Academy
Redwood Park
Redwood Park
Manor Infant
Lyndhurst Junior School / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust
Kings Academies Trust / 1,2,3,4 & 5
1 & 2
4 & 5
1, 2 & 3
1 & 2
1 & 2
3 & 4
3 & 4
SEN Primary curriculum / Jo Petch
Ashley Oliver Catt / Mary Rose Academy
Cliffdale Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1 & 2
1 & 2
Sensory circuits / Sally Rogers
Jo Petch / Mary Rose Academy
Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
Stretch and challenge / Mel Walton / Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
STEM / Laura Watford / 3 & 4
TA development / Izzy Lewis / 1 & 2
Talk for writing
Talking for Writing cont. / Sarah Hilditch
Sue Roberts / Northern Parade Schools
Westover Primary / Kings Group Academies
Hamwic Education Trust / 1 & 2
1 & 2
Teacher standards and appraisal / June Hutchinson
Jan Lathem / Springfield School
College Park
Infants / De Curci Trust
Kings Group Academies / 3 & 4
Teaching and learning / Jo Peach
Maria Thorne
Mel Walton / Portsmouth TSA
Corpus Christi Catholic
Mary Rose Academy / Solent Academies Trust
Solent Academies Trust / 1,2,3 & 4
1,2,3 & 4
Teaching foundation subjects through core subjects / Izzy Lewis / 1 & 2
Year 2 Curriculum / Lucy Wilson-Woodham
Jan Lathem / Court Lane Infant
College Park
Infants / University of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
Kings Group Academies / 1
Local Leaders of Education (LLE)
LLEs are available for work with senior leaders. They can be booked by contacting them directly or by contacting the Portsmouth Teaching School Alliance.
Name / Email / School PhaseDoug Brawley / / Primary
Lyndsey Cook / / Primary
Maggie Dunford / / Primary
Deamonn Hewett-Dale / / Primary
Roberta Kirby / / Primary
Steve Labedz / / Secondary
Sarah Sadler / / Primary
Karen Stocks / / Primary
National Leaders of Education (NLEs)
NLEs can be booked by contacting them directly.
Name / Email / School PhaseDebbie Anderson / / Primary
Alison Beane / / SEN
Simon Graham / / Secondary
National Leaders of Governance(NLG)
NLGs can be booked by contacting them directly.
Name / Email / School PhaseBrenda MacCormack / / Primary/Secondary
Dai Thomas / / Primary
Gordon Duff / / Primary/Secondary
Ian Fielder / / Primary/Secondary
Mark Mitchell / / SEN
Lead Contacts
If you want some advice or support, please use the following as your first point of contact:
Name / Email / FocusAlison Beane / / SEND
Karen Thomas / / EAL/BME
Ella Harbut / / EYFS
Julia Katherine / / Inclusion/SEND
Penny Farrelly / / Data Team
Mark Mitchell / / Governance
Neil Stevenson / / Attendance & Exclusions/Alternative Provision
Mike Stoneman / / LA Statutory & Safeguarding
Jo Peach / / Pupil Premium
School Improvement
Challenge The Gap
June Hutchinson / / NQT
Barbara Rodgers / / Maths
Sophie Venables / / English/Literacy
Challenge Partners
Sarah Hilditch / / Moderation
Lynn Nicholls / / School Direct
Steve Frampton / / ITT Recruitment and Retention
Tina Henley / / Virtual School and College/UASC
Sarah Christopher / Sarah.Christopher / Emotional Health and Wellbeing/PEP Manager
Bex Shore / / English, Every Child a Reader/ Reading Recovery, Literacy Interventions