Essex Stragglers' New Year’s Novelty 2011
If you are parked on the Barns area hardstanding, the Assembly area is back down the track and across Ponders Road. Clothing can be left in the Registration/Download tent.
This is a 45 minute novelty score event. Visit as many controls as possible in 45 minutes, in ascending sequence. You don’t have to visit controls consecutively, so (for instance) 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 would score seven points. You can carry on after your 45 minutes is up, but you will only scorefor those controls you punch within 45 minutes, and you must download by 2 p.m. If you complete all 20 controls within 45 minutes (it's about 9.3km) you will be eligible for time bonus points and a round of applause.
Odd numbered controls are conventional, with a control flag, SI box and a control number. Even-numbered controls are Mountain Marathon style, with a control box and flag, but no control number (except on the SI box) or stake, and will be tied to a convenient feature. The odd-numbered controls make a pleasant 3.2km course, and this route is pre-marked on your map.
Please complete a Registration slip and hand in with your fees -£5 for seniors and groups, £2 for unaccompanied under 21 and students. Dibber hire 50p. Extra maps £1. For insurance purposes, we must have your real name, not an alias, and either your British Orienteering membership number or your abbreviated address (house number/name and Postcode).
The start is close to Registration and is self-service. Make sure you clear and check before starting – ask if unsure about using the SI dibber. Do not start within about a minute of the previous starter, unless you have obviously different running speeds. Your pre-marked map is 1:7,500 and is bagged with control descriptions on the back. There are connecting lines between the odd-numbered controls, but you are free to visit or omit any controls, as long as you have not already visited a higher-numbered one.
There is no finish. You score all the controls you visit up to 45 minutes from the time you start. Don't forget to download.
Four controls at the North end of the map require the crossing of a minor road (up to six times if you visit all 20 controls).You must STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN before crossing. Cross the road at the marked crossing points only. Those under 16 must not cross this road unaccompanied – there are plenty of alternative controls to visit so this shouldn’t affect your score.
Remember to download no later than 2 p.m.
If you are travelling alone, complete the Safety Information section of the Entry Form.
Dog walkers use the area. Take care near un-leashed dogs.
A self-service First Aid kit is available. Nearest A&E is Colchester General - follow the road towards Colchester until you pick up the hospital direction signs.
One point for each numbered control visited in ascending sequence in 45 minutes.
Handicap points based on age as follows – M10 + 4, M12 & 14 +3, M16 +2, M18 +1, M 20 & 21 & 35 +0, M40 & 45 + 1, M50 & M55 +2, M60 & 65 +3, M70 and above +4. Ws get an extra +2 than the corresponding M. Groups will be handicapped at the Organiser’s whim.
Your score will be calculated when you download. Checked results will be on