Thursday, April19, 2012
5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m.
Boardroom - Seed Corn Growers of Ontario
Attendees: / Gerry Sullivan(Chair)Jeff Wilson (regrets)
Walt Charbonneau
Ron Meulemeester / Stan Gillier
Tim Kudroch
Chris Stewart
Chris Nanni
- The Board meeting was called to order at 6:20p.m.following a dinner and an In-camera session. It was in that In-camera session the board decided to pay to the Administrative Manager a compensation bonus of $1,300.00 for the 2011-2012 year. It was also decided to stay with this method of compensation along with the regular salary approved in the contract. As well, accrued vacation pay not used is to be paid out by April 1st of each year.
- Motion to approve the agenda. Moved by Walt, seconded by Stan. Motion carried.
- Motion to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2012 meeting. Moved by Stan, seconded by Walt. Motion carried.
- Business arising from the minutes - All
- 4c)–Gerry spoke with Amy Dale who indicated she will keep the anonymous letter on file and also stated there is little the SCGO can do with an anonymous letter. She suggested the SCGO wait and see if another letter is forthcoming or if another action arises in which the SCGO can react.
- Correspondence Review – Chris Nanni
a)A motion was put forward to pay the Labour Issues Coordinating Committee fee of $600.00. Moved by Walt, seconded by Chris Stewart. Motion carried. It was also noted than any correspondence from the LICC, be forwarded to board members upon receipt.
- Chair’s Report - Gerry
- Gerry presented a condensed version of the Strategic Plan indicating it has been condensed as a result of many of the items in the full version having been completed. It is the hope that the remaining items can be addressed throughout the year by completing or eliminating them. It was also agreed that Chris Nanni would track down US websites that provide information on Seed Corn (acreages, companies, growers, yields, etc) which could be useful in addressing the Business Development portion of the plan as well as assisting the board in negotiations.
- The board will be sending two delegates (Gerry and another board member to be determined) to the CSTA 89th Annual Meeting in PEI, July 15 – 17, 2012 on a motion by Chris Stewart and seconded by Ron. Motion carried.
- Interest was expressed in determining whether a trip to the United States (Michigan, Ohio or Indiana) is feasible in August of this year. Action: Chris Nanni to bring to the next meeting potential sites and dates for an August Tour.
- Finance Committee Report –Jeff
- The financial statements for March were presented to the board and a motion to accept the financials as presented. Motioned by Walt and seconded by Chris Stewart. Motion carried.
- Business Development Committee Report - Tim
- Tim provided an overview of James Farrar’s visit to the SCGO office and his proposal to set up meetings with all of the Seed Corn Companies, including Country Farm. A motion to support James’ proposal in which the SCGO will fund up to $7,000.00 in related expenses was put forth by Tim, and seconded by Walt. Motion carried. Action: Tim and Chris Nanni to assist James Farrar in drafting an introductory letter to the Seed Corn Companies. James to send this letter (on SCGO letterhead) to the following: Horizon – Rick and Angela Van Laecke, Hyland – TBD, Maizex – Vince Bourassa/Dave Baute, Pioneer – TBD, Pride – Kelly Atkins/Grant Craven, Country Farm – Lee Giffin.
- Policy Committee – Jeff
- The board was presented with the newest edition of the Board Member Manual, which can be amended when required.
- Safety Net Committee Report–Walt
- Walt spoke with Lindsay Barfoot of Agricorp, making mention that he is now the chair of this committee and asking that the SCGO and Agricorp met to dialogue on the issue of moldy corn. Lindsay requested that the SCGO request in writing outlining our concern and requesting a meeting. A motion was put forth that due to an oversight in the Crop Insurance Program with respect to the salvage value of some seed corn crops that have been affected by disease (and in particular who is credited or charged for harvesting said crop) the board of the SCGO request an opportunity to meet and address this oversight. This was moved by Walt and seconded by Chris Stewart. Motion carried. Action: Chris Nanni to draft a letter to Lindsay Barfoot onour letterhead stating the above.
- Research Committee Report – Stan
- Stan provided an overview of the research meeting (with the researchers, seed corn companies and the committee) which was held on Monday March 26, 2012. While it was clear that Robert Nurse in his research approved of Horizon supplying sample in-breds, to enter into trial, the semantics of such an offer has yet to be worked out.
- A motion to continue to fund the research conducted by Rob Nurse at Agriculture Canada for the amount of $6,000.00 was made by Stan and seconded by Tim. Motion carried.
- The final report of the Underseeding Demonstration and Research conducted by Laura VanEerd of Ridgetown College was presented and accepted by the board.
- VanEerd also presented, to the board, a request for funding continued research (in partnership with AAC). A motion to assist in funding this research to the amount of $8,800 (over two years) was made by Stan and seconded by Walt. Motion carried.
- Meeting Reports and Updates –All
a)Gerry presented his report on the ACC meeting he attended on April 02. Notes on file.
He also noted that two years ago the ACC received approval from their membership that the membership fees would be going up (in two years – hence this year) to $1,000.00
b)Ron and Chris Nanni gave a report on their attendance at the Director Orientation Training meeting held April 04 in Guelph. Notes on file. Ron stated it was an excellent training opportunity.
c)Chris reported on his presence via conference call for the Presidents Council Meeting held on April 10. 2012. Notes on file.
d)Ron reported on his attendance at the FFCO AGM on April 17. Notes on file.
- Staff Report – Chris Nanni
- Chris Nanni reported on the activities of the SCGO over the past few weeks highlightingfinancial statement work, continuation of policy binder compilation, a Newsletter release, printing efforts with Minuteman Press.
- It has been decided that November 21st or 22nd, 2012 would be an appropriate time to meet with the FPMC board in Guelph.
- Chris Nanni asked that board members inform him of picture taking opportunities during planting time of that the board members themselves take pictures of the planting effort for our archives as well as for posting to the website.
- Country Farm of Blenheim has requested to grow approximately 20acres of seed corn. It was suggested we enter into a contract agreement with them to have a base from which to go forward. The contract will essentially mirror that of Hyland Seeds and be sent to that negotiating committee for signing.
- Other Business - none
- Adjournment – 9:30p.m.
Next Meeting – June 12, 2012 – 5:30p.m.
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