C:\Documents and Settings\CTobey\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3B\Report re Restructuring of Harbour Operations.doc

DATE: Friday, February 13, 2007

SECTION: Recreation & Cultural Services

CHAIR: Councillor Pat Marion

SUBJECT: Proposal re: Port of historic penetanguishene harbour operations office.


In every effort to improve our operations and services, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department undertook to review aspects of our harbour (wharf) operations in conjunction with the tourist information centre operations (currently managed through the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce).

The Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture, Community Development Coordinator and Harbour Master met with the Municipality’s Chief Administrative Officer, to discuss alternative options of offering expected Municipal services more efficiently and effectively to our residents, clientele, visitors and guests.

The review and discussion was based on historical concerns regarding scheduled hours of operation of the tourist information centre, tourist information centre staff knowledge of the Municipality and surrounding area, financial impact, as a whole, on the Municipality.

The Municipality’s current structure places the responsibility of the Tourist Information Centre operations under the umbrella of the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce.

Hours of operation are limited to one staff person. Knowledge of the area is often minimal and/or limited. The service is supported through a portion of the municipal contribution of forty five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) to the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce.

Needless to say, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department does not believe that we can offer the traditional services more cost effectively, however, the department does believe that the standard service levels can be improved and elevated to better serve our residents, clientele, visitors and guests.

With Council’s endorsement of a philosophical change in the way we operate and do things, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department is proposing to maximize the utilization of the complete building space (Harbour Master’s Office, Tourist Information Centre and additional office space) to achieve this goal.


The Harbour Operations, under the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department, will assume responsibility for the Tourist Information Centre and operations under the harbour/wharf business unit.

This will result in the Tourist Information Centre operations being blended with the harbour/wharf operations. Under the new structure of operation, the tourist information office will cease to be a separate entity from the harbour operations.

The new operating structure will extend and expand the space allocated as the Town Dock Harbour Office to house and accommodate the Harbour Master’s Office, general registration, processing, chandlery and tourist information area, the Community Development Officer’s Office, sufficient storage space, a kitchenette and staff washroom.

Under the new operating structure, the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce will continue to be the provider of resources (pamphlets, guides, maps, promotional flyers, etc. Pick up & delivery of said resources will be the responsibility of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department.

Two additional staff will be required to maintain efficient operations and service levels. All harbour/wharf staff will be trained as tourist ambassadors. All staff will be trained in the responsibilities associated with the harbour/wharf/launch ramp operations.

The new staff structure and complement will allow the office (tourist information) to be open and available to the residents, public, clientele, visitors, boaters, tourists and guests of our community twelve (12) hours per day ~ seven (7) days per week during our prime season of operations.

Harbour/wharf staff in the office will process all seasonal and transient registrations, collect cash for said transactions (similar to launch ramp booth), monitor Channel 68 and respond/communicate when necessary, offer tourist information to visiting boaters, visitors and guests, along with all other duties and responsibilities associated with the harbour/wharf operations.

Having the Community Development Officer working from this site during our summer season will allow the office harbour/wharf staff some flexibility to leave the office area when assisting transient and seasonal boaters, visitors, tourists and guests.

The Community Development Officer will not be expected to assume regular counter work or work associated with the harbour/wharf operations, but would merely be a second Supervisory body at this site. The Community Development Officer will provide support in the form of training and as a resource to staff on matters pertaining to community awareness, tourism, and economic development.

The Harbour Master will schedule all staff in conjunction with business unit activities. Staff will report to the Harbour Master.


  1. Discussion of proposed restructuring, operation and philosophy among Municipal Staff (Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture, Community Development Coordinator, Harbour Master, CAO) ~ completed
  2. Proposed costing of new structure and operation. ~ completed

Refer to table below for financials.

  1. Approach the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce to enter into discussions with the Municipality re: the Municipality’s new mandate of operation as it pertains to the tourist information centre. ~ preliminary discussions have commenced
  2. Determine buy in and appropriate financial formula for each respective operation (i.e. tourist information centre vs. other services provided by the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce.
  3. Establish, with the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce, a working relationship, whereby, the Chamber of Commerce continues to be the provider of resources (pamphlets, guides, maps, promotional flyers, etc. The Parks Division will physically pick up and deliver said boxes of resources from the Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce to the Wharf.
  4. Council endorsement and approval of plan.
  5. Hiring of staff. Training of staff. Completing minor modifications to building (access, telephone lines, data cables).
  6. Evaluate operational change at year end to determine efficiencies and success.


Combining existing harbour/wharf staff with two additional, new positions, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department proposes to have the new Town Dock Harbour Office OPEN and AVAILABLE to the public, boaters, visitors, tourists and guests from:

9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday during prime season hours

(July, August, to September ~ Labour Day), and

9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday during non-prime season hours

(May, June, September)


2 additional staff @ c. $9.80/hr X 40 hrs/wk X 17 wks = $ 13,328.00

Benefits (c. 13% includes apportioned vacation entitlement) = $ 1,800.00

Training Requirements of all harbour/wharf staff = $ 1,400.00 $ 16, 528.00


2006 Municipal Contribution to SGBCC (current) $ 47,460.00

Proposed 2007 Municipal Contribution under new operating structure

  1. Southern Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce (SGBCC) $ 30,932.00
  2. Harbour/Wharf Operations $ 16,528.00

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Buttineau,

Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture

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