Photoshop Elements – Advanced Concepts
Painting Tools- Use the Brush tool to paint a picture in a new document – experiment with colour, size, hardness, angle and opacity settings.
- Open clone01.jpg – Use this image to experiment with the other Painting Tools: Eraser, Blur / Sharpen, Sponge, Smudge, Dodge and Burn. Don’t save the image.
- File | Revert to go back to the original image– Now use the Clone Stamp Tool to fix the sky.
Advanced Selections
- Open selection01.jpg
- Try using the various Lasso tools to select the sky.
- Use Select | Deselect to remove previous selection.
- Now try selecting the sky with the ‘Magic Wand’.
- Use Select | Inverse to select the foreground.
- Cut and paste the selected foreground – this will place it on a new layer.
- Save the file as Selected.psd (Photoshop format)
- Open transform01.jpg
- Using the Magic wand Tool with tolerance set to 65 to select the purple-rinsed sheep. This will require a few clicks to get the whole sheep selected.
- Use the Image | Transform | Free Transform (Ctrl + T) tool to rotate, move and resize the sheep.
- Open layers01.psd
- Move the Sheep in front of the tree layer
- Duplicate the Sheep layer
- Use Free Transform to rotate, move and resize the new sheep.
- Select the original Sheep layer and create a new layer - use a brush to draw something on this layer.
- Hide your new layer.
- Link the two sheep layers and merge them into one (Layers | Merge Linked).
Colour Correction
- Open cast01.jpg
- Open the info palette for reference and use Enhance | Color | Color Cast to fix the blue cast.
- Open saturated.jpg
- Use Enhance | Color | Hue/Saturation to reduce the reds to a more realistic level.
- Open selected.psd
- Select the foreground layer and use Enhance | Brightness/Contrast | Levels to correct the exposure.
- Close the image without saving.
- Open blur01.jpg
- Use Filter | Smart Blur to remove the speckled effect in the sky.
- Open noise01.jpg
- Use Filter | Noise | Add Noise to make the image look old and grainy.
- Open sharpen01.jpg
- Use Filter | Sharpen | Unsharp Mask to reduce the blurring on the image.
Adjustment Layers
- Open selected.psd and select the foreground layer.
- Add an adjustment layer (Levels) – adjust the levels as before.
- Now use the brush tool to remove the effect from the over-exposed area at the top of the hill.