Minutes of the Southside Mental Health Network

Date: 13th July 2017

Tristan Brownson / Aftercare / Donna Humphries / Brook Red
Jen Eustace / Aftercare / Mareejoula Prostamo / Harmony Place
Ambre Campbell / Aftercare
Samantha Davis / Energetic Enterprises
Phil Stacey / UUCS / DVA
Kerry Munden / Mara Project FSG
Cindy Chou / Stepping Stone Clubhouse
Michael Roennfeldt / FSG
Jason Fowler / Benevolent Society
Gareth Howell / FSG
Cathy Renkin / MSAMHS KOPMI
Sheree Audef / MIFQ
Mal Causer / Kimberly Taylor / Janice Callaghan / Antonio Nerio
Sarah Childs / Theresa Madson
Name of Meeting: Southside Mental Health Network
Chair: Tristan Brownson, Aftercare Minutes: Karen Gale, MSAMHS
Time: 9.15 - 10.40 am
Agenda item / Actions
1  / Welcome
Chair welcomed the group and introductions were made
2  / Apologies
See noted above
3 / Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 11th May 2017 were confirmed as a true and accurate record by MR and TB.
4 Topical Discussion
4.1 / Feedback and follow up from previous topic: Models of Housing Support
·  CR to follow up on re MHPN invitation being sent out.
·  You can register for MHPN via the website – www.mphn.org.au
·  They have a wide range of topic areas you can register for.
4.2  / Topics for Discussion: Trauma Informed Practice
·  Discussed effects of trauma on the body, causes shut down, fight or flight, cascade of long term health issues.
·  Need to pay attention to the subtle signs of shutting down.
·  Mindfulness work a big part of practice
·  Aftercare recently attended Trauma training through the Blue Knot foundation which they highly recommend.
·  Russ Harris ACT Mindfully – online training available.
·  PTS17 Conference on 8th & 9th September.
·  A number of different forms of trauma, Intergenerational, across families, combat, natural disasters, sexual.
·  Tony Dell Stand Tall for PTS is another good source of training and information.
·  MN & MS Indigenous Mental Workforce – recently completed a project looking at trauma informed care focus approach within Indigenous families with the aim to create a model of care.
·  The group felt it was exciting at people are now looking at the effects of trauma.
·  Building relationships and connecting with people to build trust.
·  Supervision for workers is paramount.
·  Phoenix Australia – website has a number of resources available.
·  Moving away from IEMDR to Cognitive Processing Therapy – free online training is available.
·  CR updated the group that the previous Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Associated are now ‘emerging minds’ working with College of GP’s in new partnerships.
5 New Business
6 Standing Agenda Items / Actions
6.1 / Website, communication with members
·  If you have any information, events, training you wish to share with the Collaborative members please send through via email
6.2 / TGSJMHC Steering Committee – feedback
·  No quorum for previous meeting, no update
6.3 / Care Coordination Panel – feedback
·  Two referrals received for last meeting with good collaborative input
·  Very complex needs, variety of services attend to provide input.
·  Please email through referrals to or if you wish to discuss a referral prior contact Kimberly Taylor on 3317 1200.
6.4 / Feedback to/from Carer Working Group
·  IPRA’s attended the last meeting and provided an update.
·  Discussion held to provide a joint MHPN with IPRA’s to highlight their roles and responsibilities to ensure patient, family and carer are more informed.
·  New roles from the implementation of the new MH Act 2016 since March 2017.
·  Now have Advanced Health Directives for mental health, previously only for physical health.
·  Changes to how to get some assessed by mental health.
·  IPRA’s uphold rights, collaboration between all parties.
·  JEO’s have been replaced by EA’s – need to have input from GP’s and Mental Health Services before lodging with Mental Health Review Tribunal for a decision.
·  Fact sheets on the changes to the MH Act 2016 are available on the websites.
6.5 / NDIS Update/ Feedback
·  Beaudesert Scenic Rim transition – still have a number of people going through the access stage.
·  Obtaining supporting documentation is very time consuming.
·  NDIS assessment tools very different to MSAMHS assessments.
·  A number of GP’s had information ready to give out in July, not realising it needed to be done prior to going live, lack of education for services and GP’s.
·  Aftercare has created an information pack for their practitioners to assist with gathering documentation.
·  PHN responsible for training for GP’s and Pharmacists.
·  Be aware if having NDIS trainers attend your organisations they are mental health focused.
·  Role of the support Facilitators is very important to ensure their clients when writing plans.
·  Note there are positive stories out there.
6.6 / Brisbane Mental Health Expo
·  Date: Friday 13th October 2017 from 2 – 6 pm.
·  Venue: Radcliffe Place, Brisbane City
·  Theme: Open Doors
·  Next meeting to be held on 20th July at 2 pm at BNPHN, 543 Lutwyche Road Lutwyche.
·  If you would like to be on the mailing list or working groups please email
7 Upcoming Education Session & Network Meeting
7.1 / Education Session: MHPN – Models of Housing Support
·  Session to be held on 27th July 2017 at 51 Wembley Rd Logan Central.
·  For more information contact Carolyn Wilkinson on 0459 062 583
·  Dates and venues for Southside and Bayside presentations to be advised.
7.2 / Agency Updates
Harmony Place
·  Wellbeing Sessions every Wednesday 10-12 noon, art, drumming, yoga and more.
·  BBQ at Bayside Peer Hub – Friday 4th August, contact Michael 0408 488 751 or Tammy 0448 069 026 for more information.
·  Recently held Red Heart Program – for Women, write to heal. Created a booklet of these writings.
·  Looking to run another session in September.
·  Contact Tristan Brownson if you have any queries.
·  Labyrinth Walk – 11a – 3 pm on Friday 28th July, Queen Alexandra House 247 Old Cleveland Rd Coorparoo.
·  Contact Sam for more information on 3435 2600
Next meeting
Date: 14th September 2017
Time: 9:00am to 11.00 am
Venue: Carindale Library
Chair: Matt Gordon - RFQ

Agenda Items to;

Southside Mental Health Network 2015 Page 5