The analyze of the newspaper.
To begin with I should say that the press, radio and television play an important role in the life of every society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence they look at the world. Speaking about newspapers and magazines we may say that they reflect present day problems. Millions of people read newspapers in their free time.
It is almost impossible to imagine our life without newspapers. Millions of copies of them appear every day. There are national daily newspapers, such as:"Izvestiya","komsomolskayaPravda","Segodnya","Trud ", Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta ", " Nezavisimaya Gazeta ", " Sovetskaya Rossiya ". There are also national weekly papers, for example, " Argumenty i Fakty ", " Literaturnaya Gazeta ", "Nedelya"
Most national papers express a political opinion and people choose the newspaper according to their own political beliefs
I must confess that a daily newspaper usually dominates the family life. As for our family, we like to read such a newspaper as " Sovetskaya Rossiya ". This newspaper was founded in July, 1956, as a daily newspaper. Nowadays it is an independent public newspaper, which is issued 3 days a week: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Usually it is printed on 4 pages but on Thursdays it consists of 8 pages.
The main editor of the newspaper is Valentine Chikin. On the 1st page we can see articles on the topical political events of the day. Very often we can find very information about the work of the government and the President with many critical notes at the bottom of the 1st page. Vasily Safronchuk is often the author of such publications.
Janna Kasianenko writes very interesting reports speaking about the moral qualities of such politicians as Alfred Coch, Anatoly Chubaice, Victor Chernomirdin and Boris Beresovsky.
The 3d page of the newspaper sometimes informs us about the life of the Russian army and about the life of common people from villages and far-off regions; sometimes reader's letters are published on this page; sometimes the problems of the church are discussed too.
The 4th page is about the cultural life of the country, or about the problems of medicine and the health of the nation
So, every issue of " Sovetskaya Rossiya " may be interesting to the wide range of readers.
Due to its accurate political reports and due to the political position of the editorial board, the newspaper has the reputation of the opposite press.
Our family doesn't subscribe to this newspaper because the price of the subscription and distribution is rather high, but we buy some issues every week.
Yesterday my mother bought the last issue, the Thursday's issue of the newspaper " Sovetskaiya Rossiya "
On the 1st page of the issue under the headline " The Death of a Teacher " the correspondent Janna Kasianenko writes about the latest events which took place in Ulyanovsk, where several teachers refused to eat as a protest against the policy of the government and the president, against such reforms, when teachers can't receive their wages.
At the bottom of the 1st page we can see an interesting article about the activities of Alexander Yakovlev, who did much to destroy our country. This article is continued on the 3rd page.
The 3rd page is almost all devoted to the versions of the death of Galina Starovoitova.
On the 4th page of the issue under the heading " Solzhenitsyn against Solzhenitsyn " a very interesting, profound and informative talk between Vadim Kozhinov and Viktor Kozhemiako is published.
Besides wide discussion about the problems of Russian Church is being organized on some other pages of the newspaper.
On the last page there is a TV- program for the following week.
On the whole I should say that this issue is a remarkable coverage of the latest events in our country.
It is no wonder that next year we are planning to subscribe to this newspaper.