Goddard: Second Grade -Common Core State Standards (CCSS) English/Language Arts

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.1
Boxed Sub-heading: Text Types and Purposes
Standard: Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Opinion pieces

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Introduce the topic

  • State an opinion about the topic

  • Supply reasons that support the opinion

  • Use linking verbs

  • Provide a concluding statement or section

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
can write an opinion and use reasons to support it.
The student can use linking words to connect their opinion with their reasons.
The student can write a conclusion.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I write an opinion and use reasons to support it?

  • Can I use linking words to connect my opinion with my reasons?

  • Can I write a conclusion?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students use prewriting strategies (eg. Brainstorming lists of linking words, generating charts of opinions and reasons, and developing possible concluding statements)
Example 2: Students read nonfiction texts and write two to three paragraphs that express opinions on topics from the texts. Students use linking words and concluding sections.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.2
Boxed Sub-heading: Text Types and Purposes
Standard: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Informative/explanatory texts

  • Topic

  • Facts

  • Definitions

  • Concluding statement or section

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Introduce a topic

  • Use facts and definitions

  • Develop points

  • Provide a concluding statement or section

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
can write an introduction and conclusion for informative writing.
The student can use facts and definitions in informative writing.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I write an introduction and conclusion for informative writing?

  • Can I use facts and definitions in informative writing?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students use outlines to identify topics, supporting points, and conclusions of informational pieces.
Example 2: Students write informational pieces and trade with partners. Partners use organizers to analyze written texts in order to identify topics, supporting points, and conclusions.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.3
Boxed Sub-heading: Text Types and Purposes
Standard: Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Narratives

  • Temporal words (e.g. first, next and last)

  • Details

  • Sense of Closure

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Write narratives

  • Recount events or short sequence of events

  • Include details

  • Describe actions, thoughts and feelings

  • Use temporal words to signal event order
  • Provide closure

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
I can write a story in order of how it happened.
I can include details when writing a story.
I can use words like first, next and last when writing a story.
I can write an ending to my story.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I write a story in order of how it happened?

  • Can I include details when writing a story?

  • Can I use words like first, next and last when writing a story?
  • Can I write an ending to my story?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students write brief stories that contain the following elements: beginning, middle, ending, action details, descriptions of thoughts and feelings, and words that signal order of events.
Example 2: Students use time lines to sequence events as they pre-write. Students add details to elaborate evens while writing and bringing closure to stories.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.4
Boxed Sub-heading: Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: (Begins in grade 3)
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
Essential Questions:
What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.5
Boxed Sub-heading: Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Focus on a topic

  • Strengthen writing

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Revising

  • Editing

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student can revise their writing with the help of their teacher and friends.
The student can edit their writing with the help of their teacher and friends.
The student can write on a topic with the help of their teacher and friends.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I revise my writing with the help of my teacher and friends?

  • Can I edit my writing with the help of my teacher and friends?

  • Can I write on a topic with the help of my teacher and friends?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students use rubrics to guide writing as they draft, revise, and edit.
Example 2: Students revise and edit pieces in individualized writing conference settings.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.6
Boxed Sub-heading: Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Digital tools

  • Collaboration with peers

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Use a variety of digital tools

  • Produce writing

  • Publish writing

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
can publish their writing with the help of their teacher and friends.
The student can use a variety of digital tools with the help of my teacher and friends.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I publish my writing with the help of my teacher and friends?

  • Can I use a variety of digital tools with the help of my teacher and friends?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students use digital tools to produce and share drafts with classmates in order to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement before publishing.
Example 2: Students use word processors to publish writings. Students enhance texts by inserting images from digital cameras, web search engines, or other digital media.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.7
Boxed Sub-heading: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations).
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Shared research

  • Shared writing projects

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Participate

  • Research

  • Write

  • Produce a report

  • Report science observations
  • Read books on a single topic

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student can participate in writing projects with their class.
The student can participate in shared research with their class.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I participate in writing projects with my class?

  • Can I participate in shared research with my class?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students generate lists of topics of class-wide interest. Small groups select topics and complete the research process, formulating questions and gathering resources to answer those questions. Students creatively compile the information to present the groups’ findings.
Example 2: Students complete scientific investigations to answer questions. Students record observations and log the outcomes or findings (e.g., diary, journal, illustration, explanation.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.8
Boxed Sub-heading: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Information

  • Sources

  • Question

Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
  • Recall

  • Gather

  • Answer

This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student can answer a question with their writing by using books or what they know.
Essential Questions:
  • Can I answer a question with my writing by using books or what I know?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Students use experience to respond to posed questions. If needed, students use additional resources to build knowledge (e.g., books, speakers, field trips, interviews).
Example 2: Following field trips, students answer questions based on learning experiences, as well as questions that require additional resources.
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.9
Boxed Sub-heading: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: (Begins in grade 4)
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
Essential Questions:
What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ☐ Quarter 2 ☐ Quarter 3 ☐ Quarter 4 ☐
Strand: Writing K-5 / Code: 2.W.10
Boxed Sub-heading: Range of Writing
Standard: (Begins in grade 3)
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept☐
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
What Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
Be Able to Do (Verbs) Definition
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard.
This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
The student
Essential Questions:
What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed
Assessment Item Type:Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐Performance Task☐
Writing Prompt☐Oral Response☐Eligibility☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: