For immediate release


[Month, Date, Year] — [This weekend], [number of volunteers i.e. hundreds or thousands] of [host/location] community members will rally to be a part of the hunger solution through a partnership between [Host Name] and non-profit Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). Volunteers will prepare [meal goal #] life-saving meals at this FMSC MobilePack™. The event will take place [month] [date(s)] at [packing site] ([street address], [city]).

Packing sessions, each beginning with a 15-minute overview of FMSC’s work around the world, will take place at the following times:

  • [day 1], [date 1]: [shift 1]; [shift 2]
  • [day 2], [date 2]: [shift 1]; [shift 2][JE1]

All volunteer slots are full. Community members can support this MobilePack by making a donation for food production costs. To donate, visit

We invite news media to attend this event. Children and adults will put on hairnets and gather in an energetic atmosphere to hand-pack rice meals filled with essential nutrients specifically formulated to nourish hungry children around the world. To schedule an interview, contact [your name] at [your phone] or [your email].

About Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit that tackles world hunger by sending volunteer-packed MannaPack meals to nearly 70 countries, where they’re used to operate orphanages, schools, clinics and feeding programs to break the cycle of poverty. MobilePack events enable children and adults across the United States to pack these life-giving meals. Churches, businesses, community groups and schools in more than 35 states have hosted these food-packing events as a way to foster teamwork and unity, while making a real difference in the fight to prevent and reverse malnutrition. For more information, visit

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For media inquiries and to schedule an interview, contact:

[Your Name]
[Your event title—i.e., Volunteer Event Coordinator]
Phone: [Your phone]
Email: [Your email] / Allison Schwartz, Communications Manager[JE2]
Feed My Starving Children
Phone: 763.504.5234

[JE1]Location, dates, and shifts must be approved by your FMSC MobilePack Event Planner.

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[JE2]If your event is within one week from the time of sending this news release, instead of the name listed here, you may include your MobilePack Supervisor’s contact information—as provided by your MobilePack Event Planner.

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