Bridgeton St Francis-in-the-East
Church of Scotland
Parish Magazine
Church: 26 Queen Mary Street, Glasgow, G40 3BB,
Tel. 556 2830
Minister: Rev. Howard Hudson, Tel. 587 8667
Session Clerk: Mr James Gibson, Tel. 013552 41377
Church House: 6 Boden Street, Bridgeton
(from July) 22 Queen Mary Street
Scottish Charity SCO12535
We have a dream of a churchthat is full of people of all ages including the young, from the district and beyond, enthusiastic, willing to play their part, keen to know the Lord, praising and thanking God from the very bottom of their hearts, willing to share their love, caring for others, both inside the church and outside it.
We have a dream of a churchthat is hungry to be led by God, to serve the Lord, study the Bible, grow in faith, communicate clearly, worship, spread the gospel in the community, pray, and live in fellowship with each other.
We have a dream of a churchmade up of tolerant people between whom there are no barriers of class, colour or creed, age, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, criticism, wealth or poverty, appearance, health, sex, status or position.
We have a dream of a churchthat is inclusive and open to everyone, no matter who they are or what they might have done, whether they are like us or not, and that is open to ways of working in the community.
We have a dream of a churchthat has a heart for the community, our neighbours, pleasing God, other people’s needs, friendship, mission here at home and abroad, and has the courage to take the flack for being Christians.
We have a dream of a church in which God’s Spirit is present, is really believed in, and is working in us to fulfil our commitment to Christ, leading us, always near, felt, transforming us more and more into the people God wants us to be.
We have a dream of a churchthat is excited and passionate about Jesus, the gospel, praising and worshipping God, prayer, evangelism, reading the Bible, full of hope for the present and the future.
This is our dream for Bridgeton, St. Francis-in-the-East Church. Will you share it with us? Will you help us make it a reality?
- Your Kirk Session
Message from the Manse
Dear Friends,
By the end of the month, if everything goes according to plan, the annexe being built onto our church building should be finished and Church House should be moving into it. This will no doubt lead to a whole range of different thoughts and feelings.
Since 1942 when Church House began as a one year experiment, thousands of children and young people have passed through its doors and for many the old building inBoden Street means a lot as it brings back special memories to them. Seeing it being demolished and then no longer there will not be easy for them. But it’s not the end of Church House. It will still be continuing hopefully for very many years to come, albeit in a rather different form, in its new building at 22 Queen Mary Street.
For others the thought of Church House moving into its new building may be causing some concern. What will this mean for Church House and the church? And yes, there may be some teething problems at the start as the church and Church House get used to working more closely together, but think of the tremendous God-given opportunities for both church and Church House to work more closely together, having the use of each other’s facilities, to make a real difference in people’s lives.
For this is what the church and Church House are about – helping people of all ages to find fullness of life, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially. For God is concerned about the whole of our lives, not just the holy bits. That’s why He became one of us in Jesus and cared for others, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially, and calls us to do the same. That’s why Jesus said, “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness” (John 10:10) and even gave His life for us to make this possible.
Yes, things are changing and many of us don’t like change. But don’t dwell on the negative but the positive. Don’t cling to the past, but look forward to the new opportunities that God is giving us and go into the future looking to Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and for ever (Hebrews 13:8). Although we live in a time of change, He never changes and He can give us the security and stability we need and lead us forward as we trust and follow Him.
Yours in His love,
Minister’s Mentions
- I will probably be on holiday from Monday 4th July till Sunday 24th July.
- If you need the help of a minister during that time, please phone Rev. Peter Davidge at 07765 096599.
Summer Tips for Worship
- Keep coming every Sunday and why not bring someone else with you?
- If you are on holiday, why not find out where and when a local church service is on and join with your fellow Christians in worship on the Lord’s Day?
Come and celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday on Sunday 12th June here in our church with a special service of thanksgiving at 11am followed by a community celebration in our church hall. Everyone is welcome, whether you usually come to church or not. See you there?
We currently need someone to be our Church and Society rep and someone to be our Mission and Discipleship Council liaison person. If you would be interested in finding out more about either of these opportunities, please talk to Howard Hudson.
27/04/16Mrs Cathie Sinclair
Carol MacFarlane to Roy Wolfin
Many thanks to all who have contributed in any way to the church’s Flower Fund. Your donations are always appreciated. If there is anyone else who would like to put flowers in the church, perhaps in memory of someone or an anniversary, etc, please speak to either Rita McKenna or Sharon Miller.Donations are as follows:
“For Ian”from the Smith Family
“In Memory of Alan” from Isabel
“For Bob, on our Anniversary” from Annie
Donation (Friend of Grace in America)
“For Margaret, Harry & Alex” fromRita
Margaret Walker Memorial Fund
“For Bob”from Annie
“In Memory of John, on his 75th Birthday” from the
McPherson Family
We had 3 new members join our church in February, bringing our number of members on the roll to 79. Unfortunately we lost one of our members, Cathy Sinclair, who died on the 21st April. We send our condolences to Cathy’s family. The number on the roll is now 78.
-Betty Glassford(Roll Keeper)
LHM Easter Appeal
I would like to give a huge thanks to everyone who donated to the LHM Easter appeal. Instead of an Easter stall this year we asked people to make a donation using the LHM gift envelopes, instead of buying an Easter egg. The total raised was £183. Well done and thank you.
Nancy Humphries and I attended the LHM AGM in April. It was a very good meeting. One of the things discussed was the Winter Night Shelter run in partnership with the City Mission. When LHM closed each day City Mission came in and set up beds for 45 people. The night shelter ran from 1 December-31 March. It was used to capacity most nights, with people having to be turned away on several nights. There were a few issues running the night shelter, one incident where the police and mental health officers had to be called to deal with one person. Another issue was catering for breakfast for an extra 45 people on top of the regular LHM users. Everyone was given cereal, toast and tea/coffee for breakfast, plus soup, bread and tea/coffee at lunch. This put anextra strain on LHM’s resources during a very busy winter. However the night shelter was deemed a great success and it is anticipated to be a regular feature each winter at LHM.
It is through your contributions to LHM throughout the year that allows LHM to provide services to those who need it in our city. So thank you for your continuing support and donations.
-Jackie Hughes
(LHM Rep)
What’s Happening in the
Inner East End churches?
If you would like to write something for the next issue of the Inner East End Churches magazine (deadline is probably 14th August 2016), then please email Michelle MacLeod at or phone the church on 0141-556-2830 or slip your handwritten note under the Session Room door.
We enjoyed a very successful session whichended with our fun, annual Beetle Drive.
The Regnal starts up again on Monday 5thSeptember at 7.30pmto which all men are welcome. Make a note in your diary on Monday 12th September at 7.30pm for the Parish Grouping Beetle Drive to be held here in our church hall to which everyone is invited. Tickets will be available soon.
-Robert Humphries
Thank you to all who helped and donated to the Guild Sale in April – the total raised was £535.
I would like to say ‘thank you all for your support during my time as Convenor. I wish Edith and her team every success. I know you will give them your support.
-Betty Arbuckle
Food Bank
Trussell Trust foodbanks provide a minimum of three days’ emergency food and support to people in crisis. You must have a food voucher in order to receive help from the foodbank.
The Food Bank here, run by a helpful, cheery bunch of volunteers is open once a week, on a Thursday from 11am – 1pm. We’ve helped more than 500 people with emergency food parcels since we started in November 2013.
If you would like to donate, we are particularly short of sugar, fruit juice, long-life milk and ladies toiletries. Thank you.
-Betty Arbuckle
Retiring Offering
Following Ruaridh MacLean telling us about the work of Christian Witness to Israel (CWI) at our 11am service on Sunday 10th April, the Board decided that the retiring offering after our communion services on Sunday, 19th June will be for the Christian Witness to Israel. Please give generously.
The Church Library is open each Sunday, just next to the piano in the main hall, for everyoneto use. A wide range of Christian books areavailable for borrowing, including books onChristian history, biographies, practical books to help you pray, or read your Bible, as well astheology books for anyone wanting to study that bit deeper. Don’tforget we also have some videos and tapes available, and that there’ssomething there for everyone including children. Just make a note inthe book of anything you take, and enjoy your book. Remember thelibrary is there for you.
Congregational Board 2016-2017
Betty ArbuckleWillie Arbuckle
Sadie Barr
Betty Bunton
Elsie Carswell
Maida Donaghy
Grace Donald
Margaret Elliot / Jimmy Gibson
Betty Glassford
Jackie Hughes
Nancy Humphries
Robert Humphries
Barbara Jennings
Charlotte Levy / May Livingstone
Willie McGowan
Rita McKenna
Christine Miller
Sharon Miller
Edith Watt
Moira Williamson
The next Board meeting is on Thursday 6th October at 7pm. If you are on the Board, please put this date in your diary and come.
Elders and Board members are reminded that if they are on duty they should be at the front doors of our church by 10.30 amand stay behind after the service to help count the collection. If they are unable to do this, then they must arrange for someone else to take their place. Failure to do this puts unfair strain on those who are left to carry out the duties for that Sunday, especially in counting the collection.Pleaseplay your part in this and support your fellow Elders and Board members.
Fabric Committee 2016-2017
Willie Arbuckle, Maida Donaghy, Jimmy Gibson, Howard Hudson, Robert Humphriesand Willie McGowan.
Bridgeton St Francis/Newlands South Link Group
Our bus trip this year is to Dundee on Saturday 27 August 2016, or as we know from our school days the home of jam, jute and journalism. Like most cities that description no longer applies but it is still a very interesting place. Our bus trip will follow the pattern of last year (easier on the legs!!) in that we will be doing a panoramic tour by bus and stop at certain points of interest for a commentary by John Duthie, who will be leading the tour. John is a member of Newlands South, and a Blue Badge guide.
For example we will visit the McManusArtGallery, see the highly acclaimed Maggie’s Centre in NinewellsHospital, and visit Dundee Law with its views over the city, see the Discovery (Captain Scott’s Ship), the bridges and the site of the V&A Museum of Design. The cost of the trip will be £20.00 per person and yes! We will allow time to support the local retail sector.
The normal practice is for members to take a packed lunch but of course there are many places to eat in the city centre. Itineraries will be issued in due course.
- Alistair McMillan
Bridgeton Fun Day
The Bridgeton Fun Day will be on Thursday 11th August from 11am till 3pm in the Bridgeton Community Learning Centre in Dale Street. As in previous years, our church will have a stall and we will need people to help at the stall. For more details, please see the sheet on the table opposite the front doors of the church.
Following our church pianist, Betty Bunton having two strokes and very few people coming to our evening service, it has been decided that we will not hold an evening service over the summer, apart from our Communion Sunday 19th June when services will be at 11am and 6.30pm. We will then review in August whether to resume our evening services in September.
Sunday 12th June / The Queen’s 90th birthday celebration – service of thanksgiving at 11am followed by a community celebration in our church hall.Sunday 4th September / Souper Sunday – our annual 11am service taken by our elders followed by bread and soup lunch to raise money for the Church of Scotland HIV/AIDS Project.
Tuesday 6th September / The People’s Communion – our annual service of rededication for everyone in our church and Church House near the start of a new session.
Church House at 7.30pm.
Monday 12th September / Beetle Drive – run by our Regnal for all in our parish grouping in our church hall at 7.30pm.
Saturday 15th October / Harvest Supper –in our church hall at 7pm.
Sunday 16th October / Harvest Thanksgiving Service – in our church at 11am.
Volunteers Needed Please!
We need more willing volunteers to help keep our church clean…as they say, many hands make light work! Our small, dedicated team presently come in on Wednesday afternoons and work hard at cleaning as much as they can.
If you could spare an hour (or two) to help or if another day suits you, please contact Michelle during church office hours: Wed.- Fri., 12noon - 5pm : 0141-556-2830.
Service11.00amSee the Minister 1.00pm
Crèche11.00amUnlock the Bible7.30pm
Young Frankies11.00am
Food Bank 11am-1pm
Crèche Rota
Jun 5thBetty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Jun12th May Livingstone
Jun 19th Margaret MillerMay Cross
Jun 26th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Jul 3rd May Livingstone
Jul 10th Margaret MillerMay Cross
Jul 17th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Jul 24thMay Livingstone
Jul 31st Margaret MillerMay Cross
Aug 7th Betty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Aug 14thMay Livingstone
Aug 21st Margaret MillerMay Cross
Aug 28thBetty Glassford Nancy Humphries
Sep 4thMay Livingstone
More helpers needed forthe crèche rota. If you can help, please speak to Betty Glassford. Thank you.
Dates to remember
12Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration11.00am
19Communion Service11.00am
19Evening Communion Service6.30pm
23Kirk Session1.30pm
11Bridgeton Fun Day (BCLC)11am-3pm
27Dundee Trip with Newlands SouthTBA
4 Souper Sunday11.00am
6People’s Communion at Church House7.30pm
12Parish Grouping Beetle Drive7.30pm