Provincial Gymnaestrada 20176
Unity in Rhythmic Gymnastics
Alpha Rhythmic Gymnastics and all the wonderful Edmonton Volunteers, along with Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta pPresent…
U n i t y
When: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Where: Eastglen High School, 11430 – 68 Street, Edmonton, AB T5B 1P1
Purpose: To celebrate Performance Team Gymnastics and the Creativity
of our Coaches and Choreographers
Event Director: Sonya Golly-Jahn and RGA Staff
Registration: Submit complete registration package along with one cheque to :
Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta
111759 Groat Road, Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3K6
P: 780-427-8152 / F: 780-427-8153 /
E-Transfer to:
RGA can also now take process payment through PayPal or with credit cardsMasterCard or Visa with Square – with a 3% charge, using the email address or by clicking on the PayPal link on the webpage. .
Note: Please use standard EXCEL spreadsheet to register. Signed consent and waiver forms may be brought to the event by the club manager or coach if the club signs the attached statutory declaration declaring that forms will accompany the club leadership team. Note that there are three two worksheets on the EXCEL Spreadsheet: Participants (includes t-shirt order) and Routine Info. , Script, T-shirts. and E each worksheet requires input by the club registrar. (remember you can cut and paste from your regular registration and you don’t have to re-enter all the data.)
Deadline: March 25, 2017April 1, 2017 for Email Submission (Excel Registration)
Forms Deadline: April 1, 2017
Payment deadline: ???April 15, 2017
Music submission: ???April 15, 2017
Music submission via Dropbox please. Please label with the club name_name of the group_the name of the routine and send the dropbox link to . If there is only one or two pieces of music, you can also send those via email. ? Or Email to ???
Any late entries received after April 1 will be penalized an automatic $1050.00 late registration fee. (You may miss out on a t-shirt too.) Clubs can be denied participation if they do not meet the music, program, registration or payment deadlines.
Admission: $5.00 all seats Toddlers/Babies exceptions.
Schedule: Early Afternoon Performance Opening Ceremonies at 1:00 p.m.
A schedule of events will be circulated to participating clubs prior to Provincial Gymnaestrada. If you require practice time include this info in your registration package and we will try to accommodate requests. This would be a walk-on and placement type practice.
Evening Performance: We will not be having a second performance unless the number of registrations exceeds the approximate. three hour time allotment we have for the afternoon performances. Because this is a rest year for WG and Canadian Gymnaestrada teams, we feel that an evening performance may not be warranted.
Registration Fees: $35.00 per Gymnast (T-shirt included) (PayPal/credit card price is $36.05)
$20.00 per coach (T-shirt included) (PayPal/credit card price is $20.60)
T-Shirt Orders:
All registered participants (gymnasts and coaches) will receive a Provincial Gymnaestrada souvenir t-shirt. Clubs will receive their shirts upon arrival at the venue for distribution by coaches and team managers.
Guidelines Regarding Routines: To produce this event within a reasonable time frame, we are asking clubs follow these guidelines. Occasionally, there may be exceptions made. Please consult organizer with any questions.
Generally, the larger your group, then more time is allocated on the floor.
Because Gymnaestrada is intended for larger groups, please try to involve 6 or more gymnasts in your group minimum.
Time Guidelines:
– Time allocated based on total entry, set-up, performance and exit times:
Less than 10 gymnasts = 1.5-3 minutes performance time
11-20 gymnasts = 5-7 minutes performance time
21-30 gymnasts = 10-12 minutes performance time
31+ gymnasts = 15 minutes performance time
If you have prepared a longer routine, or have advanced gymnasts, or are preparing a routine for Canadian Gymnaestrada, please apply for an exemption.
Remember it is better to leave your audience wanting more than to have the audience wish you were giving them less. Little ones need less time to show what they know. A medley is a great way to showcase all your gymnasts at once leaving you time to hang out and watch the rest of the show. If you have two groups that do the same routine, put them together for Gymnaestrada if you can. It is better for the audience and the kids get an additional challenge of working with more people.