31/7/2015Cuckoo 1 (juvenile)Achagour (NH9346) Mike Crutch, Roy Dennis
31/7/2015Grey Plover 1(south-west corner),Osprey 6 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
31/7/2015Common Sandpiper 2Montgrew Melvin Morrison
31/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 5,Common Sandpiper 3 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Andy Smith
31/7/2015 (21:00)Long-eared Owl 2 RAF Kinloss (in trees nearGate 2 - flew into the base) Jimmy Mair
31/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) David & Carol Shaw
31/7/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer),Ruff 1,Common Sandpiper 2Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
Mediterranean Gull [centre foreground], Lossie estuary 31 July 2015 (Duncan Gibson)
31/7/2015 (10:10)King Eider 1 (eclipse male with Eiders),Black-throated Diver 1 off Carse of Delnies (NH8357)Jon Clarke
30/7/2015Mistle Thrush c.30Glenferness Mike Crutch
30/7/2015(21:30) Short-eared Owl 1Portknockie (hunting over fields behind King Edward Terrace) Lenny Simpson
30/7/2015Shelduck 1,Common Sandpiper 2Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
30/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 5,Dunlin 23 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
30/7/2015Sanderling 33Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
30/7/2015Arctic Skua 1 (flew past)Burghead David & Carol Shaw
30/7/2015Peregrine 1 Spey estuary Alex Gordon
30/7/2015Great Skua 1 (on sea),Turnstone 7Burghead Tony Backx
30/7/2015Goldeneye 1,Shelduck 6,Lapwing 15,Dunlin 14,Common Sandpiper 3 Spey estuary Martin Cook
30/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Black-headed Gull 491,Dunlin 17 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
29/7/2015 (21:30)Long-eared Owl 1Kinloss (at end of runway on B9011 to Findhorn) Dave Wheeler
29/7/2015Curlew 328,Oystercatcher 396, Redshank 261,Greenshank 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Shelduck 66,Goosander 30 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
29/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon Biggs
Spoonbills in Findhorn Bay, 29 July 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
29/7/2015 Turnstone 2Burghead (first back) Tony Backx
28/7/2015 (10:00)Gyr Falcon 1 (wearing jesses) Spey Bay (on a house roof)then flew west Sue Pianta-Scott,Mike Collins, Martin Cook
Gyr Falcon, Spey Bay 28 July 2015 (Sue Pianta-Scott)
27/7/2015Greenshank 1,Black-tailed Godwit 1,Curlew 359,Dunlin 76,Goosander 110,Great Black-backed Gull 365, Common Tern 13 Spey estuary Martin Cook
27/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Mike Crutch
27/7/2015 (early morning)Red-throated Diver 1 Findhorn Bay (off south end of Findhorn village) Richard Somers Cocks
Red-throated Diver, Findhorn Bay 27 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
26/7/2015Sanderling 58Culbin Bar Roy Dennis
26/7/2015Green Sandpiper 1Mosset Burn (at Findhorn Bay NJ0461) Allan Lawrence
26/7/2015Common Tern 28,Arctic Tern 2,Sandwich Tern 9 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
Arctic [left two] and Common Terns, Findhorn beach 26 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
Adult [centre left] and juvenile Sandwich Terns with Common Terns, Findhorn beach 26 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
25/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 4,Greylag Goose 135 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Richard Somers Cocks
25/7/2015Greenshank 1Lossie estuary (upriver) Henry Farquhar
25/7/2015Kingfisher 1,Moorhen 1Mosset Burn (at Findhorn Bay NJ0461) Gordon McMullins
Kingfisher on the Mosset Burn, 25 July 2015 (Gordon McMullins)
25/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 1 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
25/7/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (1st summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
Glaucous Gull, Lossie estuary 25 July 2015(Duncan Gibson)
25/7/2015Common Tern 8,Dunlin 11 mouth of Findhorn Bay Mike Crutch
24/7/2015Sandwich Tern 35 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
24/7/2015Dotterel 9 (7 adult, 2 juvenile) Cairngorms David Main, Duncan Gibson
Dotterel, Cairngorms 24 July 2015 (David Main)
24/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
24/7/2015Grasshopper Warbler 1 singingColdhome (Dallas) David Law
24/7/2015Little Ringed Plover 1,Knot 2,Common Sandpiper 17,Oystercatcher 76,Turnstone 5,Little Tern 10,Arctic Tern c.60,Common Tern c.55,Sandwich Tern 2,Goldeneye 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
24/7/2015Oystercatcher 165Lossie estuary Martin Cook
24/7/2015Lesser Black-backed Gull 41 Loch Oire Martin Cook
23/7/2015Dunlin 1Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Gordon Biggs
23/7/2015 Blackcap 1 (male on garden feeder)Rafford Gordon Biggs
Blackcap, Rafford 23 July 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
23/7/2015Little Tern 7,Common/Arctic Tern 132,Dunlin 83,Lapwing 42,Goosander 50 Spey estuary Martin Cook
22/7/2015Raven 5 over Grange (Keith) Melvin Morrison
22/7/2015 Grey Plover 2,Greenshank 2,Sanderling 14, Stock Dove 5,Meadow Pipit 30 Nairn Bar David Law
22/7/2015Kingfisher 1 Loch Spynie Charlie Gervaise
21/7/2015Sanderling 12Lossiemouth west beach David Law
21/7/2015Whimbrel 1 (flew over) near Fochabers Martin Cook
21/7/2015Arctic Skua 1 (flew west)Burghead Tony Backx
21/7/2015Black Guillemot 6Portknockie (at Bow Fiddle Rock) Tony Backx
20/7/2015Mistle Thrush 45Gow Moss (near Keith) Melvin Morrison
20/7/2015Sanderling 2Hopeman Gus Routledge
19/7/2015 (00:09)Whimbrel 1,Greenshank 1 Findhorn (flew over) Gus Routledge
19/7/2015Whimbrel 10Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
19/7/2015Shelduck 3,Wigeon 1,Oystercatcher 75Cloddach quarry Martin & Jenny Cook
19/7/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer)Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Henry Farquhar
19/7/2015King Eider 1 (eclipse male) Nairn (off Leisure Centre NH8757) per Birdguides
19/7/2015Red-throated Diver 5 Spey Bay (off Tugnet) Martin Cook
19/7/2015Little Tern 23,Sanderling 5,Turnstone 21,Ringed Plover 16,Long-tailed Duck 1 (female) Spey estuary Martin Cook
19/7/2015 (11:15)Little Gull 1 (1st summer) Spey estuary (Kingston side) Duncan Gibson
18/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) per Birdguides
18/7/2015Short-eared Owl 1 Findhorn Bay (near Netherton NJ033617) Richard Somers Cocks
Short-eared Owl, Findhorn Bay 18 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
18/7/2015Gadwall 2 (males) Spey estuary (from Kingston car park) Alex Gordon
18/7/2015Wood Sandpiper 1Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Henry Farquhar, Duncan Gibson, David Main
Wood Sandpiper at Balormie, 18 July 2015 (David Main)
18/7/2015 (11:05 and late afternoon)King Eider 1 (male) Nairn (off Leisure Centre) per Birdguides
scroll down to 11/7/2015 for another Long-eared Owl record
17/7/2015Sanderling 60,Little Tern 3Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
Sanderling on Lossiemouth east beach, 17 July 2015 (Margaret Sharpe)
17/7/2015Spoonbill 2 (NJ0262),Knot 178,Redshank 112 (NJ0362),Greylag Goose 82 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
17/7/2015Black-tailed Godwit 1,Redshank 38,Little Tern 6 Spey estuary Martin Cook
17/7/2015Common Scoter 15 (males flew west)Burghead Tony Backx
16/7/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary David Main, Gordon Biggs
Mediterranean Gull, Lossie estuary 16 July 2014 (David Main [left] and Gordon Biggs)
16/7/2015Pink-footed Goose 1Burghead Gordon Biggs
16/7/2015Sanderling 15 (adults)Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
16/7/2015Blackcap 1Rafford (on garden feeder) Gordon Biggs
Blackcap, Rafford 16 July 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
16/7/2015Little Tern 23,Goosander 165,Ringed Plover 23 Spey estuary Martin Cook
15/7/2015Long-eared Owl 1Moyness (NH9553) Alison & Frank Ritchie
Long-eared Owl at Moyness, 15 July2015 (Alison Ritchie)
15/7/2015Iceland Gull 1 (2nd summer),Little Tern 8,Goosander 152,Long-tailed Duck 1 (female),Black-tailed Godwit 1,Common Sandpiper 19 Spey estuary Martin Cook
15/7/2015Redshank 90 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
14/7/2015King Eider 1 (male) Nairn (200m east of public swimming pool) per Birdguides
14/7/2015Mandarin Duck 1 (female/juvenile) Cooper Park (Elgin) Mark Whitton
14/7/2015Little Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary David Main
Little Gull, Lossie estuary 14 July 2015 (David Main)
14/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 4,Redshank 71,Knot 6,Greylag Goose 168 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
14/7/2015 Stonechat 5 (pair with brood)Portknockie (above Jenny's Well) Lenny Simpson
14/7/2015Ringed Plover 21,Common Sandpiper 13,Turnstone 19,Goosander 50,Long-tailed Duck 1 (female) on river,Linnet c.150 Spey estuary Martin Cook
13/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Martin & JennyCook, Janet Trythall
12/7/2015Long-tailed Duck 1 (female)Burghead (off the maltings) Geoff & Debbie Smith
12/7/2015Velvet Scoter 1 off Nairn Carol & David Shaw
12/7/2015Woodcock 1 below Cairn Eney (NJ0244) Mike Crutch
11/7/2015Long-eared Owl 1 Grange (Keith) Valerie Sheach Leith
Long-eared Owl at Grange, 11 July 2015 (Valerie Sheach Leith)
11/7/2015Knot 5(adults)Lossie estuary Keith Duncan
11/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) KeithDuncan
11/7/2015Sanderling 5 (adults)Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
11/7/2015Knot 1Burghead Tony Backx
11/7/2015Lapwing 143 North Alves (in a turnip field) Tony Backx
11/7/2015Long-tailed Duck 1 (female inside river mouth),Little Tern 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
11/7/2015Pink-footed Goose 1Burghead harbour Gordon Biggs
11/7/2015Iceland Gull 2 (1st summerand 2nd summer),Peregrine 1,Whimbrel 1Lossie estuary David Main
Peregrine and Iceland Gullsat Lossie estuary, 11 July 2015 (David Main)
11/7/2015Whimbrel 3Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar, David & Carol Shaw
10/7/2015Little Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
Little Gull,Lossie estuary 10 July 2015 (Duncan Gibson)
10/7/2015Black Grouse 1 (male)Inchnacape (Tomintoul NJ1920 - standing on road) Ian Bailey
10/7/2015Pink-footed Goose 1Burghead harbour Gordon Biggs
Pink-footed Goose, Burghead 10 July 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
10/7/2015Common Scoter 12,Red-throated Diver past Portknockie Dave Pierce
10/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Richard Somers Cocks, Dave Pierce
10/7/2015Quail 1 singingNetherton (Findhorn Bay NJ035616) Richard Somers Cocks
10/7/2015Quail 1 singing Elgin (in cereal field south of golf course at c.NJ219598) Charlie Gervaise
9/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Barnacle Goose 1 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
9/7/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer),Little Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
Mediterranean Gull, Lossie estuary 9 July 2015 (Duncan Gibson)
9/7/2015 Common Scoter 3,Eider c.20, Sandwich Tern 5Burghead Bob Johnson
8/7/2015Oystercatcher 163Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
8/7/2015Bar-tailed Godwit 5Lossie estuary Tony Backx, Gordon Biggs
Bar-tailed Godwits, Lossie estuary 8 July 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
7/7/2015Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Allan Lawrence
6/7/2015Ruff 2 (adults) Findhorn Bay (Netherton pool NJ0361) Richard Somers Cocks
Ruff, Findhorn Bay 6 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
6/7/2015Goosander 85,Common Sandpiper 24 Spey estuary Martin Cook
6/7/2015Mandarin Duck 1 (female/juvenile) Cooper Park (Elgin) Mark Whitton
5/7/2015 Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
Spoonbills in Findhorn Bay, 5 July 2015 (Gordon McMullins)
5/7/2015Little Tern 2,Knot 6 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Little Terns in Findhorn Bay, 5 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
4/7/2015Whimbrel 1Burghead Tony Backx
4/7/2015Lapwing 35 North Alves (in a turnip field) Tony Backx
3/7/2015Spoonbill 2 (NJ0262),Greenshank 4,Whimbrel 2 (NJ0362) Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
3/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Bar-tailed Godwit 7 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Bar-tailed Godwits in Findhorn Bay, 3 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
2/7/2015 (16:00)Greenshank 4,Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Gordon McMullins
2/7/2015Raven 1Clochan (flew north, very high) Martin Cook
2/7/2015 (12:30)Spoonbill 2 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Richard Somers Cocks
Spoonbills in Findhorn Bay, 2 July 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
2/7/2015Mandarin Duck 1 (female/juvenile) Cooper Park (Elgin) Mark Whitton
2/7/2015Black-tailed Godwit 1,Curlew 65, Turnstone 8,Goosander 61 Spey estuary Martin Cook
1/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Canada Goose 1,Goosander 31,Curlew 281 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
1/7/2015Spoonbill 2,Greenshank 1 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Alan MacAskill
31/7/2015Cuckoo 1 (Juvenile)Achagour (NH9346) Mike Crutch, Roy Dennis 31/7/2015Grey Plover
![31/7/2015Cuckoo 1 (Juvenile)Achagour (NH9346) Mike Crutch, Roy Dennis 31/7/2015Grey Plover](http://data.docsbay.net/img/d7c33da176181046af4f67a5097cd8d5-1.webp)