Tuberculosis intensive
NAME / TITLE / AGENCY / CITY/STATE / HOW LONG WORKING WITH TB PATIENTS1. xxx / Public Health Nurse / xxx / Red Bluff, CA / Since July 2002
xxx sees about 10 patients with TB infection in one week. 25% of her time is devoted to TB. She wants to learn more about the trends of TB infection in California and hopes to refine her diagnostic techniques and learn more about controlling infection. She is also very interested in the effects of the BCG vaccine on PPD positive testing and the effects on rate of infection. She would also like to learn more about MDR-TB to better educate her clients on the need to be compliant with medication regimen. She’s looking forward to visiting the lab and outpatient clinic to see and experience some valuable, practical situations.
2. xxx / Public Health Nurse / xxx / Placerville, CA / 1 year
xxx sees 6 patients with TB infection in one week, 2 of them with TB disease. 70% of her time is devoted to TB. She wants to learn more about the laws regarding the care of TB patients, ethical issues in TB control, radiology, the difference between standard of practice and best practice with TB management, compare and contrast impact of current LTBI treatment recommendations on the daily workload of health department TB staff.
3. xxx / Public Health Nurse / xxx / San Jose, CA / 2 months
xxx sees 2 patients with TB infection in one week, 2 of them with TB disease. She’s a public health nurse that likes to be more effective and efficient when managing TB cases.
4. xxx / Medical Officer / xxx / Anchorage, AK / 10 years
xxx sees 10 patients with TB infection in one week, 5 of them with TB disease. 50% of his time is devoted to TB. He wants to update his knowledge and skills to manage patients with complex TB illnesses.