Minutes of the monthly meeting of Pamber Parish Councilheld in the Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath on Monday, 12h September 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
Cllr. C. Goss (Chairman)Cllr. D. Snook
Cllr. P. Kingston (Vice Chairman)Cllr. Mrs. A. Witchalls
Cllr. G. MarchCllr. Mrs. J. Tyson
Cllr. G. McGarvieCllr. Mrs. M. Hale
Cllr. R. GardinerBorough Cllr. Mrs. M. Tucker
Cllr. T. YoungCounty Cllr. K. Chapman
Miss L. S. Browne (Clerk)
5 members of the public were present.
157/16: Declarations of Interest.
Register of Interests: councillors were reminded that any changes must be reported to BDBC.
158/16: Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a true record.
159/16: Matters arising and not appearing elsewhere on the agenda.
There were no matters arising.
Open Forum
160/16: Public Participation.
No matters were raised.
a) Planning applications:
Crown reduce 1 no. oak
25 Silchester Road Pamber Heath
No objection
Erection of part two storey, part first floor rear extension
The Always Ramsdell Road Pamber End
No objection
Conversion of a six bed house into 2 no. three bed semi detached
Pamber Place Cottage Pamber End
No objection
Creation of new vehicular access
Hawthorn Lodge Aldermaston Road Pamber Green
Council objection
Change of use of workshop to use class B1
Hawthorn Lodge Aldermaston Road Pamber Green
No objection
Erection of replacement dwelling and new access
Oakside 1 Heath Road Pamber Heath
Council objection
Erection of two storey detached dwelling with double detached garage using existing access.
Land Adjacent to Ramblers, Aldermaston Road, Pamber End
b) Planning decisions:
Single storey extension with twin pitched roof.
35 Silchester Road Pamber Heath.
16/00932/FUL Erection of 1 no. four-bedroom dwelling.
Skates Lane, Pamber Green.
Erection of an Energy Storage System to the operational Berry Court Solar Farm.
Land at Berry Court Farmhouse, Bramley Road, Little London.
Erection of replacement 4 bed dwelling and detached double garage following demolition of existing bungalow and re-positioning of driveway entrance.
8 Clappsgate Road, Pamber Heath.
Change of use of land to use of site by Gypsy/Traveller families including construction of hardstanding, siting of 2 no. mobile homes and 2 no. touring caravans and erection of 2 no. utility rooms (retrospective).
Land to The North of Pelican Road, Pamber Heath.
T1,T2,T3 English Oak trees: crown lift to no higher than 4.5m above ground level. Reduce the length of those lateral branches in the southern canopies, to create a parallel pruning line with no more than 1.0m clearance from the fabric of the dwelling. Remove deadwood as necessary. Prune the small diameter branches to give no more than a 0.25m radial clearance from the overhead telephone cables.
Rustlings Green Lane Pamber Green
162/16: Finance to include annual grant application from Hampshire Wildlife Trust and Pamber Forest.
a) Cheques for payment
1337 / BDBC / Grounds maintenance August and Printing costs / 1001.041338 / David Saunders / Grounds maintenance/Lengthsman work / 639.00
1339 / Diane Malley / Payroll administration / 30.00
1340 / Miss L S Browne / Clerk’s salary & exp August
1341 / Mrs E. A. Knight / Clerk’s retainer August
1343 / SeeAbility / S137 / 200.00
1344 / Tadley & District Age Concern / S137 / 150.00
1342 / HMRC / Tax & NI / 435.58
b) Income received since the last meeting
£Lloyds Bank / Interest July / 2.26
Lloyds Bank / Interest August / 1.66
TOTAL / 3.92
c.) Application for grant from Hampshire Wildlife Trust and Pamber Forest:
It was resolved that, in accordance with the powers conferred by section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfied the requirements of that section, the council approved the payment of £250 to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust for use in the Pamber Forest management programme.The amount approved was less than that of previous years due to money going towards the resurfacing of Silchester car park.
163/16: To discuss the ‘Serving Hampshire Consultation: Options for future local government in Hampshire’:
Cllr. Goss reported that during the ‘Future of Local Government in Hampshire’ meeting, it was suggested that in the future small scale decisions could be made locally while larger scale decisions would be made centrally. Comparisons were made with Wiltshire, where local clusters successfully exist and Cllr. Gardiner added that while funding would be reduced, responsibility would be increased. Cllr. Kingston emphasized the need for Councillors and members of the public to complete the Serving Hampshire questionnaire and Pamber Parish Council needed to consider what its unified view was. It was agreed that the view of the Council was one of agreement, but it requested that the Status Quo remain.
164/16: Memorial Hall, to include damage to the tennis courts and end fence as well as continued use by Aldermaston Tennis Club:
It was reported that a member of Aldermaston Tennis Club had repaired the net on the first tennis court and the spare net held by Cllr. March would be needed on the second court. The Clerk also reported a gaping hole in the fence at the end of the courts. Due to the condition of the courts, Aldermaston Tennis Club announced that they would not be leasing the courts any more but agreed to manage them locally. The Council agreed to lay a fence with metal clips that could not be cut with a wire cutter, but to also leave the gate open to enable access to the courts. The Clerk was asked to obtain a quote from David Saunders to repair the fence and put a message in the Hall magazine informing the public that the gate was now open.
165/16: St. Stephen’s Hall to include discussion of its insurance policy:
Cllr. Gardiner felt that the cover amount was a little light in the event of any major damage as this could cost considerably more. Additionally, the Council felt the need for further clarity over whether the contents cover only covered internal equipment, and as the insurance didn’t cover trustees, could the council ultimately be held liable? The Clerk was asked to write to the Hall Management Committee, asking them if they had based the amount of money on clearance and the cost of rebuilding the Hall. She was also asked send a copy of clauses in the Council’s lease, giving the Hall Management Committee the details of what they needed to cover and to clarify whether their insurance policy covered the risks identified.
166/16: Police matters:
A report was given by the clerk on the status of the pending Speedwatch scheme. The Council agreed that those who had volunteered for the scheme had the right to decide which roads to provisionally focus on, although the Police Liaison Commissioner had final jurisdiction over this. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the Speedwatch group to get their views on this.
167/16: Open Spaces to include Cross Country race request at Pamber Park.
a) Inspection of play equipment by BDBC: Regular inspections had been carried out and no new faults had been reported.
b) Cllr. Kingston reported that the Hall Committee were concerned about the condition of the toilets and parking problems following the Cross Country Race last year. The Clerk was asked to send Cllr. Kingston the contact details of the event organisers so the Hall Committee could liaise with them. The Council agreed to the race request subject to clarification of numbers and risk assessments but it was agreed that the overflow car park should be opened to reduce problems of parking on the road.
c) Cllr. Goss reported that he met with play equipment specialists but the cost was in the region of £30,000, which was an extremely high price and one that a grant would not cover.
168/16: Councillor Matters to include appeal decision notice in relation to Cllr. Kingston and Cllr. Snook.
a.)The appeal against the decisions made by the Monitoring Officer regarding the complaints against Cllrs. Kingston and Snook was upheld and a summary of the comments was delivered. An apology was delivered by Cllr. Kingston and one sent by Cllr. Snook was read out in his absence.
b.)A complaint was made about Cllr. Snook’s alleged conduct during Parish Council meetings. The decision of the Deputy Monitoring Officer was that no breach of the Code of Conduct had occurred.
169/16: Borough and County Councillors’ Reports.
Cllr. Gardiner requested that the revised Safety Guidance for Councillors be circulated, as well as new guidance on planning and the relation between dual hatted authorities at Council level. He reported that the Borough have proposed knocking down the Irish Centre-the next meeting was scheduled for the following Wednesday.
170/16: Reports from Parish Council Representatives:-
a)Pamber Forest Advisory Committee: No report
b)Basingstoke and District Association of Town and Parish Councils: A meeting was scheduled for the following day which Cllr. Kingston would attend.
c)The Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath: The Committee thanked the Council for the loan of the marquee. The event went well with high attendance,
d)St. Stephens Hall, Little London: No report.
e)AWE Local Liaison Committee: A meeting was scheduled for the end of the month.
f)Hampshire Association of Local Councils: No report.
g)BDBC Parish Liaison Meeting: No report.
171/16: Correspondence.
Aimee Scott-Molloy: Speedwatch
BDBC: Site viewing schedule
CAMHS Conference
Charity Reform: Guidance on fundraising and governance
Council Audits: Amendment of contact details
Countryside Access Team: Rights of way modification
David Saunders: Invoice request
Emma Hayton: Alterations to the electoral register
HALC: Community led survey
Hampshire Alerts
Lubbe & Sons: Newsletter
N.H. Jasper: Tennis courts
NEST: message updates
NHS: Seeking our communities’ views
Open Spaces Society: Newsletter
Petronella Nattrass: Lengthsman issues.
Principal Planning Officer: Information request regarding EC/15/00446/U0D3
Sentinel Housing: Annual report
Southern Water: Annual report
Tadley Community Centre: Upcoming events
Tadley Council: Lengthsman contract
Wootton St Lawrence Parish Council: Lengthsman request
172/16: Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting of Pamber Parish Council will be held in St. Stephen’s Hall, Little London on Monday, 10th October 2016 at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.26pm