November 17, 2017
Dear Parents,
We are so grateful that we have the religious freedom that the Pilgrims were seeking when they left England. We know that they spent 3 years in Holland before moving on to Massachusetts. They found the religious freedom that they wanted, but couldn’t adjust there, as they couldn’t understand the Dutch, and they couldn’t understand the Pilgrims. We learned about an Indian friend named Squanto. He taught the Pilgrims many things about their new land. It was Squanto that taught the Pilgrims about planting many vegetables. He taught them how to hunt and fish, and how to use the animal skins for warmth, and how to cook the meat. He helped them to understand which berries would be good for them to eat, and which were poisonous. Ask your child what Squanto taught them about planting corn to insure the best tasting corn possible. See if your child can tell you what the Pilgrims used as spoons. On Tuesday, your child will bring home a Thanksgiving Memory Bag that has reinforced much of the information that we learned earlier. I hope that you’ll have a little time this weekend to go through some of them “symbols/reminders” with your child. Much of this was provided through the contributions from the Giving Train. Our Pilgrim/Indian Centers this week helped us to feel like we were back in their time. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR! OH GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD.
Little Looney Lion helped us to hear about the letter “Ll” this week. We love this letter—it is easy to recognize the sound, and both the capital and lower case are easy to make. We added the words me and look. Keep working on those words. We’ll soon be testing over them every week. We’re getting better and better at recognizing the vowel (however, we aren’t really calling them by the name VOWEL yet) in the middle of words. You will see some papers in this week’s folder where we practiced this. We had a visit from the entire LAMB FAMILY—Uncle Leonard, Aunt Lenora, Lanny and Lenny. Check them out with some of our Kindergarten Kids on this week’s web page.
We continue in our Math unit 3. It is giving us a review on counting objects, and recognizing some numbers. We were introduced this week to a number line. It is one of our “stepping stones” to addition.
After Christmas, we’ll have another recognize test on letters Aa-Oo, and numerals 0-50. At this point, we’ll also add the sounds as a part of our test. We’re working here, but home is a good place to reinforce, and make for a secure feeling. This test is set for January 12.
The children were tested over being able to say their entire address this week. There is a certificate in the folder indicating if your child was able tell me their address. If not, there is a paper stating what needs to be worked on.
Books Read Congratulations to Reagan—50 books, Dylan H.—100 books, Dylan B. and Jeremiah—150 books, We observed our 60th day of school this week. 40 more school days until Day 100!!!! It would be GREAT if everyone could have 100 books read by then. If your child doesn’t have 100 books yet, that would be a great goal!! If your child has 100 or more already, let’s see how many more lists you can add by day 100.
Happy Birthday to Lucas. Lucas’s celebrated his 5 ½ birthday this week. His birthday is in May, but it is 3 days after kindergarten is over. Thanks for the cupcakes. YUM! We pray for God’s continued guidance in your lives. Blessings!
I hope that you all have Thursday, December 7thmarked on your calendar. This is the date of our Christmas Program. You may have heard some of the songs being sung, as the melodies are “swimming” around in our heads. There are some small papers clipped together in your child’s folder today. They are “invitations” to the program. If you are with grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. over the Thanksgiving vacation, let your child invite them to the program. These are not “tickets”—just an invite. IF you need more, please ask. Plenty more. Remember, I’m counting on everyone to be there. PLEASE PLAN ON IT.
Thanks to the moms and friends who helped out with our painting project this past Wednesday. You came through with the “forces” and all was well. Now, on Tuesday we’ll have a little Pow Wow. I’d like to offer the children some “war paint” for the festivities. It is to be non-allergenic, and washable. If you do not want your child with a few “stripes of paint” on his/her face, please let me know. * Also, girls need a baby doll to go in their cradle boards. This needs to be a BABY—not Barbie. The doll should be between 8 and 10”. Bring this on Tuesday, please.
Thanks to the families of Lucas and Ella who helped to finish up our Giving Train. THANKS!!!!
You should have received an invitation to come to the 8:15 service at Atonement on Sunday, November 26. Ella and her sister, Marie will be baptized. It would be wonderful to have her kindergarten friends there to witness it. This is pretty special.
There are no Book Buddies this week. There will be no Book in a Bag, and there will not be a Bear Facts next week (only 2 days), nor will there be a folder. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. I have 20 kindergartners at the top of my list of things to be thankful for. They are followed closely by you parents who make so many of our “extras” worthwhile.
Have a very blessed Thanksgiving.