ACS-1805Lab 1: Using AliceFall 2007

Using Alice

The purpose of this lab is to ensure you have experience using Alice 2.0 in the laboratory. Over the course of the term, in classes and in labs, you will receive more instruction. If you have any questions during this lab do not hesitate to ask your lab demonstrator.

In this lab you will must start Alice and create two worlds that are discussed in Appendix A.

Student Identification

Student number ______

Last name ______

First name ______

Workstation user id ______

Email address ______

You are asked below to print certain images using MS Word. If you have difficulties see the lab demonstrator. If problems persist you will be able show your results on the workstation to the lab demonstrator instead. Hand in these lab sheets and your output to the lab demonstrator.

1. Logon to your workstation

Logon to a workstation (logon information is available from the lab demonstrator). You must remember your user id and password.

2. Based on World 3 in Appendix A Part 1 (pages287-296)

Actions to perform:

a)Create a new world and usethe Snow template

b)Save your world. Try using the network drive, H. This drive is available to you in both labs 3D03 and 3C13.

c)Add a snowman and a snowwoman to your world (People folder).

d)Arrange the snowman and snowwoman so they are facing each other.

e)Use Quad View to arrange the snowman and snowwoman so they are aligned as shown below.

f)Try the following: Use Ctl-PrintScreen to get a copy of your screenonto the clipboard. Open MS Word on your workstation, paste the clipboard into your MS Word document, and then print the document in the lab. If you have difficulties see the lab demonstrator. If difficulties persist show your world in Quad View to the lab demonstrator.

g)Save your world.

3. Based on the world discussed in Appendix A Part 2 (pages297-301)

Actions to perform:

a)Create a new world and use the Grass template.

b)Save your world.

c)Add a Happy Tree (Nature) and a Frog (Animals) to your world.

d)Double the size of the frog and arrange the frog to face the tree. Use MS Word to print a page containing the following image.

e)Select the frog’s tongue and move it forward (see picture below).

f)Ask the camera to get a close up view of the frog. (see Figure A-2_10). Use MS Word to print a page containing the following image.

g)Save your world.

If you finish this lab early, you should consider experimenting with the Alien/Robot world developed in the last class. For instance,

  • Download the Alice World: ( )
  • Play the world
  • Export the code for printing: File > Export code for printing
  • View the code generated above in a web browser