ECKAN Head Start
Child Health and Development
Work Plans
Performance Standard/Goal Strategies/Timeline Responsible Party Documentation
Health Education-Health Literacy- Parent/ Family / 1304.40(f)(2)(iii) Provides parents w/ the opportunity to learn the principles of preventive medical/dental health, emergency first-aid, occupational and environmental hazards, and safety practices…Referral: Refer children who do not have a medical or dental home
- If it is determined that a child does not have a medical and /or dental home, staff assists the family in finding medical homes for health, mental health and dental needs.
- Provide family with local community resources.
- Educate family on importance of making and keeping appointments. Use brochures, pamphlets, agency magnets, newsletters and education materials from reliable sources.
- Connect family with local community resources.
- Record family education activities connected to a referral in PROMIS Family Development. Home Visitors document referral activities on Home Visit Report/Plan and in PROMIS Family Development.
- Assist eligible family in filling out necessary paperwork for Kan Care/ Medicaid insurance if child/ family is uninsured. Provide family with local community resources.
- Educate family on importance of making and keeping appointments. Use brochures, pamphlets, agency magnets, newsletters and education materials from reliable sources.
- Connect family with local community resources.
- Record family education activities connected to a referral in PROMIS Family Development. Home Visitors document referral activities on Home Visit Report/Plan and in PROMIS Family Development.
Parent is educated on the importance of fluoride in oral health.
- Parents will be provided educational information on the use and purpose of fluoride and be encouraged to use fluoridated toothpaste at home.
- Use brochures, newsletters, parent meetings and activities, socializations and other events sponsored by ECKAN.
- Educate family on Kan Be Healthy (EPSDT) Program offered through the State of Kansas.
Local resources and funding will be utilized before Head Start funds are used to pay for services.
- Staff will educate families on available local resources for financial assistance. (Lions Club, Jones Fund, ETC)
- Staff uses National Resource center/ services for special cases. (National Heart Assoc., Shriner’s, Crippled Children’s Foundation, ETC)
- Staff will educate families on available local resources for financial assistance. (Lions Club, Jones Fund, ETC)
- Staff uses National Resource center/ services for special cases. (National Heart Assoc., Shriner’s, Crippled Children’s Foundation, ETC)
- Staff uses classroom activities, home visit, parent/ teachers conferences, parent socializations and parent meetings to teach parents how to prepare child for procedures and screenings.
Families have accessible health care for medical, dental and mental health needs.
- Parents are provided with community resource information in the home/spoken language of the family.
- Assist parents in accessing available resources.
- Parents are encouraged to accompany children to appointments.
- Staff teaches parents the importance of keeping appointments or canceling and rescheduling appointments.
- Staff teaches parents how to advocate for their child/family.
Parental consent and refusal.
- Parents are provided educational information on the nature and purpose of screenings. Staff answers questions regarding screenings or refers parent to appropriate support staff.
- Parent/Guardian signs consent for screenings at enrollment.
- Signed consent is obtained for special procedures and testing.
- Parents are provided educational information on the Kan Be Healthy guidelines, immunizations schedule, purpose for immunizations and purpose of the dental examination and oral health schedule.
Health Status, Practice and Knowledge
Shows increasing levels of health practices and knowledge.
- Children are up-to-date on scheduled immunizations.
- Children’s health care is up-to-date.
- Children’s dental care is up-to-date.
- Children receive screenings.
- Children have established medical homes.
- Children have established dental homes.
- Children are covered by health insurance.
Gained confidence to address health and mental health.
- Children are up-to-date on scheduled immunizations.
- Children’s health care is up-to-date.
- Children’s dental care is up-to-date.
- Children receive screenings.
- Children have established medical homes.
- Children have established dental homes.
- Children are covered by health insurance.
Parent Involvement: Transitions
Goal: Staff and families initiate transition planning activities at least 6 months prior to the child’s third birthday.
1304.20(f)(2) ) To support individualization for children with disabilities in their programs, grantee and delegate agencies must assure that:
(iii) They participate in and support efforts for a smooth and effective transition for children who, at age three, will need to be considered for services for preschool age children with disabilities; and / Transition to Part B Services.1304.40
(h) Parent involvement in transition activities. (1) Grantee and delegate agencies must assist parents in becoming their children’s advocate as they transition both into Early Head Start or Head Start from the home or other child care setting, and from Head Start to elementary school, a Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act preschool program, or a child care setting.
(2) Staff must work to prepare parents to become their children’s advocate through transition periods by providing that, at a minimum, a staff-parent meeting is held toward the end of the child’s participation in the program to enable parents to understand the child’s progress while enrolled in Early Head Start or Head Start.
(3) To promote the continued involvement of Head Start parents in the education and development of their children upon transition to school, grantee and delegate agencies must:
(i) Provide education and training to parents to prepare them to exercise their rights and responsibilities concerning the education of their children in the school setting; and
(ii) Assist parents to communicate with teachers and other school personnel so that parents can participate in decisions
- For children transitioning into Head Start from Early Head Start:
- Head Start Center will be notified when the child turns 30 months of age. The Home Visitor refers the parent to the HS center to complete application. The child is transitioned into Head Start at the appropriate eligibility date.
- Teacher, Home Visitors, Disabilities/Mental Health Coordinator and Special Education Providers plan transitions for children who received Part “C” services (0-36 months) as they transition out of the program to Part B services (36 months and older).
- Early Head Start staff, parents, Part C providers and Local Educational Agency staff are involved in determining the next best placement and developing an IEP.
- Families participate in transition activities as their child goes from EHS to HS.
- Families participate in transition activities as their child moves between EHS/HS to community early childhood learning environments.
- Families participate in transition activities as their child goes from HS to kindergarten/elementary school.
- Use the family partnership process to help families develop transition plans for themselves and their children.
- Provide families with information, training and connections to future early care and educational settings to help facilitate the transition process for parents and children (e.g., information about what families might expect of K-12 instruction and training about how to deal with disagreements between parent and teacher).
- Ensure families know about their rights under federal and state laws, such as their rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
- Ensure families have ongoing opportunities to discuss their observations and concerns about their child’s strengths and challenges prior to transitions from EHS to HS and HS to K-12.
Work Plan Child Health and Development
Goal:1. Each child entering Head Start will have a medical and dental home within 90 days of entering the program.Sec. 1304.20 Child health and developmental services.
1304.20(a) Determining child health status. (1) In collaboration with the parents and as quickly as possible, but no later than 90 calendar days (with the exception noted in paragraph (a)(2) of this section) from the child's entry into the program (for the purposes of 45 CFR 1304.20(a)(1), 45 CFR 1304.20(a)(2), and 45 CFR 1304.20(b)(1), ``entry'' means the first day that Early Head Start or Head Start services are provided to the child), grantee and delegate agencies must:
(i) Make a determination as to whether or not each child has an ongoing source of continuous, accessible health care. If a child does not have a source of ongoing health care, grantee and delegate agencies must assist the parents in accessing a source of care; / 1. Each child entering Head Start will have a medical and dental home within 90 days of entering the program.
- Child Health Information form is used to document each child’s medical/ dental home. Document medical / dental home on Table of Content in individual file.
- Record Medical Provider and Dental Provider in PROMIS.
- Revisit Medical / Dental Provider status during home visits and parent teacher conferences. Document educational activities using home visit reports/ plans or in PROMIS Case Notes/ Service Referrals.
- Strengths and Needs Assessment revisits the question of medical and dental home.
- Refer families if medical or dental home status changes.
- A 90 Day Determination of EPSDT Status is completed within 90 days of a child’s initial entry into the program. This documentation is used to determine a child’s 90 day status. The document is kept in the child’s file throughout the child’s participation in the program.
- Staff reviews child health status as an ongoing process.
- Health Staff / Delegate Agency Designee monitor EPSDT status on an ongoing basis. Documentation includes items such as Program information reports, Health Summary’s and Annual Individual Child File Review Health Status as well as other PROMIS reports.
REFER TO: Strengths and Needs Assessment
REFER TO: PROMIS Data Entry Procedure
Referral: Refer children who do not have a medical or dental home
- If it is determined that a child does not have a medical and /or dental home, staff assists the family in finding medical homes for health, mental health and dental needs.
- Provide family with local community resources.
- Educate family on importance of making and keeping appointments. Use brochures, pamphlets, agency magnets, newsletters and education materials from reliable sources.
- Connect family with local community resources.
- Record family education activities connected to a referral in PROMIS Family Development. Home Visitors document referral activities on Home Visit Report/Plan and in PROMIS Family Development.
REFER TO: Referral Procedure
REFER TO: Local Community Resource Information
2. Insurance status of each child is determined during the application process.
- “Child Health Information form” is used to document each child’s insurance status during the application process.
- Strengths and Needs Assessment inquires about insurance status
REFER TO: Strengths and Needs Assessment
REFER TO: Local Community Resource Information
Referral: Refer children who do not have health insurance/ dental insurance coverage
- Assist eligible family as needed in completing all necessary paperwork for Kan Care/ Medicaid insurance if child/ family is uninsured. Provide family with local community resources.
- Educate family on importance of making and keeping appointments. Use brochures, pamphlets, agency magnets, newsletters and education materials from reliable sources.
- Connect family with local community resources.
- Record family education activities connected to a referral in PROMIS Family Development. Home Visitors document referral activities on Home Visit Report/Plan and in PROMIS Family Development.
REFER TO: Referral Procedure / *Family Service Worker
*Home Visitor
*Delegate Agency Designee
*Area Manager
*Health Coordinator/ Nurse Specialist
*Child Development Specialist
*Family Service Worker
*Home Visitor
*Delegate Agency Designee
*Area Manager
*Health Coordinator/ Nurse Specialist
*Child Development Specialist
*Family Service Worker
*Home Visitor
*Delegate Agency Designee
*Area Manager
*Health Coordinator/ Nurse Specialist
*Home Base Coordinator
*Family Service Worker
*Home Visitor
*Delegate Agency Designee
*Area Manager
*Health Coordinator/ Nurse Specialist
*Child Development Specialist / *Child Health Information
*Strengths and Needs Assessment
*PROMIS Medical Provider
*Home Visit Plan/ Report
*Individual child PROMIS Case Notes/ Service Referrals
*Individual child PROMIS Referral Information
*Child Health Information
*Strengths and Needs Assessment
*PROMIS Medical Provider
*Home Visit Plan/ Report
*Individual child PROMIS Case Notes/ Service Referrals
*Child Health Information
*Strengths and Needs Assessment
*PROMIS Medical Provider
*Home Visit Plan/ Report
*Individual child PROMIS Case Notes/ Service Referrals
*Individual child PROMIS Referral Information
*Child Health Information
*Strengths and Needs Assessment
*PROMIS Medical Provider
*Home Visit Plan/ Report
*Individual child PROMIS Case Notes/ Service Referrals
*Individual child PROMIS Referral Information
Goal: Children are up to date on KAN BE Healthy Requirements and immunizations.
1304.20(a)(ii)Obtain from a health care professional a determination as to whether the child is up-to-date on a schedule of age appropriate preventive and primary health care which includes medical, dental and mental health. Such a schedule must incorporate the requirements for a schedule of well child care utilized by the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program of the Medicaid agency of the State in which they operate, and the latest immunization recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as any additional recommendations from the local Health Services Advisory Committee that are based on prevalent community health problems:
(a) For children who are not up-to-date on an age-appropriate schedule of well child care, grantee and delegate agencies must assist
parents in making the necessary arrangements to bring the child up-to-date;
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Regulations For Preschools and Child Care Centers
KAR 4-430
Kansas Department of Health and Environment General Regulations for Licensed and Group Day Care Homes
KAR 28-4-117 (a)(1)(2)(3), (b)(c)(d)(e)(f) / 1. Children are up to date on KAN BE Healthy Requirements.
- Staff assists families in completing “Release of Information”. Family must provide release to ECKAN, acknowledging release of records from other agencies.
- Families provide Head Start with a copy of their most recent Kan Be Healthy Physical/ Well Child Check or physical that was completed by their medical provider.
REFER TO: Release of Information
- Review “Kan Be Healthy/ Well Child Check”, Dental examination /treatment and immunization information to determine if the child is up to date.
- Family Service Workers, Home Visitors, Delegate Agency Designee, Health Coordinator/ Nurse Specialist review children’s health information and PROMIS records, to determine if child is up to date on KAN BE HEALTHY requirements, which is inclusive of all Kansas ESPDT requirements.
- A child could be considered up to date until the next Well Child Check/ Kan Be Healthy is 30days past due as determined by the Kan Be healthy Schedule. A child who is up to date when they transitioned out of the program or dropped from the program will be considered up to date for the program year.
REFER TO: Kansas Immunization Requirements for Entry into Child Care and School
REFER TO: Kan Be Healthy/ Well Child Check
REFER TO: Dental Examination/treatment records
REFER TO: Immunization Record
2. Children remain up to date on immunizations.