Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative
{This is a guidance-only document}
BASSC is attempting to provide guidelines in this document that reflect what we know at this time to be required for the Annual Review process.
Go to the BASSC web site at then to “Forms and Templates”
Cover Page of the IEP
- Fill in the box to the left with all information
- A tracking form is not necessary for an Annual Review IEP meeting UNLESS there has been a change in the student’s name, address, or other biographical information – in this case complete a tracking form in addition to entering all required information on the AR Summary sheet – return both to the BASSC office
Staffing Notification (C):
- An annual review of each student’s IEP is required. Make sure that this meeting occurs before the anniversary date of the student’s current IEP. It is the responsibility of the case manager (usually classroom teacher) to make the arrangements for the Annual Review meetings and send notification to all parties.
- Make sure to check the appropriate boxes on the notification of staffing.
- If creating or revising a Behavior Management Plan or to conduct a functional behavior assessment, mark the appropriate boxes on the notification form.
- Illinois law requires that you give parents 10-day notice of an IEP meeting. If the meeting occurs sooner than 10 days, parents must waive their right to this rule. See the bottom of Form D to indicate this.
- There are minimally 4 required participants who should attend each IEP meeting (parents, the regular education teacher, the special education teacher, and a representative from the LEA who has the authority to commit services). Make sure that these individuals are invited to and attend your student’s Annual Review.
- Procedural safeguards must be provided to parents at least one time per year. An annual review meeting is an appropriate time to do this. Sending these with the staffing notification is a common, accepted practice.
IEP Conference Form (D):
- Purpose of meeting section (at the top) must correlate to the reasons specified on the staffing notification letter.
- The section pertaining to the student’s identity, district of residence, etc. must be accurately and completely filled out. Complete a Tracking Form if any identifying information has changed (address, phone number)
- All IEP participants should sign that they were in attendance at the meeting.
- If parent(s) is NOT in attendance-there must be evidence of at least 3 attempts to secure their participation noted at the bottom of this form. Examples include mailing of the staffing notification by US mail, phone call reminder, an email, or a note sent home in the child’s backpack.
- Have parent(s) check the box and initial that they are in receipt of the Procedural Safeguards. If they have questions or are in dispute with the recommendations of the IEP meeting, the Case Manager or the LEA is advised to review the pertinent section of this booklet.
Summary of Present Levels of Performance (G):
- It is important that each domain is reviewed and that there is an up-to-date, accurate, and thorough synopsis of the student’s current levels of academic achievement and functional performance
- There should be similar statements about the student’s strengths in each of these situations.
- All educational concerns noted in this section must relate to goals/objectives.
- Parents concerns – accurately summarizing the concerns of the parents is important. Write the parental concern exactly as stated by the parent.
- Adverse effect – must refer to the information presented at the most recent eligibility IEP conference.
Transition Plan (H) & Indicator 13– for students age 14 ½ years and older
*The top portion of the H page is the H-13 section. H-13 is critical information about transition plans for students with an IEP. This form must be completed for any transition age student. Information from this form is required by ISBE (Indicator 13). This will impact state performance plan if not submitted. It is a requirement.
*The re-authorized IDIEA now defines transition services as a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is follows a results-oriented process, focused on the improvement of academic as well as functional achievement. Each plan should facilitate the transitions from school to some sort of post school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment, continuing adult education, adult services, independent living and community participation. The transition plan should be based on individual needs, strengths and preferences and interests. The transition plan must contain at least 2 measurable post-secondary goals. These goals should be based on age appropriate transition assessments related to the areas specified above. See attachment for examples.
- For students who are graduating (or who will be turning 22 years) this year, the district must provide a written statement of their academic achievement and functional performance, and recommendations relative to how the student might meet his/her post-secondary goals.
Secondary Transition Requirement Update
Under the School Code, the first IEP that is in effect when a student turns 14 ½ must include a transition plan to support the student's transition from high school to post-secondary life. Post-secondary goals and transition services, based on age-appropriate transition assessments, are required in the areas of training and/or education, and employment. IDEA, Section 5/14-8.03 of the School Code stated that goals and services in the area of independent living skills be provided "where appropriate." Senate Bill 1550, sponsored by Senator Radogno and Representative Sandack, was signed by Gov. Quinn on Aug. 22, 2013 which amended Public Act 98-517 and ensures that goals and services related to independent living skills are now required for every student's transition plan. Many transition-age students have not previously had transition goals related to independent living skills.
Goals/Objectives (I):
- Must directly correlate directly to the educational concerns in each of the domains (G).
- Indicate the most accurate present levels for each goal.
- Be clear about which goals/objectives are co-implemented by related services staff.
- Make sure to specify the criterion and the evaluation procedures that will be used to gauge mastery of each goal and objective.
- Relate goals to the State Standards or the Core Standards
- The types, number, and intensity of goals and objectives drive the need for special services, related services and ultimately placement.
- Progress reports must be completed and provided to parents with same frequency as provided to students in regular education (usually 4 times per year), and The Annual Review meeting can serve as one of these reporting periods.
- Each progress report must convey a status report for each of the goals/objectives on the student’s IEP.
- Make sure to review whether there has been sufficient progress to meet these goals/objectives – and check this box accordingly for each reporting period.
- All IEP implementers (special education teacher, speech pathologist, etc.) must provide input into the progress report for each reporting period.
Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Management Plan (J1J2):
- FBA’s and BIP’s should follow content of G (especially information in functional (social emotional) area).
- Must be characterized in objective/measurable terms (frequency, duration, intensity).
- Set a corresponding goal/objective for each of the behaviors targeted in the BIP.
- Staffing Notification (Form C) must be marked for BIP revisions or a FBA
Accomodations & Services/Placement (K1& K2):
- ISBE is also requiring that students ages 3-5 with IEP’s be reported in one of 8 early childhood codes.
- Make sure to give consideration to assistive technology needs, and how AT devices may support students in academic activities, testing, and/or other areas of the school environment. Also, IEP teams must be observant of the unique needs of students who are DH/H and VI (augmentative communication, Braille instruction/use of Braille, etc.)
- Specify what accommodations are needed in general education classes and other education-related settings to enable the student to be successfully integrated with non-disabled peers
- Do not commit related services to IEP without the appropriate representative of that discipline present (i.e.: music therapy, assistive technology, autism consultation, CAP evaluations).
- Related services – the type and amount must correlate to the number and nature of the student’s goals/objectives.
- For placement, you must reflect that you considered 3 options – be specific about each: reject two and choose one. Write rationale and justification for placement decision to include potential harmful effects..
- ESY is an individualized determination. Make sure to indicate what services and the amount that will be provided.
- The amount of instructional services and related services, and the duration of ESY will vary according to the student’s progress status on this year’s current IEP (not the IEP for the 2018-2019 school year).
- BASSC ESY dates are June 18 through July 19, 2018. No school on July 4th and July 5th. ESY is not in session on Fridays.
State/Local Assessment (L):
- Consider the need for accommodations and modifications that allow the student to participate in either of these assessments.
- If necessary, consider an alternate assessment (refer to the IAA criterion specified by ISBE).
Conference Notification (O):
- Complete form and include with Annual Review.
Transfer of Rights Due to Age Majority (R):
- Prior to the year in which a student will turn age 18, the district must provide him/her with a notice informing them of the transference of rights.
Notes (V):
- Use this form to provide supportive data, and/or to note any additional information that needs to be continued from one of the IEP pages.
Updating Student Information:
- Make sure to update the student information section in PowerIEP. Key areas to review and update:
- Evaluation Data section. Fill in any new dates.
- Next Year section. VERY important to fill out to the best of your knowledge.
Each Case Manager should turn in Annual Review Summary Sheet and the original IEP for each student
to BASSC by May 4, 2018. Please call the BASSC office if you are not able to make the deadline.