atom Alliance Marketing Brief
Patient and Family Engagement is Everyone’s Job: Are YOU doing enough?
Remember the importance of patient and family engagement (PFE) to the successful completion of the QIN-QIO contract: PFE is everyone’s job. Here are some concrete things you should be doing:
- Consider recruiting at least one (1) beneficiary/caregiver to be your informal Patient Partner. Choose someone who you enjoy working with on a personal level. Seek this person’s feedback on your Task team’s activities.
- If your task(s) require beneficiary participation in LAN activities], then choose LAN activities/events you believe might be of interest to your Patient Partner, then invite them via your Outlook email by forwarding the invitation created in Constant Contact.Get their feedback on how LAN activities might be improved and share that with your team.
- When planning LAN events, make every effort to
- Kick off all webinars or podcasts with a patient story
- Include a patient on all panel discussions
- Have a participating provider organization share their PFE success story on a webinar or podcast at least quarterly
- Reach out to your SME(s) when you have ideas about how to involve the atom Advisory Council members in your improvement activities
- Solicit feedback from the Advisory Council about any Patient Education materials you are recommending to providers or developing from scratch. Please do this by asking your SME to work with the Advisory Council Workgroup Lead
- Watch for - and report - PFE success stories from the participating provider organizations to which you are providing technical assistance to your task(s) to your SME(s) and the Advisory Council Workgroup Lead for possible inclusion in a monthly Advisory Council meeting.
When you work with patients and caregivers report it in SmartSheet so we can include your good work in the COR Report. Here is a link to the form:
Monthly Online Communication Reports
Each month, MarCom provides information that can help you understand consumer usage of our online services and resources. You can view the reports here.If you have any questions or would like to discuss how this information can be used to better define and communicate with your audiences, please contact Lynn Maples at 800-528-2655 ext. 2614 or email at .
Social Media Update (If you don’t already, LIKE, FOLLOW and PIN atom Alliance today!)
Twitter –
- 302 Followers (up 16)
Facebook –
- 173 Followers (no change)
LinkedIn –
- 2495 Connections (up 30)
Pinterest –
- 140 Followers (up 2)
Suggested Social Media Post (Copy and share with your followers and friends)
I am a proud part of the @QIOProgram & committed to #healthQI. Learn more: atomalliance.org/initiatives/ #HQW2017
Tip of the Week:Try Virtual Brainstorming, Voting, Feedback and other Energizers
One way to engage participants during a virtual meeting is to conduct a vote or brainstorm. WebEx and other virtual meeting platforms offer built-in voting mechanisms, but there are other free and low-cost tools you can try. For virtual brainstorming, tryBoardthing which allows users to share ideas on a virtual sticky note board. Free and premium accounts are available. Another tool, Lino, offers a similar service where participants use virtual sticky notes in various colors to share their ideas.
News: / Now Available: Qualifying APM Participant Look-Up Tool
eBlasts: / Data-Driven Health Information for Providers
Webinar Series | Session 5: Telehealth Strategies for Success
On-Demand Learning Opportunities Available at atomAlliance.org
C2. Healthcare-Associated Conditions (Nursing Homes)
Web Updates:Blogs: / How a Nursing Home Increased Communication and Reduced Antipsychotic Medications
eBlasts: / Join our Sharing Call this Wednesday, Oct. 11
C3.6Adverse Drug Events
powerUp!Materials: / Opioid Education Brochure
D1. Quality Payment Program
Web Updates:Blogs: / The Virtual Group Election Period is Now Open to Participate in MIPS in 2018
F1. Immunizations
powerUp!Materials: / Medicare Coding and Billing for Vaccinations
G1. Behavioral Health:
eBlasts: / Depression Month Week 3Depression Month Week 2
Upcoming Events
Current registration for Webinars scheduled:
Date / Title / # Reg.10/25 / Telehealth 5-Part Webinar Series / 254
11/7 / 3-Day Peer Facilitator Training for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support / 3
4/12/18 / LSSCC II: Creating a Culture of Safety | Learning Session 2 / 9