YEAR / TYPE / TITLE / ARRANGER / SPEAKERS1977 / Opening General / The Social Responsibility of Industrial Hygienists / ??? / Jack Sheehan USWA, Guy Gabrieleson Nicolet Industrial, Iring Tabershaw, JOM, William Kilberg, US DOL, Frank Baranko, OSHRC, Ralph Allen, Univ CA
1977 / Platform / Current Social Issues Facing Industrial Hygienists-
The limits of cost benefit analyses / Terry Briggs / Chair- Bob Harris
Mike McCann- Art Hazard Center- The Cottage Industry,
Eileen Senn Crenshaw- OSHA-,
R. Weidner- NIOSH- Federal Worker, Kathleen O’Leary- USDOL- Right to Access, Claudia Miller- USWA- Contract language, TA Richard- UWisc- Labor education in Occ Health, Stan Eller- U Cincinnati
1978 / Platform / Social Concerns / Eileen Senn Crenshaw / Chair- Jim Weeks- Harvard
Jeanne Stellman- Am Health Fdn- Epidemic in Poor Epidemiology, Bob Curtis- OSHA- Selective Tariffs to discourage export of US health hazards, Dan Berman- Compensation-Safety apparatus, Frank Mirer- UAW- Worker participation in sampling, Tony Mazzocchi- OCAW- IH by and for workers
1979 / Panel / Social Concerns -Employee Access to Medical and Exposure Records / Stan Eller- ICWU / Chair- Jim Weeks- Harvard
- BW Mintz- US DOL, Dave Parkinson- USWA/U Pgh., E. Dixson- Celanese, Stan Eller- ICWU, AE Glass- OSHA Training, Peg Seminario- AFL-CIO, E. Christofano- Hercules, D. Simmons- CACOSH
1980 / Panel / Social Concerns -Cost Benefit Analysis- / Peg Seminario- AFL-CIO, Mike McCann- Centr for Occ Hazards / Chair- Peg Seminario- AFL-CIO
Jim Weeks- IUE Local 201,
Nick Ashford, David Noble- MIT, Mike Wright- USWA, G. Dominquez- CIBA-GEIGY, Basil Whiting- OSHA
1981 / Panel / Social Concerns-
How to Reach Non-Unionized Small Businesses / MA Lundquist / Chair- Mike McCann- Cntr Occ Hazards
Mike McCann/K. Klatt- OSHA, Kathy Hunninen- U Tenn, J. Geissert- CO State U, S. Stricoff- AD Little
1981 / Panel / Susceptibility of Minorities / JF Wilson- Defense Personel Support Cntr / Chair- L. Miles- Am Hoechst
AT Compton- SmithKline French- Occ Disease- Socioeconomic Implications,
Jim Melius- NIOSH- Occ Problems and Minorities,
NL Fisher- U Wash- Will your genes keep you from the work you want to do?, Susceptibility of Minorities
1982 / Panel / Non-Traditional Work Schedules / RD Phillips- Exxon / Chair- DJ Paustenbach- Purdue
J Hickey- UNC
PC Reist- UNC
MH Smolensky- U TX
EJ Calabrese- U MA
JW Mason- U AL
1983 / Panel / The Effects of Economic Conditions on Occupational Safety and Health / Dan Brustein- URW / Chair- J. Shirmer- NJ Dept Health
G. Pappas- Case Western, C. Dimengo- URW- Health Effects of Unemployment
Eric Frumin- ACTWU- OSH in a Period of Economic Adversity,
Chuck Levenstein- Harvard, J. Shirmer- NJ Dept Health- Correlation of Employment, Investment and Accident Rates,
OH Services and Economic Stringencies- B Walker- MI Dept Public Health
1984 / Panel / Unfinished Business- Future Occupational Health Needs / Raphael Moure- UAW/Eileen Senn Tarlau- OSHA / Chair- Eileen Senn Tarlau- OSHA
Eula Bingham- U Cincinnati- Standard Setting Priorities
Nick Ashford- MIT- Control Technology Policy,
J. Bertin- ACLU Womens Rights Project- Reproductive Health Policy
Peg Seminario- AFL-CIO- Workers Rights Policy
T. Webb- Radiation & Health Labor Project- Radiation Policy
Jeanne Stellman- Womens Occ Health Resource Center- Office Worker Occ Health Policy
1985 / Panel / Beyond TLVs- The Need for New Approaches / Julianne Sum- IBEW / Mike McCann- Cntr Occ Hazards
When do we act of suspected hazards?
D. Chawes- Hutchinson Cancer Cntr- New Technology- What questions do we ask?
A. DeVito- PEF- Why should an IH care about stress?
Mass Hysteria- Blaming the worker?
Mike McCann- Are TLVs always sufficient?
JB Hicks- Firemans Fund- Erring on the Safe Side
1986 / Roundtable / “The Apocalyptics” and the Controversy Over Cancer Regulation Policy / Matt Gillen- WISH, JD Bowman- USC / Chair- JD Bowman- USC
Animal Evidence on Carcinogens in Humans- “Ideology in a White Smock?”
“Government Regulation of Carcinogens in Industry- “An Institutionalizes Public Illusion?”
1987 / Roundtable / Workers at Risk in the Developing World: Industrial Disasters, Corporate Responsibility and Technology Transfer / Frank Rosenthal- U Mass Worcester, Ana Kimball- Cambridge Hospital, Frank Mirer- UAW / Chairs- Frank Rosenthal- U Mass, Frank Mirer- UAW
Davit McAteer- Occ Safety Law Center- SH in South African Mines,
Mike Wright- USWA- Lessons of Bhopal,
G. Molina- PAHO- Exposure to Pesticides in Latin America
B. Baratz- World Bank- Env Health in Small Industries in the Developing World
1988 / Roundtable / Health and Safety Regulation: Where Do We Go From Here? / Paul Becker- WVU,
J. Bowman- USC,
C. Cole- Mansdorf & Assoc. / Chair- Paul Becker- WVU
Eula Bingham- Univ Cincinnati
John Henshaw- Monsanto
Vern McDougal- Teamsters
Pat Tyson- Constangy, Brooks & Smith
1988 / Roundtable / Criminal Prosecutions of Workplace Injuries and Fatalities / J. Parker- MA DOH / Chair- Suzanne Mager- MA Off Gen Counsel
Intro- Suzanne Mager
Fran Schreiberg- Oakland CA- Criminal Prosecution under OSHA
J. Chatter-Brown- LA Dist Attny- Development of a Local Occ Hazards Criminal Team
J. Magnuson- Cook County- The Film Recovery Case: Its Implications for IHs
1989 / Roundtable / Worker’s Rights to Act for Safety and Health / Thurman Wenzl- Univ Lowell / Chairs- Thurman Wentzl, Matt Gillen- WISH
T. Evans- Monsanto- Corporate Views
D. Tuminaro- NY State Assembly- Legal Issues
Bob Sass- Canadian Experience
Mike Wright- USWA- Labor’s Rationale
1990 / Roundtable / Occupational Health in the Developing World / Rebecca Cohen- Hopkins / Chairs- Rebecca Cohen, G. Nassif- M&M Protection
R. Jhabvala- Self-Employed Womens Assoc- OH problems in India,
Frank Renshaw- Rhom & Haas- Responsibility in India,
MP Fernandez-Kelly- Hopkins- The Global Assembly Line- Documentary,
J. Singh- Clayton- Conditions in the Pacific Rim
1990 / Roundtable / The Right To Act: The Experiences of Labor and Management / Noah Seixas- University of Michigan / Chair- Noah Sexias- UM
1990 / Roundtable / Reevaluation of Industrial Hygiene Practice: Is Air Sampling the Best or Only Tool for Determiniation of Occupational Hazards? / Raphael Moure- U Lowell / Chair- Raphael Moure
Eileen Senn Tarlau- NJ Dept Health,
JW Hochstrasser- First Environment
Matt Gillen- WISH
1991 / Roundtable / Hazard Communication for Non-English Speaking Workers / Ellen Roznowski- OSHA / Chair- Ellen Roznowski- OSHA
J. Mujica- Chicago Lung assoc.-HazComm – Knowledge and Attitudes among recent immigrants in Chicago,
Cathy Sarri- Alice Hamilton Center- Bilingual HazComm Training
J. Bellows- CA OH program- Bilingual programs for CA Businesses,
R. McDavid- MCD Consulting- Reaching Hispanic Workforce,
D. Smith- CAL-OSHA- How do you translate Company Policy into Spanish?
1992 / Roundtable / Beyond the Johnson Controls Decision: Ensuring Reproductive Health in the Workplace / N. Beaudet- WA DLI, Pam Deutsch- WA DLI / J. Betrin- Women’s Rights Project ACLU- People Protection Not Fetal Protection,
Chair- Pam Deutsch
EM Faustman- U WA- Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology,
D. Logan- Mobil- Managing Reproductive Health Concerns,
Andrea Taylor- UAW- UAW Perspectives,
MA Kamrin- MSU- Communicating abour Reproductive Risks
1993 / Roundtable / The Impact of Free Trade Agreements: Is Regulation “Harmonization” Good for Occupational Health? / Rebecca Cohen- Hopkins, Raphael Moure-Eraso- UMass Lowell / Chair- Rebecca Cohen
The Impact of NAFTA on Canada- L. Ritchie- Conf Canadian Trade Unions
The Impact of NAFTA on Mexico- A. Velasquez- Indep Textile Union
The Economics of Environ and Occ Impact of NAFTA- T. Lee- Econ Policy Institute
1993 / Forum / OSHA Reform- What Ideas Have Worked? / Scott Schneider- Occ Health Foundation, Andrea Taylor- UAW / Chair- Scott Schneider
B. Dematteo- Ontario Public Employees Union- S&H Experience in Ontario,
Nick Ashford- MIT- S&H Experience in British Columbia,
Joe Dear- S&H Experience in WA State,
Andrea Taylor- UAW- Worker Participation in S&H and its Impact
1994 / Roundtable / Prospects for Change: Implementing NAFTA/ Lessons from the Maquilladores / Rebecca Cohen- U. Maryland, Marta Figueroa- UMD-NJ / Chair- Rebecca Cohen
Joseph LaDou- Intern Cntr Occ Medicine- Migration of Hazardous Industries to Newly Industrialized Countries
J. Alpert- Electric Films- Heavy Metal and Cobalt Exposure Exported to mexico,
L. Cedillo- Scool Public Health Mexico- Priorities of Training and Education in Mexico Needed to Improve Occ Environ Conditions resulting from NAFTA,
L. Conde- Support Comm for Maq. Workers- Health and Safety in Plastics and Electronic Assembly in the Maquillas
1994 / Technical / Community Environmental Health and Safety: Social Issues / Mary Erio- Erio Consulting, Peter Bellin- CSUN Northridge / Chair- Marta Figueroa- UMD-NJ
RJ Marshall- Exxon- IH Emerg Response in a Petroleum Refinery
M. Ferat- Grupo Indus Resistol- Transp Emerg Resp Group to Protect Lives and the Environ.
Matt Gillen- EPA- EPA’s Risk Management Level 2 for Ethylene DiChloride: Use of TRI for Screen Community Risks,
Matt Gillen- EPA- EPA Proposal for “Chemical Use Inventory,
KE Fischer- Dames and Moore- Health and Environ Expos from Sanitary Sewer Disposal of Toxics,
NJ Simpcox- U WA- Pesticide Residues in Homes of Agricultural Families
JC Cocalis- NIOSH- Occ and Environ Radiolog Risk for Coal Slag in Abrasive Blasting,
S. Volqvartz- Danish WEF- Improving Environ through teaching at Voc Training Ctr
1994 / Roundtable / Worker Participation in Safety and Health / Scott Schneider- CPWR / Chair- Diane Factor- LOSH
B. Jones- UAW 509- Battery Plany
J. Siggson- OCAW- Oil Industry
Maggie Robbins- SEIU- Nursing Homes,
1994 / Roundtable / New Dimensions in Worker Training / Marion Meiselman- Carpenters H&S Fund / Chair- Marion Meiselman
Linda Delp- UCLA LOSH- Meeting Training needs of Workers with Limited English,
Amy Mock- Using Workers as Trainers,
Marion Meiselman- Carpenters- Evaluating Training Effectiveness,
Brian Christopher- Alice Hamilton Center- EPA’s Model Lead Abatement Worker Course: Interactive Training,
MG Arroyo- UC Berkeley LOHP- Presenting technical Information with Literacy in Mind: Practical Tips
1995 / Roundtable / Environmental Justice in the Workplace / Frank Rosenthal- Purdue, Molly Charboneau- Hunter, Peter Bellin- CSUN Northridge / Chairs- Frank Rosenthal, Molly Charboneau
T. Meinhardt- NIOSH- Workplace Environmental Justice: Existing research and Needs,
L. Sessoms- Center for Women’s Economic Alternatives- Environ Justrice for Workers in NC Poultry Industry,
Fred Toca- Hoechst Celanese- Envron Justice: Prof Ethics and Responsibility,
L. Menendez- MassCoOSH- Lead Poisoning in Immigrant Workers- The MA State Environ Justice Fund,
P. Lee- UC Berkeley- Training and Educa to Achieve Environ. Justice
1995 / Roundtable / Empowering Workers to Identify and Correct Health Hazards / Jim Albers- Greater Cincinnati Occ health Clinic, J Guadangno- UAW / Chair- Jim Albers
Charlie Barnett- OCAW perspective,
J. Carr- Energy and Paper Workers Ontario- CEP perspective,
J. Guadagno- UAW perspective
Pam Susi- CPWR perspective
1995 / Film / Safety and Health Film Festival / Frank Rosenthal- Purdue / "Deadly Corn" (about organizing Staley workers) and "Hamlet: the Untold Tragedy" (about the 1991 fire at the Tyson chicken plant in North Carolina).
1996 / Roundtable / Perspectives on the OSH Act / Scott Schneider- CPWR / Chair- Scott Schneider
Jack Sheehan- USWA
Davit McAteer- MSHA
Don Elisburg
David Rosner
Peg Seminario- AFL-CIO
1996 / Roundtable / Preventing Violence in the Workplace: A new safety and Health Responsibility? / R. Barish- CAL-OSHA / Chair- R. Barish
J. Kraus- UCLA- Epidemiology,
M. Braverman- Crisis Management- A Comprehensive Approach,
C. Cornish- Attorney- Legal Issues,
Jordan Barab- AFL-CIO- Labor Perspective,
R. Donnelly- OSHA- OSHA’s Response,
R. Mainey- Morgan Stanley- Company Experience
1996 / Roundtable / Occupational Safety and Health Film Festival / Scott Schneider- CPWR / Films shown:
Worker To Worker
Can’t Take No More
More Than A Paycheck
Song of the Canary
1996 / Roundtable / Teens at Work: Child Labor Concerns for HS professionals / Elise Morse- MA Dept Health / Chair- Elise Morse
Dawn Castillo- NIOSH
Elise Morse- MA DPH
A. Kerschner- US DOL
J. Parker- MA Attny GeneralOffice
Robin Dewey- MA DPH
Suzanne Mager- WA State DLI
1996 / Photgraphy Exhibit / The Quiet Sickness / Scott Schneider- CPWR / Photography Exhibit by Earl Dotter
1997 / Roundtable / Undocumented Workers in 1997: Addressing Current and Emerging H&S Issues / Ellen Roznowski- OSHA / Chair- Jean Grassman- NIEHS
Hugo Carballo- Alice Hamiliton Cntr- Workplace Safety for Immigrants doing Lead and Asbestos Abatement,
P. Davidson- DOL Wage and Hour Dallas- The Role of Employment and Standards Administration in H&S
M. Sanchez- Rio Grande Workers Alliance- Hazards Faced by Immigrant Workers in Texas,
P. Lee- UC Berkeley-Undocumented Workers, Unfair Choices,
Graciella Perez- OSHA- Undocumented Workers in NC
1997 / Roundtable / Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Implications for Human Effects / D. Harvey- US DOE / T. Colburn- World Wildlife- Our Stolen Future,
M. Weidow- CIBA- Endocrinology,
R. Jackson- CDC- Effects of Endocrine Disruptors,
P. Fenner-Crisp- EPA- Risk Assessment for Regulatory Decisions,
S. Safe- TX A&M- Other Theories
Mike Sprinker- Labor Perspective,
R. Miller- Dow Chemical- CMA Perspective
1997 / Roundtable / New Roles for Workers in IH / Paul Becker- WVU / Chair- Paul Becker
D. Wilkinson- Boeing,
C. Vermillion- Hoffman Construciton,
J. Simpson- UAW
1998 / Roundtable / Exposure to Endocrine Modulators in the Workplace / F. Cavender- Information Venues / Chair-M. Shaer- MSHA
J. Lamb-Jellinek, etc.- Legal Status,
R. Tyl- Research Triangle Park- Testing Strategies,
D. Lamb- Bayer- CMA program,
Louis Paul- Bernstein etc.- Where do we go from here?,
F. Cavender- AIHA Tox Committee Involvement
1998 / Roundtable / Third Party Certification: Pawn or Guardian / Scott Schneider- CPWR / Chair- Greg Siwinski- CNY Occ Health Clinic
Frank Mirer- UAW- He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune,
Garrett Brown- Maquiladora H&S Network- Ineffective Compliance and Ethical Nightmare,
Nancy Lessin- MassCOSH- Protection from Whom?
1998 / Roundtable / Public Schools: The NYC United Federation of Teachers Approach to Hazardous Conditions / Ellie Engler- UFT / Chair- Ellie Engler
Cathy Davenport- UFT- IAQ in NYC Schools,
Doreen Ellis- UFT- Asbestos in Schools,
Ellie Engler- UFT- Hazards in Schools in the UFT Model,
Chris Proctor- UFT- School Assessments
1998 / Photography Exhibit / Stolen Dreams: Portraits of Working Children / Scott Schneider- LHSFNA / Photography Exhibit by David Parker- MN Dept Health
1999 / Roundtable / Child Labor: A Global Challenge / Ellen Roznowski- OSHA / Chair- Bob Herrick- Harvard
Pharas Harvey- Int Labor Rights Fund- Global Strategies
D. Adkins- Nat Consumers League- the Marketplace
D. Sparr- Harvard Business School