University of Chicago Student Government
College Council
October 30th, 2013
Stuart 104
In attendance
Bold=in attendance
Saachi Gupta Bruce Chi Katherine Shen Leeho Lim
Timi Koyejo Amay Sheth Holly Rapp
Matthew Montequin Aseal Tineh Yusuf Janahi Scott Southern
Ben Hammer Alex Bennett TJ Welch Mark Reid
Cabinet Members
Tyler Kissinger
Mike Viola
Jane Huber
Michael McCown
2016 Representative Candidates
Maxwell Lubkeman
Adam Sutherland
Hoda Katebi
Kenny Wong
Eric Chen
Sarah Landis
Ellen Jacobs
Rutvik Joglekar
Mark Sands
Lukshmee Saravanapavan
Kamran Hashemzadeh
Ahmad Mustafa
Budget Approvals-7:05-7:08
· Motion to approve SGFC Budget, seconded
o Approved
· Motion to approve CSF Budget, seconded
o Approved
Class of 2016 Representatives-7:08-7:59
· Voted on majority system, run-off if there is a tie
o Maxwell Lubkeman-5 years experience at Harvard Westlake with student government, worked with foreign dignitaries in Switzerland. Wants to represent the people in the grade and improve their experience here.
o Adam Sutherland-Experience with student government in high school, decided that he wanted to run for second year and continue to be involved. Wants to make people’s voices heard.
o Hoda Katebi-Had experience in high school, on a number of boards on campus. Wants to open dialogue and work with community. Wants to implement change and improve the school.
o Kenny Wong-International student advisory board, UChicago Venture Capital Fund. Describes himself as creative.
o Erik Chen-UChicago Coalition for Immigrant Rights, wants to advocate for undocumented, immigrant, and low-income students. Wants to work to find a way to make things more accessible and more known. On student engagement committee on the office of civic engagement. Worked with Human Rights Program, Institute of Politics, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs.
o Sarah Landis-Public Policy and East Asian Languages and Civilizations double major. Experience with fundraising, wants to draw in more students to SG. AOII and MUNUC member. Broadview student, off-campus dorms underrepresented in student government with dining and transportation.
o Ellen Jacobs-International Studies major and Human Rights minor, involved with Student Alumni committee, AOII member. Wants student body to know the power of student government.
o Rutvik Joglekar-Has been inspired by Tyler Kissinger, serves on Max P Council. Last year was a proxy for Timi Koyejo at a meeting, wants to improve disconnect between student government and student body. Assistant Tresurer on crew team. Wants more transparency.
o Lukshmee Saravanapavan -Loves working with people. Worked in a national election campaign and Obama election campaign. Communicating with a community. Joined the board of Amnesty International on campus. Wants student government to be the first access point on campus for students.
o Mark Sands-Presented UCSC Advisory Board to student government. Wants to improve student input on campus. Was in student government in high school.
o Kamran Hashemzadeh-Law, Letters and Society and Economics double major. Served as prefect in high school. Has worked on campaign team for senator. Has been interested in SGFC, thinks it is very important. Wants to expand discount program with Hyde Park restaurants.
o Ahmad Mustafa-Campus safety issues are very important for him. Thinks that outside of 55th and past South campus is unsafe, wants more safety poles. Wants to improve student dining. Has had a lot of experience with leadership and responsibility in high school. Part of Chomun, MUNUC, the Student Leadership Institute, etc.
· Deliberation
o Impressed by Mark Sands
o Good to have a committee in mind when coming in
o Hoda Khatebi talks to many people on campus, very inspiring, great at being a resource
o Rutvik and Mark have showed previous interest
o Sarah Landis has time and cares about people a lot
o Cameron worked in high school student government
o Eric Chen had a specific niche to handle
· Voting
o Erik-1
o Mark-3
o Sarah-3
o Kamran-3
o Hoda-2
o Ahmad-1
§ Run-off
· Mark-6
· Sarah-2
· Kamran-4
o Run-off
§ Mark-6
§ Kamran-5
· Mark wins