ELCA Board of Directors
E. Michael McMullen-President
Eldon Clark-VicePresident
Nancy Knight-Treasurer
Bruce Beals-Secretary
Gaylan Rasmussen-Member at Large
ELCA Landscape Committee
ELCA Marketing Committee
Maplegrove Property Management
Office:517-333-9622 fax:517-333-9677
New Neighbors
Sheryl Harr-Thompson (EFC)
Michael & Andrea Kosloski (ELD)
Welcome the Spring toEmeraldLake
Volunteer Saturdays!
Another tremendously successful Volunteer Saturday on April 6th. A very special thanks is due to those volunteers:
Mike & Marty Chamot
Eldon Clark
Marg Cook
Catherine Davis
Ron Kochanski
Lois Lynch
Maureen McMullen
Gaylan Rasmussen
Gordon Robke
Lowell Spotts
Allan Spyke
Fong Walker
Jim & Martha White
It was a good time and a great workout, finishing up with hot cider, coffee, donuts & donut holes….
Thank you Lois!
Volunteer Saturdays:
May 11th, 2013
June 8th, 2013
July 6th, 2013
August 10th, 2013
September 7th, 2013
October 12th, 2013
November 9th, 2013
***Remember that the Millennium yard waste pickup will be on the second Monday of each month.
The next pickup will be on Monday, May 13th, 2013.
Committee Volunteers
Those who are interested in volunteering a few hours a month to be involved with any of the following committees or subcommittees please contact Mike McMullen at
Architectural Committee
New Materials
LakeQuality Committee
Landscape Committee
Planting Flowers
Entrance Sign
Marketing Committee
Welcome Committee
Co-owner & Resident Directory
Roads & Driveways Committee
FYI - Many things that were up to code when our units were built are not so now. So,be aware that when you make updates to your unit you may have issues that arise because of code changes over the years, i.e., dryer exhaust hoses which may be the older plastic and wire flex hoses are now considered fire hazards and new installations require metal flex hoses.
Board Meetings:
April 22, 2013 (Annual Mtg)
May 20, 2013
!!!Extremely Important!!!
The Annual Meeting is Monday, April 22nd at 7PM.
Board Officers will be elected at this Meeting. Please plan on attending and if you cannot, please give your neighbor your Proxy so that your voice will be heard.
Also, anyone interested in serving on the board please send in your Willingness toServe Form so that you will be included on the ballot.
LakeLadies Luncheons
are on the first Thursday of the month. Next luncheon is May2nd, 2013. Those interested in attending should contact Marg Cook (517-337-2387).
ELCA Gentlemen’s Lunchesare on the third Tuesday of the month at Buddies in Okemos.
Next lunch:
May21th, 2013 at Noon
Those interested in attending should contact Mike McMullen.