Making it Real : Sample action plan

The sample action plan below provides a guide to the approach that could be taken when developing a Making it Real action plan. However, many organisations will have their own business planning processes and frameworks and it makes sense to use these where they are in place.

The main recommendations we would make would be to:

1. Ensure the action plan is easy to understand (so that a member of the public can understand it)

2. Do not use any jargon or acronyms (apart from initials of names where you do not want these to be public)

3. Have high aspirations, but ensure they are measurable and realistic.

4. Keep linking the actions back to Making it Real

Priority 1: Active and supportive communities, Keeping friends, family and place
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Continue to access activities within the community. / KS / For individuals to access groups and activities within the local community. / 1-1 support hours, Physio to and support staff to support individuals to relevant activities / June 17
Support all individuals to have regular contact with family and friends. / Allocated Key workers / For all individuals to keep regular contact with Family and friends. / Staff support to visit friends and family, Staff support to access video calling i.e. Skype. / June 17
Enquire about potential new activities and/or outings for all individuals. / KS, allocated key workers / For all individuals to have the opportunity to experience new things. / For staff to continuously research new opportunities for all individuals. / June 17
Individuals to access relevant faith groups as they wish. / Allocated Key workers / For individuals to be able to access relevant faith groups whenever they would like. / For staff to support individuals to faith groups irrespective of their own faith. / June 17
Support individuals to ensure they feel safe and secure within their own home. / All staff / For all individuals for feel safe and secure within their own home. / For all staff to ensure that they recognise that they are working in peoples homes. / June 17
Priority 2 : Flexible integrated care and support My support my own way
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
For al individuals to have involvement in the writing and reviewing of their support plans. / SC, CC / For all individuals to have a person centred support plan that outline how each individual would like to be supported. / For staff to involve the individuals when writing/ reviewing their support plans or hold best interest meeting where necessary. / June 17
For individuals to have the opportunity to attend residents meetings each month. / KS / For all individuals to be given the opportunity to be able to express their opinions / All staff to support the individuals to attend residents meetings each month and for meeting to be booked in advance by KS. / June 17
Accessible information to be provided to each individual. / ZG / To ensure that each individual has access to accessible information. / For Lead contact to ensure that information Preference & communication support form has been completed for each individual. / June 17
Priority 3: Risk enablement Feeling in control and safe
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
All individuals to have a DoLS assessment in place. / KH / All individuals to have a current and up to date DoLS assessment in place (or to be applied for) / For Lead contact to ensure DoLS assessments have been applied for and are review each year.
For all staff to support with DoLS GPs and social worker visits. / June 17
For individuals to be supported with holidays. / Allocated key workers / For all individuals to be able to enjoy holidays in new places and have new experiences. / For allocated key workers to research, plan and support holidays. / June 17
For individuals to experience new social activities. / KS / For individuals to be able to experience new social activities. / For lead contact to research and risk assess new social activities. / June 17