Measurement & Evaluation

Laura Ruskamp & Jimmie Bunting

  1. 4 Level Abdominal Strength Test
  2. The purpose of this test is to rank and assess lower back and abdominal strength.
  3. Validity: the degree of truthfulness of a test score and how well a test measures what it is designed to measure
  4. The 4 Level Abdominal Strength Test is a valid test because it is designed to measure abdominal strength and that is what it does. It would be likely that an individual who scored well in this particular test would also do well in other tests evaluating abdominal strength.

Reliability: the consistency of the test results, the same test should yield similar results by the same individual if they were to take it on different days

b. This test would likely yield very similar results for each individual if we were to test them again tomorrow. As long as the test was given in the same manner as it was given the first time, the results should be very consistent. If the test was administered differently or the test followed more demanding activity, the results may be skewed.

Objectivity: concerns the administration of the test, tests should be administered and scored very similarly by different scorers

c. The objectivity of the 4 Level Abdominal Strength Test may be the area in which we are lacking. Because there were two testers and this was the first time we had ever administered the test, our evaluation of the performances may have differed slightly. We also had two people go at the same time and we each scored one of them. It probably would have been more effective if we could have both evaluated the same person and then compared results to see if we were on the same track. This is something that we could improve in a future test.

  1. Flat surface or mat, recording sheet, pen
  2. Participant lies on back with knees at a 90 degree angle and feet on the floor. Each level can be performed several times (we are choosing to limit the attempts to 3). In the first level, the knees are kept at a 90 degree angle and the feet are held down by another person. The person then performs a sit up to the best of their ability. In the second level, the knees are kept at a 90 degree angle, but the feet are not held. The participant then performs the sit-up to the best of their ability. In level three, the legs are extended out straight and the feet are held down. The participant then performs the sit-up to the best of their ability. In the fourth level, the legs are kept straight, but the feet are not held. The participant then performs the sit-up to the best of their ability. Each attempt is evaluated after it has been performed.
  3. The score is determined by assigning a certain rank for each level using the scoring table. A score from zero to four is assigned for each level based on the sit-up attempt. The scores for each of the four levels are then added together for a total score out of 16. Refer to table below for specific scoring guidelines.

0 / Cannot perform
1 / Difficulty performing, jerky motion, feet leave the floor
2 / Uses a lot of momentum to overcome 45 degrees
3 / Performs with slight pause in the mid area of the sit-up
4 / No difficulty
  1. We could not find any pre-established standards or norms to evaluate this particular test. If we were to make a ranking …
  2. - Strengths: moderate sized groups can be tested at one time, no significant equipment is required, test administration and recording is very simply and quick

- Weaknesses: scoring is subjective – it is at times hard to determine if a particular performance should be ranked a 2 or a 3; test set-up can lead to decreased objectivity

- We had each tester evaluate one individual at a time. It would be beneficial to have both testers evaluate one individual together so that results could be compared between the testers.

- Some of the factors that went into the selection of this test were that it was so simple to administer, it did not require much outside equipment, and it did not take up a lot of time to complete.

  1. 7-Stage Abdominal Strength Test, Straight Leg Abdominal Strength
  1. Top End Sports. (2013).4 level abdominal strength test. Retrieved from