Mrs. Carlton – Pre Algebra
Room 25
Welcome to my class. Hopefully, you have had a restful and fun summer and are ready to have a successful and productive year. In order to insure the excellent learning environment that each one of you deserves, all of the following will be expected of you starting today.
You will need for this class:
paper (loose leaf)
single subject spiral notebook or composition notebook
Class RulesConsequences
Be respectful1st – warning
Be on task at all times2nd – one minute after class
Ensure the safety of yourself and others3rd – detention
Class Journal:
Everyone will keep a daily log in a spiral notebook. We will use it to record warm up problems, take notes and copy example problems in class. It is important that you use this as a reference tool when completing assignments at home. Along with your assignments, this journal will be a valuable tool when preparing for tests and quizzes. Journals will be collected and graded randomly.
Warm Ups:
Every day you will be given an exercise to be completed during the first five minutes of class. These will be review/reinforcement of related material and basic skills. You will record this in your journal.
You will be given as many days as absent to make up work. (In accordance with school policy.) It is your responsibility to find out what work was missed ;you must be your own advocate. Check the assignment board; you will find the assignment, any worksheets, and a copy of the daily notes. Don’t forget to turn in the assignment that was due the day you were absent.
Late Work:
You will receive one late coupon per card marking. Each coupon will allow you to turn in one assignment up to one day late without penalty. Any additional late assignments will only be awarded half credit. Any coupons that remain unused may be redeemed for extra credit at the end of the marking period.
Since it is vital to reinforce ideas learned in class you can expect to have homework assignments on a daily basis. All homework will be corrected in class and collected for a grade. A pattern of incomplete or missing assignments will result in after school detention and/or a parent conference. All homework must be completed in pencil. All assignments are worth 5 points; the following criteria will be used to determine your point value:
5 out of 54 out of 51, 2 or 3 out of 5
Try every problemScore less than 70% Incomplete
Show work oror
Score 70% or higher Forget to use pencil Late without coupon
All students will be responsible for keeping a grade sheet. All assignments will be recorded on the sheet and grades will be recorded when the graded papers are handed back. This will enable students the ability to carefully track their own progress. Grades are based on homework, quizzes, tests and journal checks. All work is given a point value and total points are averaged for a final grade. Grades can be monitored at home at any time through the Holmes Website on the Parent or Student Connection link.
Grade Scale:
(In accordance with school policy.)
93-100% = A80-82% = B-67-69% = D+
90 -92% = A-77-79% = C+63-66% = D
87-89% = B+73-76% = C60-62% = D-
83-86% = B70-72% = C-below = E
Substitute Teachers:
Substitute teachers are guests in our building and I expect that you will be on your best behavior when a substitute is in the classroom. Any names left of students who were less than cooperative will result in consequences upon the teachers return.
It is strongly suggested that you purchase a Scientific Calculator for use on homework. It is not necessary to purchase a graphing calculator. We will use school graphing calculators in class only.
------cut here------
student name______hour______
Does the student have internet access at home? yes______no______
I have read and discussed the guidelines with my son/daughter. We both understand Mrs. Carlton’s expectations.
Parent Signature______date______
You and your student can sign up to receive text or email reminders.
Text the message:@mrscmathp to the number 81010