Alternative assessment is a provisionwhich undergraduate students can apply for if they are prevented from attending an examination or submitting a piece of coursework because of illness or other good cause. The alternative assessment may be by an examination paper to be taken during the Late Summer examination period, essays to be completed by the first day of the Late Summer examination period, or by other means approved by SOAS Special Assessments Panel.
Please note:
- Alternative assessment will be considered only if the progression of the candidate has been affected by mitigating circumstances. Where progression will not be affected, alternative assessment will not be considered and the examination will take place the following May.
- The candidate’s absence from an examination and/ or coursework non-submission must have been deemed to be with good cause by the relevant Sub-Board of Examiners.
- The candidate must have been prevented from attending the examination. If a candidate attended and failed, or attended and passed but not as well as they would have liked, they cannot apply for alternative assessment.
- Alternative assessment is not available to candidates in the first year of their degree, for whom Late Summer examinations may be available. Candidates in year 1 unable to sit May examinations should provide medical certification for the consideration of the Sub-board of examiners.
- Alternative assessment is not available to candidates in the final year of their degree. The School Board of Examiners meets once a year and will not be able consider results for students who are not able to sit May/June examinations. Candidates in their final year who are unable to sit May/June examinations should therefore apply for deferral of examinations until the following May/June examination period.
Applications for alternative assessment must be made to Examinations and Assessments Manager by 11th June 2014.
Students will be notified of the outcome of their application and of the agreed alternative assessment (i.e. essay submission or late summer re-entry) by email at the end of July.
For alternative assessment by late summerexamination, the Examinations and Assessments Office will be responsible for the administration of the assessment and informing the candidate of the arrangements. Where the student is to be assessed by other means, the Faculty Office will be in charge of the administration.
The results for alternative assessments and the options available to candidates will be released in September along with the results from late summer examinations.
Examinations and Assessments Office
SOAS, University of London
+44 (0)20 7074 5086 / 5096 / 5095/ 5103
Complete the details requested below, and consult the Examination and Assessment Office if you have any queries. Please note that all correspondence will be sent to your SOAS email address.
DEGREE (STATE SUBJECT): / YEAR (Please circle):
1 2 3
(i.e.: EX1, AS2…) / COURSE TITLE
Please enter full title of each course
Reason for Application
Signature...... Date......
All relevant mitigating circumstances evidence should be submitted to the Faculty Office for consideration by the relevant Sub-Board of Examiners no later than Wednesday 11 June 2014.
This completed formmust be received by the Examinations and Assessments Manager() no later than Wednesday 11 June 2014.