MHES Governing Board Minutes
Date: December 10, 2007
Attended by: Christina Shousha, Ghyslaine Massé, Gina Potvin, Heidi Le Gallee, Kelly Fahey, Joanne Hayes, Andy Simon, Fiona Pattullo, Karyne McKnight
Absent with regrets: Diane Boulard, Mary Antioco
Secretary: Karyne McKnight
Gina Potvin read through the agenda.
2.0 Q/A PERIOD – There were no questions.
3.0 APPROVAL OF AGENDA – MOTION: M.H. 162-12-01 Moved by Joanne Hayes, seconded by Fiona Pattullo, that the agenda be approved. Approved unanimously.
4.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – MOTION: M.H. 162-12-02 Moved by Andy Simon, seconded by Heidi Le Gallee, that the minutes of 2007-10-29 be approved with the following correction: The word Duathalon should be used instead of running and biking. Approved unanimously.
Gina Potvin had correspondence. She received “A Special Report on Governing Boards Destination: Harmony,” and said that as far as the mandate goes regarding how much implication Governing Boards have in the school, the role is not clear at the School Board Level. There seems to be discordance between the parents and the school. She also received a handout on Students with Special Needs and 2 magazines in French. The correspondence will be kept in the office.
Gina read a note from the former secretary, thanking Governing Board for the gift she received for typing the minutes last year.
6.1 CHAIR – Gina Potvin spoke of her concern about being the Chair Person of Governing Board, saying that she wasn’t sure she understood the school system well enough to do the job.
6.2 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Christina Shousha read through the Principal’s Report, which she submitted to all members of Governing Board.
There is a renewed contract with the Campeau Bus Company which is satisfactory and can be found in the Principal’s Report.
MOTION: M.H. 162-12-03 Moved by Fiona Pattullo, seconded by Gina Potvin, that the MHES Winter Activity Program 2007-2008 be approved, with the addition that activities are dependent on sufficient registration. Approved unanimously.
There was a discussion about having a route for fire alarm drills rather than having the kids walk through the deep snow.
Around the perimeters of the school, students have been taking daily walks, treading down the snow. This is a helpful activity to energize the children.
6.3 DAYCARE – There was no report.
6.4 PPO – Christina Shousha reported that the Christmas Bazaar raised just over $3100, which was down from about $300 from last year. There is a PPO meeting tomorrow, which should be discussing fundraising.
There were no comments about the menu.
6.5 PARENTS’ COMMITTEE – There was no report.
Karyne McKnight announced she could no longer be a parent rep alternate. MOTION: M.H. 162-12-04 Moved by Karyne McKnight, seconded by Gina Potvin, that Andy Simon replace Karyne as the parent rep alternate. Approved unanimously.
7.1 FUND RAISING - Kelly Fahey reported that the fundraising subcommittee will be meeting again to write a letter for corporate sponsors. Fundraising will be based on pre-existing programs, such as the skip-a-thon. MOTION: M.H. 162-12-05 Moved by Karyne McKnight, seconded by Andy Simon, that chocolate can be sold as a fundraiser for Easter. Approved unanimously.
7.2 NEWSLETTER – There was a request for a microwave, but this won’t happen because of time and supervision issues.
At this point, there was some discussion about rearranging the lunch hour to have all the students in the school eating lunch at the same time and hiring more supervisors at lunch. This issue could be brought up at the next meeting.
7.3 SAFETY AND SECURITY – Christina Shousha reported that the Safety and Security Emergency Plan is still in the works, although there was not a lot of time for discussion since our last meeting. In an emergency, students should group together when evacuated from the building. For now the children are gathering at the front of the school by the gates.
8.1 RENTALS - The Viking Loppett is requesting 2 dates: February 23
and 24th. They’ve already filled in the charges at $798 to pay for caretaking. MOTION: M.H. 162-12-06 Moved by Fiona Pattullo,
seconded by Kelly Fahey that the rental be approved. Approved
8.2 SURVEY OF NEEDS AND BUDGETARY PROCESSES. Christina Shousha handed out the “Survey of Needs and Budgetary Processes,” to determine what is needed for next year. The form can be filled out for January. There is a request for an intercom system. Teachers will be consulted and the survey will be approved by Governing Board.
8.3 SITUATION OF MORIN HEIGHTS WATER – Fiona Pattullo reported that the situation with the Municipality of Morin Heights is very frustrating. The Municipality of Morin Heights called to say that there would be no water from 1:00 – 4:00 last Tuesday. After preparing for this event, it wasn’t until 1:30 that afternoon when the school was informed that the Municipality wasn’t going ahead with their work on the water system after all. Then, at the end of last week, the school was told that the water would be off the following day. Fiona would like to pose the question to the Municipality whether they couldn’t do their work at another time when it won’t affect the school. She suggested that the Municipality coordinate their work with the school calendar. Gina Potvin, with the consultation of the principal, will write a letter to the Municipality regarding this issue, informing them of the problems it causes the school.
9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM – Kelly Fahey’s group will be making a wish list to secret environmental donors. There was a presentation and the donors are very interested. This project involves “greening” the school.
9.2 PUBLICITY – Christina Shousha often receives publicity from various individuals and organizations about upcoming activities which may be of interest to families and/or children. She was informed that everything regarding publicity has to go through Governing Board, yet she couldn’t find anything that said flyers couldn’t be distributed. There was much discussion about activity flyers going through the school. Christina Shousha requested that Governing Board come up with some basic guidelines for activities that can be distributed.
MOTION M.H. 162-12-07
It was moved by Fiona Pattullo, seconded by Heidi Le Gallee, that publicity in the form of flyers, brochures, etc which fits the following criteria can be distributed by the Principal to the student body: it is in the best interest of the child, within the school community, pertains to cultural, artistic, or physical activities, and anything that contributes to the overall development of the child. Approved unanimously.
10 Meeting was adjourned at 9:37.