Emergency Response, Reporting & Review Policy
Program name: Zumbro - Oronoco
Program location: 308 105th Street, Oronoco, MN 55960
It is the policy of Zumbro House to effectively respond to, report, and review all emergencies to ensure the safety of persons receiving services and to promote the continuity of services until emergencies are resolved.
“Emergency” means any event that affects the ordinary daily operation of the program including, but not limited to:
- fires, severe weather, natural disasters, power failures, or other events that threaten the immediate health and safety of a person receiving services; and
- that require calling 911, emergency evacuation, moving to an emergency shelter, or temporary closure or relocation of the program to another facility or service site for more than 24 hours.
A.Safety procedures
1.Fires. In the event of a fire emergency, staff will take the following actions:
Evacuate all people in the immediate area to an area of safety, closing doors against smokeand heat. Test a closed door before opening by feeling near the top. If the door is hot, use an alternative exit. If a room is smoke-filled, keep close to the floor to breathe more easily.Use a fire extinguisher as needed, if safe to do so.
When evacuating outside, the designated meeting place is across the street on the front side of the facility. Account for each person as you evacuate and again once reaching the designated meeting place.
Call 911 to report the fire as soon as safely possible. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Your name;
- Address of the fire;
- Type of fire, if known; and
- Extent of fire, if known.
Location of the nearest fire hydrants for this location are:There are no hydrants close to the house, so the fire department dispatches a water truck when necessary.
Locations of fire department access for this location are:All facility doors and bedroom windows.
Wait at the designated meeting place for the fire department and provide specific information to them when they arrive.If remaining outside jeopardizes the health and safety of individuals, everyone should go to another Zumbro House location or into the vehicle at a remote location.
Notify the Program Coordinator immediately. If the Program Coordinator cannot be reached immediately, contact the Director of Operations or the President/Owner.
Keep everyone together and do not reenter the facility until the fire department determines it is safe to do so. Once the fire is out, the Director of Operations or designee will consult with the fire department to determine if the facility is habitable. If yes, staff and individuals will return to the building and staff will ensure individuals stay away from any potentially unsafe area. If no, the Director of Operations or designee will direct staff and individuals to a temporary shelter.
Once the appropriate arrangements have been made, the Director of Operations, or designee, will complete the following steps:
- Notify the Owner, if they have not already been notified.
- Contact the individuals’ county case managers and guardians.
- Contact other member of the individuals’ teams as appropriate.
- Ensure that an Incident Report form is promptly completed by the person in charge at the time of the fire.
- Notify licensing personnel as appropriate.
- Severe weather and natural disasters. In the event of a severe weather emergency, staff will take the following actions:
The staff person working is responsible formonitoring weather conditions: Listen to local television or radio or a weather-radio for weather warnings and watches. (The battery operated radio as well as a working flashlight is located in or on top of the medication cabinet.) Follow their directions on the need to change plans and activities, stay indoors, or seek shelter. The whereabouts of all staff and individuals will be accounted for.
WARNING: severe weather is either occurring or is imminent. A tornado warning is the most significant and staff must take immediate action to protect people by seeking immediate shelter. The designated location for this program isin the basement furnace room. This location is on a lower level and in an area without windows whenever possible. If the location is an inside hallway, ask individuals to be seated with their backs against the wall. If any individual is using a wheelchair, the brakes must be engaged. Close all adjacent doors. Remain calm and communicate with the individuals about what is happening and how we are helping them to remain safe. Continue to listen to the battery operated radio in the designated location until the warning is lifted.
WATCH: severe weather is possible as conditions are favorable for the weather event. Staff should plan and prepare for the possibility of the severe weather by checking the flashlight and having it readily available. Review the procedure for a tornado warning (above) and be prepared to move quickly and remain in close proximity to the designated location, should the watch be changed to a warning.
ADVISORY: weather conditions may cause inconvenience or difficulty when traveling or being outside. Staff should consult with their immediate supervisor and help individuals consider changing their plans for travel and outdoor activities as necessary.
In the event that the weather conditions force evacuation from the service site, the staff person in charge will remain tuned in to the radio and follow the evacuation procedures outlined there. Once everyone has been safely removed from the service site, the staff will contact the Program Coordinator. The Program Coordinator will notify the Director of Operations.
In the event of flooding or other severe weather that results in the facility being uninhabitable, the Director of Operations, or designee, will direct staff to the predetermined temporary shelter. The predetermined temporary shelter for this location is any nearby Zumbro House location.
After the appropriate arrangements have been made to meet everyone’s immediate needs, the Director of Operations, or designee, will complete the following steps:
- Notify the Owner, if they have not already been notified.
- Contact the individuals’ county case managers and guardians.
- Contact other member of the individuals’ teams as appropriate.
- Ensure that an Incident Report form is promptly completed by the person in charge at the time of the fire.
- Notify licensing personnel as appropriate.
3.Power failures. In the event of a power failure emergency, staff will take the following actions:
Report power failures to Peoples Energy Cooperative at 507-367-7000.Also report any extended power outage (longer than 30 minutes) to the supervisor.
Use emergency supplies (flashlights, battery-operated radio) which are located in or on top of the medication cabinet.
Account for the well-being of all people receiving services.
Inform people why plans and activities are changing and what they are doing to keep them safe.
If the power outage results in the individuals being unable to remain in the facility for any reason, the Director of Operations, or designee, will direct staff to the predetermined temporary shelter. The predetermined temporary shelter for this location is any nearby Zumbro House location.
- Bomb or other threats. In the event of a bomb or other threat that may jeopardize the safety of individuals receiving services and staff
Evacuate all individuals in the immediate area of the bomb threat to the designated meeting place. At this location, the designated meeting place is across the street on the front side of the building/house.
Account for all individuals as evacuating and again once reaching the designated meeting place.
The staff person will call 911, notify them of the threat, and provide the following information:
- Your name;
- Address of the program; and
- Any other available information about the threat.
After the appropriate arrangements have been made to meet everyone’s immediate needs, the Director of Operations, or designee, will complete the following steps:
- Notify the Owner, if they have not already been notified.
- Contact the individuals’ county case managers and guardians.
- Contact other member of the individuals’ teams as appropriate.
- Ensure that an Incident Report form is promptly completed by the person in charge at the time of the fire.
- Notify licensing personnel as appropriate.
5.Temporary closure or relocation. Some emergencies will be best met by temporarily closing or relocating a program site for more than 24 hours. This decision will be directed by program administrative staff.
Reasons for relocation may include, but are not limited to, fire, severe weather, power failure, or any other event that threatens that health and safety of individuals receiving services.In the event of a temporary closure or relocation, services will be provided in a local hotel if the licensed property was determined uninhabitable for greater than 24 hours. If able to access the facility, staff will retrieve from the home medications and medical supplies, program books, clothing, grooming supplies, other necessary personal items, and emergency contact names and information.
The Director of Operations, or designee, will be responsible for coordinating the relocation should it become necessary. This includes the procuring the other living arrangements, as well as contacting guardians, case managers, and other licensed providers to notify them of the relocation. The Director of Operations, or designee, will maintain ongoing communication with the team members and other stakeholders regarding the status and anticipated duration of the relocation.
B.Additional safety procedures for facilities.
- First aid and CPR (when requested via the CSSP/ISP)
1)A staff person trained in first aid will be available on site whenever a person receiving services is present and staff is required to provide direct service.
2)A staff person trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will be available on site when required in a person’s coordinated service and support plan or coordinated services and support plan addendum whenever a person receiving services is present and staff are required to be at the site providing direct service.
3)When indicated in the CSSP or ISP, CPR training will be offered to the staff who works with the individuals in which CPR training is required and must include in-person instruction, hands-on practice, and an observed skill assessment under the direct supervision of a CPR instructor.
b.First aid kits
1)First aid kits must be readily available for use by staff and must meet the needs of the persons receiving services. First aid kits are located in the medication cabinet at all locations.
2)First aid kits must include accessible first aid supplies including bandages, sterile compresses, scissors, an ice bag or cold pack, an oral or surface thermometer, mild liquid soap, adhesive tape, and a first aid manual.
2.Emergency equipment
A flashlight and portable radio and television that can be used in the event of a power failure must be at our program. They are located inside or on top of the medication cabinet.
- Emergency contacts
a)A list of emergency telephone numbers is posted in the communication log, neara non-coin operated telephone that must be readily accessible at all times. The mental health crisis intervention team number must be posted, when available.In our program 911 is listed as the emergency number.
b)The names and telephone numbers of each person’s representative, physician, and dentist must be readily available. They are located on the data sheet for each individual, located in the individual’s program book.
- Written emergency response plan
An emergency response plan must be readily available to staff and persons receiving services. The emergency response plan is located in the Emergency Response Plan book. In addition, clear evacuation plans will be posted throughout the facility showing routes of evacuation.
- Staff training
All staff will be trained in emergency response procedures and the location of any related emergency equipment. This training will take place in new employee orientation as well and at least annually thereafter.
- Emergency drills
Drills will be held regularly (fire – at least quarterly; severe weather – at least annually) and will be conducted at various times, under varied conditions, and will use all possible exits.Documentation of those drills will be kept in the Emergency Response Plan book, and will include the following:
- Any problems noted and corrective action taken;
- Personal present; and
- Individual’s responses to the drill.
- Reporting Procedures
Emergency reports will be completed using the program’s emergency report and review form as soon possible after the occurrence, but no later than 24 hours after the emergency occurred or the program became aware of the occurrence. The written report will include:
- It is not necessary to identify all persons affected by or involved in the emergency unless the emergency resulted in an incident to a person or persons;
- The date, time, and location of the emergency;
- A description of the emergency;
- A description of the response to the emergency and whether a person’s coordinated service and support plan addendum or program policies and procedures were implemented as applicable;
- The name of the staff person or persons who responded to the emergency; and
- The results of the review of the emergency (see section IV).
IV.Review Procedures
This program will complete a review of all emergencies.
- The review will be completed using the program’s emergency report and review form bythe Director of Operations, or designee.
- The review will be completed within 5 working days of the emergency.
- The review will ensure that the written report provides a written summary of the emergency.
- The review will identify trends or patterns, if any, and determine if corrective action is needed.
- When corrective action is needed, a staff person will be assigned to take the corrective action within a specified time period.
V.Record Keeping Procedures
- The review of an emergency will be documented on the emergency reporting form and will include identifying trends or patterns and corrective action if needed.
- Emergency reports will be maintained at the Zumbro House corporate office.
C. Fire Drills are conducted every other month (six times per calendar year). Tornado drills are conducted on the months in which the fire drill is not conducted (six times per calendar year). Documentation is maintained at the residence in the fire and tornado drill log book.
D. Emergency numbers will be posted at each ZH site and updates will be posted on the Zumbo House
Website. Data sheets with the emergency numbers and contact information for each resident will be
kept in the resident file books at the sites and also will be maintained on a web based file that can
be accessed remotely.
Last Revised 12-8-2015