Anti-bullying Project

The Chauncy School

School No 303

Ó Wheathampstead Development Centre Page 2 of 1/Good Practice - Case Study The Chauncy School

Anti-bullying Project

Anti-bullying Project

The school are presently getting the anti-bullying message across by training students as peer mentors.

A number of assemblies focus on bullying. Those young people who are interested in becoming mentors are encouraged to volunteer.

Peer Mentors

This scheme started 4 years ago and has grown in strength. The main steering group is led by two boys who have now both received the Diana Princess of Wales Award for their work.

Assemblies advertise the need for volunteers in each year group and some students are put forward by tutors and Heads of Year. Every two years about twenty chosen volunteers take part in an in-house 1 day training course run by Kidscape. Peer mentors also hold training sessions for new volunteers as well as guiding and supporting throughout mentoring.

Once they become peer mentors pupils who have problems, concerns or have been bullied will approach them for help. Each mentor is identified by a pin worn on their lapel and a room is available every lunchtime for discussion. The mentors will talk about the best way to deal with the bullying and will decide whether it should be reported to the head, school’s senior pastoral worker or another member of staff with which they feel comfortable.

The Peer Mentoring scheme has had a huge impact over the years. Mentors have grown in confidence and competence becoming more adept at resolving the variety of issues they deal with. The students at school feel supported by the peer mentors and happy that there are those they can speak to.

The school believes the scheme empowers students with strategies that can actively change what is or can potentially make them feel insecure and isolated.

Ó Wheathampstead Development Centre Page 2 of 1/Good Practice - Case Study The Chauncy School