NAS Oceana - Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, VAN40085-12-R-4553
The project shall be designed in strict accordance with the requirement of RFP N40085-12-R-4553 and any subsequent amendments. This project shall provide for the phased interior renovations to the first floors of Building 358 and Building 310 at Naval Air Station Oceana - Dam Neck Annex in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A small amount of exterior wall infill is also included at Building 358. Supporting facilities within Buildings 358 and 310 shall be modified and include plumbing, HVAC, electrical, fire protection, communications and security systems.
The following design guides shall be utilized:
- Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 1-200-01, General Building Requirements
- ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG), Latest Version
- NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Latest Version
- Medical Military Facilities (UFC 4-510-01), Latest Version
Concrete masonry units (CMU) shall be provided at infill areas indicated by the RFP and shall be installed in compliance with Antiterrorism Force Protection (AT/FP) criteria indicated in UFC 4-010-01.
Exterior wall infill at Building 358 shall incorporate a three coat stucco finish applied to concrete masonry units (CMU). The texture and color of the stucco finish shall match the existing finishes. Rigid board type insulation shall be applied to the interior face of the CMU and metal studs and 5/8 inch gypsum wall board shall be utilized to flush out the interior wall surface at new office spaces per the room requirements. Exterior wall infill at rooms with no new GWB scheduled will be CMU to match existing.Exterior wall infill shall provide a minimum R Value of 13 and shall be installed in compliance with UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings.
Not applicable.
Extra heavy duty galvanized steel hollow metal doors set in hollow metal frames shall be provided.
FIXED PARTITIONS: CMU and metal stud partitions shall be incorporated into the renovations and will provide the finishes and STC values as indicated by the RFP.
DEMOUNTABLE PARTITIONS: Personnel equipment cages shall be 6 gauge woven wire partitions with a 30 inch sliding gate. Walls shall be 8 feet high and all cages shall have ceiling panels constructed of 6 gauge woven wire. Accessories shall be provided as indicated by the RFP. Cages shall be secured to walls, floor and columns.
INTERIOR WINDOWS: Interior windows shall be aluminum and in the size, location, and function as indicated in the RFP.
INTERIOR DOORS: All interior doors shall be 1-3/4 inch flush solid wood doors with wood core with veneer species for natural finish unless otherwise indicated by the RFP.
TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES: Toilet partitions, urinal screens, and attachment hardware shall be provided as well as toilet tissue dispensers, semi-recessed paper towel dispenser and trash receptacle, mirrors, soap dispensers, electric hand dryers, towel bars, sanitary napkin disposal, grab bars and a full length mirror as required by the RFP.
X-RAY ROOM: Fixed partitions shall be lead-lined. A lead-lined 18 by 18 inch vision panel with x-ray lead glass shall be provided, as well as lead-lined door, frame and hardware.
MEDICAL RECODR STORAGE: A patient record storage system meeting HIPPA requirements shall be provided.
FLOOR FINISHES: Shall be as directed by the RFP.
WALL FINISHES: Shall be as directed by the RFP.
CEILING FINISHES: Shall be a directed by the RFP.
Renovations at Buildings 358 and 310 shall be designed and constructed to meet minimum antiterrorism requirements in accordance with UFC 4-010-01. The renovations shall not be required to meet the progressive collapse avoidance requirements.
Sustainable design strategies shall be utilized to the greatest extent possible as indicated by the RFP.
Identified hazardous materials (asbestos, lead paint, cadmium, chromium, PCB’s) shall be abated and disposed of in strict accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
The plumbing for this project consists of all fixtures, potable cold water, hot water piping and equipment, piping insulation, water heating equipment, sanitary waste and vent piping systems, and other specialty equipment for Buildings 358 and 310 within 5 feet of the building. Phasing will be required per the RFP to keep services active for both buildings while demolition and installation are accomplished. Demolition and re-routing of existing systems will be minimized to prevent disturbance to areas outside of the work area.
The plumbing system will be designed to meet the industry standards, latest applicable codes, applicable Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), and government standards. Referenced material will include but is not limited to the following: International Building, Plumbing and Fuel Gas Codes, NFPA-54 and UFC 3-420-01 Plumbing Systems and the 2002 ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).
The domestic water service at both buildings is existing to remain and will be sufficient to handle the space renovations.
Water closets will be wall mounted dual function flush valve type.
Flush valve urinals will be provided with electronic flush control and manual override.
Countertop, vitreous lavatories with hard wired electronic controls and pop-up drain will be provided in the required spaces.
Wall mounted, vitreous china lavatories with shelf back, and hard wired electronic controls and pop-up drain are indicated in the RFP to be provided. However, no space tabulation indicates their requirement.
At Building 358, countertop stainless steel kitchen sink with two compartments and a waste disposer will be provided in the break room. Stainless steel single compartment sinks will be provided in the Triage, Coffee Mess, Conference Room, and Exam rooms meeting ADA where required. The Conference room sink will have a sensor faucet.
One piece fiberglass shower module will be provided for the three showers at BLDG 358.
Eyewash stations with water tempering valve assembly (60 to 95 F) will be provided in the Triage and Treatment spaces at BLDG 358.
Copper piping and fittings will be provided for all domestic water piping. Isolation valves will be provided to allow isolation of each bathroom group.
Mechanical rooms (two spaces in BLDG 358) will be provided with new hose bibbs.
New backflow preventers will be provided for service to the HVAC equipment in BLDG 358 and 310.
Mineral fiber insulation with vapor barrier on domestic hot water and recirculation piping and cellular glass/polyisocyanurate insulation with vapor barrier on domestic cold water will be provided throughout the building. Labels will identify piping.
A washing machine connector box will be provided in the caged storage at BLDG 358.
Waste and vent piping and fittings will be cast iron or PVC piping. Sanitary sewers shall be cast iron above grade and vent piping shall be Schedule 40 PVC.
Floor drains will be provided with trap primers in the existing mechanical room, new restrooms, and plumbing chase
Low flow fixtures shall be in accordance with the sustainability requirements of LEED and the RFP.
At Building 310, a new, single point sanitary connection shall be routed to serve the waste piping from the new coffee mess and toilet on the exterior wall.
The existing hot water system at Building 358 appears to be sufficient to handle the renovation requirements based on the changes being made on the first floor. During the site visit, four tankless 199 MBH water heaters appeared to have replaced two, 110 gallon units reported in the RFP. Complete evaluation of the system can not be evaluated at this time as no site visit is scheduled or no historical plans are available for the second floor requirements. New domestic hot water systems are not anticipated. A new circulating pump will be provided for the existing system. No thermostatic mixing valve is required for the instantaneous system.
At Building 310, the new toilet and the coffee mess sink will be provided with an electric instantaneous water heater.
The mechanical system will be designed in accordance with industry standards, the latest applicable codes, applicable Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), and government standards. Referenced material includes, but is not limited to the following: UFC 4-510-01, Design, Medical Military Facilities; UFC 3-400-01 Energy Conservation; UFC 3-410-02N Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Dehumidifying Systems; UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings; NAVFAC Interim Technical Guidance (ITG) FY05-02, NAVFAC Humid Area HVAC Design Criteria; ASHRAE Handbooks; ASHRAE Standards 62.1, and 90.1; USGBC LEED-NC; International Mechanical Code (IMC); and Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) Standards.
All mechanical equipment provided for this project shall meet or exceed the requirements of FEMP, Energy Star, IECC-2009, and/or the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 189.1.
anti-terrorism force protection
The mechanical systems will be designed in accordance with UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Anti-Terrorism Standards for Buildings.
corrosion protection
All mechanical equipment cases (inside and out) and coils will pass a 3000 hour salt-spray test in accordance with ASTM B117. Heating and cooling coils will be copper fin and copper tube construction with factory applied coating. Louvers and dampers will be provided with manufacturer approved corrosion protection systems.
Testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) will be provided for the new and modified HVAC systems in accordance with Specification Section 23 05 93, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC. Ductwork air leakage testing (DALT) will be provided for all air systems in accordance with UFC 3-400-10N (Including Change 1, March 2012), Paragraph 2-7.4.
The HVAC systems modified and provided under this contract will be commissioned in accordance with UFGS 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control.
The areas to be renovated in Building 358 are currently heated, cooled, and ventilated by (3) VAV systems and (1) constant volume system. The existing air handling units (4 total) are served by an air-cooled chiller and gas-fired boiler.
The design intent for the HVAC system is to completely demolish the (4) existing air distribution systems (including air handlers, associated ductwork, diffusers, dampers, and other appurtenances) and to replace them with (2) new VAV systems. The new VAV systems will be designed to accommodate the project phasing requirements (one system per phase).
Building 358 recirculation, outdoor, and exhaust airflow rates, as well as pressure relationships, will be provided in accordance with UFC 4-510-01, Design, Medical Military Facilities. Preliminary load/airflow calculations indicate minimum airflows are primarily driven by room air change requirements. For this reason, terminal boxes will be constant volume type with hot water reheat.
Based on the RFP zoning requirements there will be approximately (11) zones for Phase 1 and approximately (23) zones for Phase 2.
The (2) new air handling units will be served by the existing chilled and hot water systems. The return air systems will be ducted to filter grilles. Building exhaust will be provided by (2) inline centrifugal exhaust fans with speed control.
The two mechanical rooms will each be provided with a wall-mounted electric unit heater a ventilation cooling system.
The building will be provided with a complete BACNET DDC system in accordance with UFGS 23 09 23.13 20, BACnet Direct Digital Control Systems for HVAC. The building DDC system will control all new and modified HVAC equipment and will be expandable to include the entire building. The air handling units will be provided with DDC controls, supply temperature sensors, and outside air flow monitoring stations. Terminal units will be provided with supply temperature sensors.
The areas to be renovated are currently heated, cooled, and ventilated by a 40-ton constant volume rooftop air handling unit. The rooftop unit is served by an air-cooled chiller and gas-fired boiler.
The existing rooftop unit will be converted to a VAV system with fan-powered terminal boxes with hot water reheat. The existing ductwork will be completely removed and shall be replaced with a VAV duct layout matching the new space configuration. The new duct system will include medium pressure ductwork from the rooftop unit to fan-powered VAV boxes and low pressure ductwork from the boxes to diffusers. A VFD will be provided to control the supply fan speed based on maintaining downstream static pressure.
Based on the RFP zoning requirements there will be approximately (2) zones for Phase 1 and (10) zones for Phase 2. Each VAV zone will be provided with a series fan-powered terminal unit with hot water reheat coils. All return air systems will be ducted to filter grilles.
The sprinkler room will be provided with a wall-mounted electric unit heater for freeze protection and a ventilation cooling system.
The building will be provided with a partial BACNET DDC system in accordance with UFGS 23 09 23.13 20, BACnet Direct Digital Control Systems for HVAC. The partial DDC system will control all new and modified HVAC equipment and will be integrated into the existing Johnson Metasys operator workstation serving the adjacent spaces. The existing rooftop unit will be upgraded with new DDC controls, supply temperature sensor, and an outside air flow monitoring station. VAV terminal units will be provided with supply temperature sensors.
The electrical design shall be in accordance with the RFP and design guides. Design Guides include, but are not limited to: Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Building Code (IBC) 2006, National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) 2011, Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture (I3A), National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).
The existing 480Y/277V, 3 phase, 4 wire service in Building 358 will remain for reuse. An additional dry-type transformer and 208Y/120V, 3 phase, 4 wire panelboard will be provided to serve new office loads. A new circuit breaker will be provided in the main distribution panel to feed the X-ray equipment. The existing 208Y/120V, 3 phase, 4 wire service in Building 310 will remain for reuse. An additional 208Y/120V, 3 phase, 4 wire panelboard will be provided to serve new office loads. General purpose and dedicated receptacles will be provided thru out the renovated areas per the RFP.
Conductors will be type THW, THNN or THWN, with 600V insulation. Conductors will be copper. Conductors will be sized to limit the voltage drop for feeders to two percent and branch circuits to three percent. All wiring will be installed in rigid conduit except where EMT or IMC is permitted. Minimum size conduit will be ½ inch power and lighting circuits and 1 inch for communications system conduits.
All spaces will utilize energy efficient fluorescent light fixtures. The X-ray room will be provided with indirect fixtures and a “In-Use” warning light fixture. Exam rooms will be provided with controls for a minimum of two lighting levels and a occupancy indicator light outside each exam room. Occupancy sensors will be provided throughout the building with manual overrides. Emergency lights will be integral fluorescent battery packs and self contained battery packs. LED exit lights will be provided. Emergency lighting will be connected to the local lighting circuit ahead of all switches and controls.
Motors larger than 1/2 horsepower shall be three phase. Motors 1/2 horsepower and smaller shall be single phase.
A telecommunications structured support and cabling system will be provided throughout the renovated area per the RFP. Interior distribution will consist of wall outlets, pathways, CAT6 4 pair wiring and termination blocks for NIPRNET, SIPRNET, voice, non-secure voice. TV locations will be provided with secure and non-secure telecommunication outlets. Wiring will be in conduit. All work will be per EIA/TIA standards. The telecommunications design shall be coordinated with the audiovisual design.
A Public Address System will be provided in Building 358 per the RFP and will interface with the mass notification system.
The existing Electronic Security System (ESS) will be modified per the RFP. Device locations will be in accordance with Par 3 space requirements. Empty raceways, boxes and pull string will be provided in the base bid.