Facing Challenges

Nehemiah 2:10-20

1. The challenge of rebuilding ruined places. 2:11-16

four-month journey, yet Nehemiah waited to rest & understand dynamics

secret survey of the walls so as not to activate the opposition –

Ezra 4:12-21

Application to My Life:

What “wall” in your life has been knocked down that you need God to rebuild?


2. The challenge of reviving passive workers. 2:17-18

recruits teammates invested in the city’s welfare –

names the problem as OUR problem –

restore lost hope due to past failures –

two obstacles: content with how things are, “we already tried that”

invites specific action (“Let us rebuild!”)

testifies to how God is at work in the situation –

Application to My Life:

In what situation do you feel resigned and have given up hope?


3. The challenge of resisting opposition. 2:10, 19-20

Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem’s political control of the region –

tactics of demoralizing with ridicule & accusing of rebelling

Nehemiah doesn’t compromise the project –

Application to My Life:

What opposition have you encountered in serving God’s kingdom?

Life Group Discussion/Personal Meditation Questions:

Icebreaker: Tell about a scene of great destruction that you have visited.

1. Read Nehemiah 2:11. Why do you think Nehemiah waited three days after arriving before going out to see the walls?

2. Read Nehemiah 2:12-16. Why did Nehemiah need to go at night in secrecy without even telling his Jewish countrymen?

3. Read Ezra 4:12-21. How does this history from fourteen years earlier inform Nehemiah’s situation?

4. Read Nehemiah 2:17-18. What leadership principles does Nehemiah demonstrate with those who would do the work of rebuilding?

5. Why do you think the people had allowed the walls to remain ruined?

6. Read Nehemiah 2:10, 19. Why were these men in opposition? Who were they?

7. Read Nehemiah 2:20. Why did Nehemiah answer them as he did? Why not try to include them in the work of rebuilding?