Corporate Services
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers
George Square
Glasgow G2 1DU
Phone 0141 287 0900
EmailOur Ref / FOI 5228749
12 October 2015
Sent by email to
Dear Mr Gureem
Request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Thank you for your email received on7 October 2015requesting that the following information be provided to you:
“1. Who is part of your software developement and testing framework?
2. What is your spend anually for developement and testing of software?
3. Can you confirm if any further regional frameworks exist for such services in addition to the framework reffered to in question 1?
4. When are the framework(s) referred to in question 1 and/or question 3 subject to re-procurement?
5. Who is your point of contact for IT procurement?”
TheCouncil is treating your request as a request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and can respond as follows:
- Who is part of your software developement and testing framework?
The Council's ICT services are delivered through a Limited Liability Partnership called ACCESS which is a joint venture with shared ownership (49:51) between Glasgow City Council and Serco. The Council has a c. £321m, 10 year contract with ACCESS which commenced on 1 April 2008.
The ICT Services managed by ACCESS incorporate all aspects of ICT. All development and testing is carried out by ACCESS teams.
- What is your spend anually for developement and testing of software?
In accordance with Section 17 of the Act we would advise you that the information you are looking for is not held by the Council. Neither does anyone else hold it on our behalf. Accordingly we are unable to comply with this part of your request. The information you have requested is held by ACCESS who have advised that they are unwilling to disclose this information as they deem it to be commercially sensitive. Asa Limited Liability PartnershipACCESS are not subject to the Act and we are therefore unable to provide the information requested.
- Can you confirm if any further regional frameworks exist for such services in addition to the framework reffered to in question 1?
No further regional frameworks exist.
- When are the framework(s) referred to in question 1 and/or question 3 subject to re-procurement?
The Managed Services contract (part of which covers software development and testing) expires on 31/03/2018, a contract review date has not been set.
- Who is your point of contact for IT procurement?
As per response to Question 1 The ICT Services managed by ACCESS incorporate all aspects of ICT. ACCESS may be contacted through its Chief Executive Officer, Faye Shaw by email to .
If you are dissatisfied with the way Glasgow City Council has dealt with your request you are entitled to require the Council to review its decision. Please note that for a review to take place you must:
- Lodge a written requirement for a review within 40 working days of the date of this letter
- Include a correspondence address and a description of the original request and the reason why you are dissatisfied
- Address your request to the Acting Executive Director of Corporate Services:
Acting Executive Director of Corporate Services
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers
George Square
Glasgow G2 1DU
You will receive notice of the results of the review within 20 working days of receipt of your request. The notice will state the decision reached by the reviewing officer as well as details of how to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner if you are still dissatisfied with the Council’s response. You must request an internal review by the Council before a complaint can be directed to the Scottish Information Commissioner.
If you wish to submit a complaint to the Council in relation to the manner in which it has handled your request for information then you can do by requesting that the Council review its decision. Details of how to request a review are set out in the above paragraph “Right of Review”.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
On behalf of Corporate Services