MEETING:BarnardCastle Vision Board DATE: 30th May 2008
VENUE:Enterprise House,BarnardCastleTIME: 1.00pm
PRESENT: / APOLOGIES:Deborah Jenkins-Chair
Pat Graham-TDC
Andrew Walker-DCC
Sue Berresford-TDC
Simon Owens- LSP
Bill Oldfield - TM
David Blackie - LSP
Anne Allen - BC Vision
Richard Betton - TDC
Trevor Watson - TDC
Shaun Stuart - WTEA / Bob Ward - DCC
Neil Stokell - TDC
Paul Wilding - TDC
Rachel Bowles - TDC
Emma Speight - ONE
Item No / To Action
1.1 / Minutes of the last meeting held on 25th May 2008
These were agreed as a true and accurate record.
Streetscape, Sites Appraisal and Transport Studies–Meetings were taking place on the 6th and 13th June to review studies.
Broadband – A meeting had taken place with Durham Net. The inception stage for WiFi enablement of BarnardCastle had been reached. Project launch was anticipated within two months.
Non declared under this item, however see Item No. 5.12.
DJ reported on work undertaken to prepare the Business Case for Single Programme funding. An Operating Plan had been drawn up (Agenda item 7) for the Board’s consideration. The delivery team had carried out research to determine which projects could take place this year.
Asset Transfer - A report by BCTC on the transfer of specific assets from TDC ownership (Woodleigh, Scar Top, Market Place public conveniences and the Market Cross) was circulated. The report was to be taken to a meeting of BCTC on Monday 2ndJune for agreement of sites, in principle. The Board’s agreement to the Vision working in partnership with BCTC with the objective of securing sites for community benefit was noted. Partnership working with TVHC was also to be considered.
iBox– the structure had been fabricated and would be constructed and tested at a site (possibly Smiths Grove Works) in BarnardCastle. When completed, it was be sited on Galgate. Additional costs (£9-10K) for essential technical specification had been highlighted and the Board’s approval of this was noted. The correct procurement procedure would then need to be followed, also virement approval from Single Programme. TDC, as owners of the structure, would be responsible for insurance cover. The iBox would provide a tourism information service, engage, inform and consult with local people, visitors and traders through interactive electronic technology housed within the structure – Bluetooth, PCs and LCD screens. The updating/maintenance of information provision would be jointly undertaken by the Enterprise Agency and Vision communications group. A PR campaign was to be put in place in preparation for the launch.
WiFi – The enablement of BarnardCastle could go ahead, however, agreement of the Business Case for the county wide project was still being processed. BO questioned tariffs for the service and suggested that a period of ‘free’ time would encourage users. The Sub Group were to discuss further. SS suggested that the public needed to be advised of launch timescales.
Castle Lighting – The BC Vision were working in partnership with BCTC, DCC, English Heritage, and TDC on the new scheme. AnW had arranged a partnership meeting and following this DCC had agreed to draw up plans for and fund the scheme. The plans would be discussed with TDC’s Development Control officers to gauge whether permissible.
Communications – a communications group had been established and a media protocol document prepared.
Witham Hall – following a BC Vision presentation to a meeting of the trustees by DJ and WW, the trustees were keen to work in partnership with the Vision on new proposals. WW was drawing up a brief for the new design which would look to address the needs of the trustees as well as incorporating commercial viability. Negotiations on Yorkshire Bank land were due to take place in December. From a planning perspective, TW advised a cautionary approach to design proposals due to its ‘listed’ status.
BowesMuseum – work was progressing on college of restoration proposals and the creation of a pedestrian link from the town centre was to be explored.
Parish Hall – WW had had negotiations with church representatives who were keen to work with the Vision on artisan/craft proposals which would tie in with the objectives of both the Vision and the church. Further research was to be undertaken and reported back at a future Board meeting.
Project Management – a statement of income/expenditure was circulated and agreed.
A bid for preliminary expenditure had been approved by ONE.
Shaw Bank – copies of the draft brief for the master plan were circulated. TCR were considering proposals for a scheme and had approached GSK for land. AA and DJ had met with GSK to present Vision proposals for the site and following this GSK had decided not to release land to TCR until completion of the Vision’s master plan. The Vision was prepared to work with TCR to look at the whole site and AA had had meetings with Keith Jones and Phil Hughes and with their architects to encourage partnership working. TW was meeting with Keith Jones next week and invited SB and AA to attend also. RB suggested that a partnership agreement with TCR should be considered.
BarnardCastle auction mart was considering Shaw Bank as one of two sites for possible relocation (alsoland at Stainton Grove). AA was continuing to work with auction mart directors.
Startforth Park – the Home Office were considering housing development which could tie in with the Vision’s affordable/sustainable/green housing theme and withHMYOI’s construction training scheme for prisoners - to be explored.
Eco Centre – a declaration of interest from RB was noted and he did not take part in discussions. Rotters’ proposed project could be included as part of the Vision’s ‘green theme’ strand, provided a partnership agreement was in place. Vision funding of £100k had been suggested at sub group level, however the project was unlikely to be eligible for Single Programme funding. Conversations to take place with John Topliss (ONE) and Bob Ward to confirm funding position before Vision funding could be agreed. WW was the lead for this project and was to ensure it remained a collaborative partnership.
Retail Guild – an event was being organised by the Enterprise Agency (Sue Ellwood) with approximately 30 local businesses. The date was to be circulated to Board members, and confirmation of attendance was to be forwarded to DB. / Del Team
Del Team
Del Team
6.1 / Business case
Paper to be circulated to members before the next meeting on 18th July 2008. ‘Shopping list’ for capital spend had been compiled. / AA
7.2 / operating plan - confidential
SB circulated a first draft which summarised the key activities that the BCV intended to carry out during the coming year. Some additions/amendments were suggested for inclusion in the next draft, including timescales for each project.
To address Councillors concerns regarding reporting of progress, RB was to report Vision progress to date to a meeting of the Council on 30th June and thereafter regular briefing sessions would take place with Councillors to inform them of developments. / RB
8.2 / Any other business
This was to be PG’s last meeting before her period of maternity leave – the Chair presented her with a bouquet and thanked her for her valuable contribution to date.
Partnership Agreements – to be drawn up between the Vision and BCTC, TCR, Rotters and Witham Hall Trustees. / SB/AA
Friday 18thJuly 2008, 1.00pm at Enterprise House, BarnardCastle.
Minutes of BarnardCastleVision Board Meeting on 30th May 2008