/ SME DNC of Armenia/
Enterprise Europe Network Correspondence Center in Armenia / CO 10/E /
Business request
N XXXX-XXX-XX / Edition
1 / Pg.
1 / 1
  1. Company profile

Name of the company
Registration address
Activity address
Year established
Website / E-mail
Tel./fax / Contact person
Director / Position in the company
Activity / □Scientific research University
□Technical centre/Technology transfer center
□Other (clarify)
Type and size of the company / □Industry >500
□Industry >500 MNE
□Industry 250-499
□IndustryՓՄՁ ≤10
□IndustryՓՄՁ 11-49
□IndustryՓՄՁ 50-249
□Other (clarify)
□R&D Institution
Annual turnover / □ < 1mln EURO
□> 500 mln EURO
□1-10mln EURO
□10-20 mln EURO
□100-250 mln EURO
□20-50 mln EURO
□250-500 mln EURO
□50-100 mln EURO
Certification standards
  1. Technology description

Summary 1-500 characters
(technology, application, advantages, target partners, sought partnership)
Description 100-4000*

* photos can be attached (jpg, gif, png and jpeg–maximum size. 4Mb)

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
(The product and/or processes should be briefly described and the targeted prices and production throughput should be given.)
Advantages and innovations
(minimum 50 characters)
Stage of Development / □Already on the market
□Available for demonstration
□Concept stage
□Field tested/evaluated
□Project already started
□Project in negotiations-urgent
□Proposal under development
□Prototype available for demonstration
□Under development/lab tested
(Add any additional comments regarding the stage of development, if applicable. It may be useful to clarify in greater detail the exact stage of development and/or any factors that require consideration.)
Profile origin / □ CIP
□ FP4
□ FP5
□ FP5
□ FP7
□National R&D program
□Other European R&D program
□Private (in-house research)
□Regional R&D program
(only one choice) / □Copyright
□Design rights
□Exclusive rights
□Granted patents or patent application essential
□Patents applied for but not yet granted
□Patents granted
□Secret know-how
□Trade marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status
(In this field, add any additional comments regarding the status of intellectual property rights (IPR), if applicable.)
  1. Application

Technology keywords
(Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the client.)
Market keywords
(Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the client.)
Activity (NACE code)
(Choose one keywords applicable to the client’s activity.)
Restrict dissemination to specific countries
  1. Type of partnership considered

Type and Role of Partner Sought
Type and size of partner sought / □>500
□>500 MNE
□R&D Institute
□SME <10
□SME 11-50
Type of cooperation sought(May be selected more than 1 type of cooperation)
□Acquisition Agreement
□Commercial Agreement
□Distribution Agreement
□Financial Agreement
□ Franchise Agreement
□Joint venture Agreement
□License Agreement
□ Manufacturing Agreement
□ Outsourcing Agreement
□ Reciprocal production
□ Services Agreement
□ Subcontracting

I confirm that I am entitled to release the information provided on this form. I understand that it will be stored electronically and be made accessible to interested parties.
Name, Position

Date Signature

SME DNC of Armenia/Enterprise Europe Network Correspondence Center in Armenia

Address` 5a M. Mkrtchyan0010 Yerevan, Tel.: (+374 10) 54 16 48, 56 37 14, fax: (+374 10) 54 16 42,

e-mail: , URL: