Notes on a meeting held on the 8th March 2018
The monthly meeting of Bassingham Parish Council was held in the Hammond Tower, on Thursday the 8th of March 2018, at 7:30pm. Councillors Baker (Chair),Woodward, Barnett,Finch,Vickers, Green, District Councillors Howe And Woodman M.B.E.County Councillor Overton M.B.E. and 1member of the public were present.
District Councillors Woodman M.B.E. and Howe updated the meeting on the works of NKDC.
County Councillor Overton M.B.E. updated the meeting on the works of LCC.
Public Session: There were no matters raised by the public this month.
Apologies were received from Councillors Brown, Bell and Wall.
MAR 18:1. The minutes of the February 2018 meeting were confirmed as a correct record and duly signed.
MAR 18:2. Review of actions from last months meeting.
- The new village website was not ready for the Annual Parish Meeting
- The Archer surveys and junction change requests had been submitted to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
- The waste bins had been ordered.
- The fitting of the waste bins have been ordered.
- The tree works order had been placed.
MAR18:3.There was no financial report this month.
MAR 18:4. The Council commented on the following Planning Applications received from NKDC:
REF: 18/0145/FUL.
Proposal: Change of use from office (B1) to retail (A1).
Location: 4A High Street Bassingham.
The Council fully supported this application and stated that it complied with policy EB1 of the Bassingham Neighbourhood Development Plan.
MAR 18:5. Hammond Hall Report:The Manager of the Hammond Hall gave a report (attached) on the Hammond Hall Complex for the month of January.
MAR 18:6. Health And Safety: There was nothing to report this month.
MAR 18:7. Personnel Committee:Councillor Barnett informed the meeting that the staff appraisal had taken place.
MAR18:8.Marketing Committee: Councillor Green informed the meeting that the website should be available for the Council to view from week commencing 19th March 2018.
MAR 18:9. Speed Indicator Devices:Councillor Vickers updated the meeting on the deployment of the Speed Indicator Devices.
MAR 18:10. Village and Playing Field Charity:Councillor Green gave a report (attached) on the Bassingham Village and Playing Field Charity meeting that took place on Monday the 5th March 2018.
MAR 18:11. It was resolved to hold the Annual Village Spring Clean on Saturday 7th April at 9am.
MAR 18:12. The Clerk updated the meeting on the responsibilities of the Council regarding the changes to the Data Protection Act.
MAR 18:13. It was resolved to authorise the Marketing Committee of Bassingham Parish Council to incur expenditure of up to £1,000 for the advertisement of and unforeseen additions to the new village website under Section 144 of the Local Government Act 1972.
MAR18:14. It was resolved to sign the orders for payment (attached). A query was raised re. the amount of the LALC payment & the payment due for the payment of the window cleaner appeared to have been omitted form the direct debit payment awaiting authorisation- the Chairman to discuss with the RFO on his return.
MAR 18:15. Correspondence:
There was no correspondence this month.
MAR 18:16. Clerks Report:
Residents experiencing difficulties with the changeover to Universal Credit can access help from the Local Access Point in the Hammond Hall.
A big thank you to all the residents who looked out for their elderly neighbours making sure they had food and heat in the recent cold snap.
MAR 17:17. Information from Councillors:
The hedge at Whites Lane had still not been cut back and was causing a nuisance to motorists.
The corner of Greens Store on the High Street needed gritting.
A grit bin needed placing in Battersby Close.
A disabled person had been seen not picking up dog waste while walking their dog with a wheel chair, there was equipment available to help them do this.
The meeting closed at 8:47pm