PennaethGwasanaethauCwsmeriaid a Chorfforaethol/
Head of Corporate and Customer Services
Trevor Coxon LLB (Hons) Birm Solicitor
Neuadd y Dref, Wrecsam, LL11 1AYGuildhall, Wrexham, LL11 1AY DX: 721924-WREXHAM 4
Ffacs/Fax: 01978 292207
Luke Jacobs
/ EichCyf/Your Ref
EinCyf/Our Ref / FOI6288
Dyddiad/Date / 14September 2016
Gofynner am/Ask for / Alison Hayes
Rhif Union/Direct Dial
CyfnewidTestun/Text Relay:
E-bost/E-mail / 01978 292167
Dear Mr Jacobs
Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
This is an acknowledgement that Wrexham County Borough Council has received and validated your request for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on13September 2016. You requested information on:
Dear Wrexham County Borough Council,
I am interested in the amounts paid by each school in Wrexham County Borough Council in relation to temporary teacher staffing cover / agency costs.
My hope is to receive an electronic breakdown of amounts paid by each school from the Consistent Financial Reporting System for each school. The specific CFR codes I would like to examine are CFR02 - Supply Teachers and CFR26 - Agency Supply Staff. In addition could you please include the number of pupils (enrollment size) at each school in another column.
I would like the information in an electronic format MS Excel please.
The information I require for each school is: School name, CFR02 annual total and CFR26 annual total.
If possible, please could the spend be broken down by primary, secondary, Nursery and Special Needs schools and/or any other classification of school as well?
I would like the information to cover the year 2015/2016.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Under the Act, we have 20 working days to comply with your request, and you should expect a full response by 11 October 2016.
You should be aware that the Council is entitled to charge a fee for dealing with your request, in the unlikely event that it costs the Council £450 or more to deal with it.
We will let you know if this is likely, before proceeding. Also, the Council has a right to make a charge on all requests, to cover the cost of disbursements, including photocopying and postage, and a list of our charges is enclosed.
We will notify you if there is a need to extend the time limit for responding to your request, and give you an estimate of when you can expect to receive a full response.
Please find enclosed the leaflet ‘Guidance Note for Applicants’ that explains our process in dealing with requests.
Yours sincerely
Trevor Coxon
Head of Corporate and Customer Services
ByddwnynymatebiunrhywohebiaethynGymraeg ac nifyddhynynarwain at unrhywoedi.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh.
We will respond to any correspondence in Welsh and this will not lead to any delay.