Mrs. Olson
Class Syllabus 2013-2014
Integrated Science
Text: Integrated Science (Stockton Edition)
Integrated Science Binder: This year you will be asked to keep a science binder. All notes, homework, handouts, quizzes and tests will be kept in this binder. This binder may be dedicated to integrated science or a part of another binder. Dividers will be used for each unit and can be made cheaply with sticky notes, or purchased. If you are unable to make this purchase, some notebooks are available from the teacher.
Binder Organization:
1st section: Course syllabus, lab safety contract, absence contract, and reference sheets
2nd section and beyond: Unit schedule/learning targets, outlines or lecture guides, other coursework
How does a typical unit in Integrated Science look?
At the beginning of each unit you will receive a schedule and an outline. The schedule looks very much like a college syllabus showing what will be done in class each day, the assigned homework and all important vocabulary and learning targets. This should help you stay organized and always know when and what is assigned. The schedule is a great study guide; you can use the vocabulary and the learning targets found on the schedule to make flash cards.
The outline is a packet of daily worksheets that review and introduce critical topics. Typically, one part of the outline is assigned every day (check the schedule). To complete this outline you can watch a 5-10 min screen cast online (a screen cast is a video of me going over each outline) or use the textbook. Screen casts, schedules and the outline can be found at You may use your outline on the daily quizzes, so it is a benefit to you if you have them done on time.
Homework & Notes: Assignments will be given daily. It will be unusual not to have homework. Assignments due to an excused absence may be made up. It is your responsibility to figure out what you have missed and get any assignments. You may need to schedule additional time to see me outside of class if you missed a test, lab or class activity. The number of days missed for an excused absence will be the number of days you will have to complete the assignments. Late work may be turned in during the current unit for partial credit (subtract 10% for each day late, excluding weekends). After completion of the unit all missing assignments will turn into Zeros. Notes are an important tool to ensure comprehension and are mandatory.
Planners: Organization is essential to support your academic coursework. You should use a planner to keep track of assignments, due dates, test dates, etc.
Tests: A test will be given approximately every 2-4 weeks.
Labs: Laboratory assignments are a major component of the course evaluation. A large portion of the lab grade is devoted to analysis of data. You will demonstrate your knowledge of the content through writing. Written answers should be legible, cohesive and in complete sentences.. If you miss a lab you will need to attend a lab make-up. Lab make-ups will be completed during lunch or after school on designated days. Not all labs may be made up though you are responsible for the content.
Semester grades will be determined by:
Homework/Class work………….……………………………….20%
The following Grade Scale will be used:
Any grade <60 is an F
Help: I am available at lunch and after school for help. I am on campus before school, but typically setting up a lab. Feel free to stop by and see if I am available.
Attendance/Bathroom Policy: In high school, you are given more responsibility and it is essential to learn self-regulation. I will not give “passes” for bathroom trips – instead, you may go when necessary. If you abuse this freedom, I will step in to help you learn to regulate your behavior. What this regulation is may vary for each student.
Athletics/Extracurricular Activities: You must get all of your assignments BEFORE you leave.
Remember your schedule is your friend! If you miss a day chances are you can have the homework completed on the day you get back if you check your schedule and watch the screen cast.
Planned Absences Contract: I, ______(student’s name), understand that leaving school for extracurricular activities, vacation or other planned absences means that I am responsible for obtaining class work and homework before I leave. I understand the following:
- Absences less than 2 days long can be brought to the teacher’s attention before, or up to the day before the absence begins
- Absences more than 2 days long need to be brought to the teacher’s attention at least a week in advance
- Failing to inform the teacher of an absence will cause missed work to be treated as late (grade deduction by 10% per day late)
- If missing a test or quiz, the test/quiz needs to be taken BEFORE leaving
- Lab Make-ups can be done on specified dates from the teacher; however, alternate assignments may be necessary if the lab cannot be made up
- Extended absences may require alternative assignments and assessments
Please review this with your child so that the expectations are clear. Please sign below and return to Mrs. Olson by ______
I agree & understand the syllabus & will bring any questions/concerns to the teacher immediately.
Student Name PrintedStudent Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name PrintedParent/Guardian Name Signature Date
PLEASE BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY- Notebook: It is required that you keep all of your work organized in a binder. This can be part of another binder but must be organized with tabs.
- Homework: Make sure you have a designated location for homework.
- Pencils & Pens– mechanical or regular, sharpened (you would be surprised how many students forget these)