Chapter 1: The Secret of the Inner Voice

Our true potential exists in all of us and when it finds expression it is called genius!

The three steps: 1) We can’t solve or identify our problems with our conscious mind; 2) Allow ourselves to be guided by our “Inner Voice”; 3) Must quiet our minds and go inside ourselves, Beyond the noise

-Do it. Proceed until further guidance. Recognize that we are successful when we feel a sense of peace coming over us.

Withhold judgment; choose to listen by going inside:

Inner knowledge is available to us: the whole body of knowledge is available if we expand our efforts to listen, however we have trained ourselves not to “go inside” and listen; become aware of our inner guide

Where do we find the answers? Go inside and open your mind, Help is everywhere-music, poetry, Friends, Strangers, enemies, nature, billboards, etc.

-must listen to our inner guide, no matter what form the answer takes

-the particular form or medium is determined by our background, education, current interest or talents

-must accept that the Inner Voice is as close as our next thought; tune into the channel and be willing to hear the answer

Chapter 2: Beginning to Listen

There seems to be two voices: we talk to ourselves, taking both sides of an internal conversation

-daily busy mind is restless, prejudging; contemplative, insightful side sees order, joy, harmony, is creative and intuitive

-the less importance we give to prejudging, and remain open-minded, the sooner the first voice fades

-Be open to the answer in any form; be an observer of our thoughts and what they are based on

-all thoughts are from one of these two sources; if the mind is preoccupied, make a list to quiet the mind

Examples of the two voices: first voice is based on fear=not good advice; Second voice is calm, reassuring

Second voice is the true guide: the small still voice, The inner guide, infinite intelligence, Intuition

Chapter 3: How do I Contact my Inner Guide?

-try following your inner guidance/intuition for a whole day, and see what happens; Watch your mind, determine which of voice your thoughts are based on; decide what to do depending on the source

-Second voice is slow and calm, does not give instructions; it asks questions for further clarification

Fear the basis for first voice: main reason for listening to the first voice is fear; how are you feeling?

Peace the basis for second voice: fear shouldnt be the basis for your decisions; wait for more information

-make decisions by consulting your inner voices, the first gets quieter with time and eventually fades

Process not lengthy or difficult: make the decision to totally rely on your inner guide and it will happen

-Only trust and faith in its guidance is required; opened your mind, be willing and receptive

Process not fearful: be at ease rather than fearful; opportunities rather than tests

Inner guide never tests us: don’t follow the guidance that is fearful; should be easy, and not a sacrifice

-If you feel fearful, ask for guidance; inner voice guides towards peace, Certainty and joy

The first voice fades: it’s rapid, fearful and busy nature becomes easier to recognize
-it contrasts with your calm, assuring and friendly second voice; pre-judgment decreases

-you begin to experience wonderful things Beyond what could have imagined by following the small voice

Our inner guide can help, even when we don’t consciously ask:

Loving my brothers and sisters is natural: send love rather than judgment; Love is the key

A “Course in Miracles” is helpful: Voice approachable by many names: music, a meditation, discussion

Chapter 4: 10 Suggestions for Better Listening

1. We need to be still

2. Have no investment in the answer

3.Listen with assurance

4.Gods voice is everywhere

5.Accept the answer, be patient

6.There is only one voice

7. If in doubt, “keep listening”

8. Proceed if at peace

9. Listen for reassurance

10. Daily devotion

-accept responsibility for our present perceptions; be willing to see another way

-set time aside during each day to get in touch with our inner guide; 30 minutes morning and evening

-write down what you hear, read it later; all efforts will be rewarded; our messages are for us, Not others

-if we see someone in need, ask our guide how to see that person differently; what we see in others we are also seeing in ourselves
-if we are confused about how to help, our guide will showed away and provide the proper opportunity

Chapter 5: Seeming difficulties in listening

Hidden, preconceived answers: we may ask for guidance, but we have the answer already formed

-at a higher level the answers we hold secret, Even from ourselves, Are incorrect; let them go

-Our inner guy affirms thoughts that are true because they are in alignment with our higher self

Our “split minds” seem real: we identify with the part that is out of contact with Source

-guilt and fear cause some ideas/beliefs to be forced below the conscious level, Hidden from us

-Willingness to seek out these separated thoughts allow us to see the illusion; the truth unfolds

Truth and illusions seem to be in conflict: ilusions cause conflict= incompatible with reality
-truth is a natural state; it exists when we no longer try to support Ilusions

-Willingness to accept truth is all that is necessary for its revelation, experience and understanding

Short periods of disorientation may come: as we seek a different reality; not willing to give up old beliefs

-we stand between two belief systems; effort to listen causes confusion, which can be discouraging
-must go through this period of imbalance every time we we pattern our behavior; sign of real change

Tendency to preplan: the way will be shown to us; to decide our own path is preplanning
-willingness to hear; let what is happening be the way we follow, Open to new directions
-following our happiness and inner peace always places us on the proper path

Chapter 6: 15 Listening Principles-a checklist

1.Banish preconceived ideas-make a clean slate

2. Monitor thoughts for grievances-Real or perceived

3. Accept others-learn to trust

4. All things aid in discovering Truth-keep an open mind

5. stay with seeking- Don’t give up

6. Allow ideas to flow-be a river

7. Identify the problem-Seek deeply and honestly

8. Do not rush the answer-be patient, not a patient

9. the Answer is for us, not others

10. The Answer will come, be sure

11. Real goal is truth-have no other goal

12. Open-mindedness is the key-willingness turns it on

13. Record thoughts for study

14. Rely on the gift, it belongs to us

15. guidance is dependable-we have more than we use

Chapter 7: Is it working?

1. We will have a warm glow

2. There will be no pressure

3. Everything flows

4. Others will agree

5. Serendipity occurs

6. Ideas keep returning

7. Listening and blessing are the same-whenever we listen and use what we receive, we will find blessings far beyond anything we could conceive without our inner guide
-listening gives answers to what is troubling us
-listened because of the wonderful insights of this experience gives us
-listen because it offers a path to peace and joy
-the truth in all situations comes to bless us and others around us