Strategies to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

Scope and Sequence-Survey Term 3 2010-09-09

Please complete and place in Therese’s pigeon hole by Monday of Week 10 20th September

K-P / / Year 1/2 / / Year 3 / / Year 4/5 / / Year 6/7 /
Introduce New Strategy / T Chart
Y Chart
Think Pair Share / T Chart
Y Chart
6 Thinking Hats
Noisy/Quiet Round Robin / Q Matrix
Think Pair Share
Alpha Ladder / Silent Card Shuffle
PCQ Chart
Double bubble Map
Thinkers Keys / Cause-Effect Maps
Concept Maps
Tournament Prioritis
Word Association
Decision Matrix
Venn Diagrams
Hot Potato
Structured Overview
Graphic Outline
Mind Map
Consolidate and Extend / Think Pair Share / T Chart
Y Chart
6 Thinking Hats
Think Pair Share
Noisy/Quiet Round Robin / Q Matrix
Think Pair Share
Alpha Ladder
T Chart
Y Chart
6 Thinking Hats
Think Pair Share
Noisy/Quiet Round Robin / Silent Card Shuffle
PCQ Chart
Double Bubble Map
Thinkers Key
Q Matrix
Think Pair Share
Alpha Ladder
T Chart
Y Chart
6 Thinking Hats
Think Pair Share
Noisy/Quiet Round Robin

Higher Order Thinking Staff Survey Term 3 2010

17 staff members responded to this survey, the results are listed below:

1.  Did you find the broad brush planning sessions useful?

82% said yes 18% said no

2.  Have you used the broad brush planning in other subject areas? 59% said yes 41% said no.

3.  Would you find a follow up session useful in 2011 focussed on another learning area ie S&E? 71% said yes and 29% said no.

4.  Have you used the ITC online resource? 41% said yes 59% said no.

Was it useful? 29% said yes 12% said no.

5.  Would you like the school to continue to purchase ITC Diaries again for 2011? After discussion with Lyn it has been decided that those teachers that would like the diary to use as a daily workpad will need to order their own. The school has purchased them for five years now and many staff have indicated that they only use them for the HOTS ideas, however these are the same each year and it is assumed that teachers will look back into their old diaries for these ideas.

6.  Do you find the HOTS Board in the staffroom useful and would you like it to continue in 2011? 59% said yes 41% said no.

7.  Give some suggestions for the HOTS coordinator to focus on in 2011.

·  In class session to support class teacher

·  Make resources such as charts and games to support HOTS

·  Display other resources

·  Session for K-P area

·  Link a reading series with HOTS activities

·  More sharing of ideas

·  No more PD

The scope and sequence chart shows that everyone is on track with implementing the required HOTS strategies throughout each year level.

Thank you to everyone that responded to the survey,

Therese Cianfrini